June 09, 2005

X-Men 3 good news

XMen.jpgThe X-Men 3 news is coming thick and fast, and leaping from good to bad in the space of days. The latest is from IESB through Comic Book Movie and is an interview with Fox Filmed Entertainment Chairman Tim Rothman regarding a few projects, the interview is in video format, but here's the highlights:

The script is strong and good, almost finished but they are making some small changes.
The script includes a lot on Dark Pheonix, she's big in it.
Very pleased with Ratner and believe he will deliver well and on time.
Magneto and Wolverine spin offs will come.
Next big movie is Silver Surfer, and he'll be silver.

Great news. Rothman goes on to say that it's all about the script and you have to stay true to the material. All good words, let's hope we see them soon, especially on Silver Surfer.

IESB also collared Simon Kinberg:

Shooting in 6-7 weeks, not much time for script changes.
Dark Pheonix has a big part in the movie.
Secondary plot in the movie, as big as the others.
AICN was first 88 pages of rough draft written months before. This one is different from that.
Gambit is not a big character.
Kitty Pride, Angel, Beast, Juggernaut are bigger characters.
Tougher, grittier script.

Much, much better news. Are we all back on board now?

Posted by at June 9, 2005 03:07 AM


Magneto spinoff? Sweet!

This does calm my nerves a little , but I still am not a big fan of Ratner.

Posted by: Pudie at June 9, 2005 09:44 AM

Oh come on, Gambit is the best character ever... I hate to see that he is not a "big" character. However, the rest of that news does sound pretty good to me.

They just know that Gambit and the Xternals would have to be a movie all in itself.

Posted by: Ryan at June 9, 2005 10:37 AM

i wounder whats gonna happen with rogue i mean since her and bobby (iceman) have something goin on well in the books her and gambit have something pretty serious goin on so i wounder if shes gonna change her mind on iceman and go to gambit??

Posted by: venommm at June 9, 2005 11:51 AM

I wish Gambit had a bigger part. I think Gambit is one of the best characters too. Angel and Beast aren't that interesting you know. Juggernaut should be good though.

Posted by: Joe at June 9, 2005 06:58 PM

Oh yes gamit is so cool, and i love the phoneix she is so hard and almost unbeatable

Posted by: Ant and nichola at June 11, 2005 11:05 AM

y dont they start mixing these movies up a little like they did in the comic books.

they should have a 'Secret Wars' movie, with the fantastic four, x-men, and spider-man, and many more. were they all team up and fight the super villans as all the supervillians team up. that is were spidey gets the symbiote suite thus leading to spider-man 4 with venom.

Posted by: mgs3 at June 13, 2005 12:58 PM


Posted by: LOKI at June 21, 2005 06:50 PM

They are ruining this movie by not making Gambit a big character. If Singer were still here, he'd make Gambit one of the main plots because he knows the fans have been waiting for Gambit.

You know what other good plot might save X3? Well, besides Gambit, that is. Introduce the Hellfire Club with Bradshaw and Emma Frost and have Phoenix brainwashed as a member.

That would be semi-cool.

Posted by: Erica at June 22, 2005 03:42 PM

One of the biggest asked questions so far about X3 is what going on with Phoenix/Jean Grey. Pheonix has unbelievable, uncontrollable powers. We saw at the end of X2 how Jean survived the water incident by becoming Pheonix. What I didn't know was how were they going to arrange x3 with her in it along with the new characters. Was She going to do some good or be bad?

Posted by: D.S. at June 24, 2005 02:47 AM

Collusius didn't have a huge role in X2. How big is his role now. Saving the kids and watching them seem to boring for me. If any X Men is newly added to their team, it should be Collusius. And of all, bring back Sabretooth. Logan hasn't had a good fight since Sabretooth was killed.

Posted by: D.S. at June 24, 2005 02:53 AM

i want gambit to beint he movie !!!!!!he is the best character , i wonder what has take them so long to put him in the movie

Posted by: Alexa at June 24, 2005 04:46 AM

I think ROUGE should meet MS.MARVEL in this movie

Posted by: samx at July 5, 2005 03:15 AM

A couple of weeks ago this was the cast for x-men 3.

James Marsden - Scott Summers/Cyclops
Hugh Jackman - Logan/Wolverine
Famke Janssen - Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos - Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Alan Cumming - Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Anna Paquin - Rogue
Patrick Stewart - Professor Charles Xavier
Ian McKellen - Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto
Taylor Cole - Scarlet Witch
Kristanna Loken - Dazzler
Hannah Groves - Rita
Lindsay Lohan - Jubilee
Shawn Ashmore - Bobby Drake/Iceman
Aaron Stanford - John Allerdyce/Pyro
Daniel Cudmore - Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Colossus
Richard Hoggard - Dominic Petros / Avalanche

Alot has changed since then. It is said that halle berry is in it. Maggie grace & alan cumming are out. they are looking for a emma and gambiT AND ANGEL. the new character in the movie is stacy x !

Posted by: Frederick at July 8, 2005 04:09 PM

what on earth are these people thinking taking out one of the coolest characters in x men, nightcrawler if they dont get alan cumming back at least get somone to be nightcrawler he is by far my favorite character and give the guy the old costume with a red liatard and white gloves dont put him in a suit

Posted by: Sean Cunniff at July 9, 2005 02:39 PM

i personally am wondering wut in the world r they thinking putting lindsey lohann as jubilee!!!! lets not make the movie gay! o yeah and did ne one else notice that in xmen 2 bobby drakes little bro wore a shirt with a pic of the pheonix on it?

Posted by: Michael at July 15, 2005 01:55 PM

I am still wondering...will Rogue get any new powers, cuz to tell you the truth I wuld rather have her kicking ass then just standing back in battle(Especially since they are saying they might be fighting Centenalz,remember the big robotz)....Oh, and I am so disturbed because I was expecting Gambit to play a bigger part! Watta bummer.

THat linzy lohhan girl better "just" be a roomer cuz she would ruin the movie playing that part... besides jubilee is Asian, and she was in the first two movies.

Posted by: EJ at July 18, 2005 04:47 AM

Well, all I have to say is that I think X-Men is a HUGE success in the movie franchise. I would love to be one of the first people to see the third edition and now there's three, I guess they'll stop as this is now a Trilogy. X-Men has always enlightened me and the movie is great for me because I'd love to be one of those mutants with extraordinary powers! Wouldn't you? If I was given a power, I'd have FIRE as I love it to bits, some people call me a Pyro, but there you go. If you were given a power, what would it be? Discuss.

Posted by: God4areason at August 8, 2005 10:53 AM

I am glad that they are making another X-Men movie, but am concerned about it alot. I am glad that they are adding in characters that were missing.... But I remember that in the last movie that was just made, Mistique was on a computer getting names and that Remy LeBeau was on the list.... and for him to not have more than just a minor role just like Jubes had in the first movie or the second is crap cause her looking for names shows for more reason for him to have a bigger part and would imply more for his character role. And since Bobby is going to Pryde distancing himself from Rouge, then it is all the more reason for Gambit to have a bigger part in the movie.

Posted by: J at August 15, 2005 04:02 PM