June 14, 2005

Who Gives a Rip About Katie Holmes!?!

Holmes7.jpgI am at a total loss as to why anyone gives a flying rat's rump about Katie Holmes. She's worse than being famous for being famous... she's famous for... well nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she's a very nice person, will make a wonderful addition to those nutty Scientologists and produce healthy babies so that the Cruise gene may carry on. But other than that why on earth ANYONE pays any attention to this "B" list actress is completely beyond my grasp.

I'm not saying that she's an ugly girl.... not by a long shot, but I'd hardly classify her as "hot". Not to mention... she reeks of mediocrity as an actress. Her film career to this point has been a joke, and even the "ok" movies she's been in (not many of them) she's failed to impress anyone (First Daughter or Abandon anyone?).

And before any of you Dawson's Creek disciples start raging on me... don't start defending her just because she was in your favorite brain dead tv show (I'm a Star Wars fanatic but I'm not about to call Mark Hamill a great actor).

So seriously... I feel like I'm the only guy in the room who doesn't get the punch line. Why does anyone get excited or interested in her? What's the big deal?!?! Good grief, she's even the only negative thing about the Batman trailers so far. What's the deal?

Posted by John Campea at June 14, 2005 08:20 AM


katie holmes? who cares? i thought wonder boys was a pretty good flick but i haven't seen her in ANYTHING else worth a damn. now she's leeching off of a middle aged scientologist quack for some added fame; or is it love? WHO GIVES A F*CK?

Posted by: jason at June 14, 2005 09:50 AM

katie holmes as wonder woman, she is like a twig, i mean angela jolie would make a better wonder woman since shes more muscular and were used to seeing her in action movies anyway.

Posted by: snake at June 14, 2005 10:17 AM

Wow, you guys can be mean. Sure, she hasn't shown a wide range in her acting ability and yes, she isn't helping her reputation by parading with Tom Cruise.

But she has been in good movies, the underrated "Wonderboys" and the charming "Go." Granted, she didn't do anything spectacular in either film, but I think she's young enough to develop her craft.

Besides, there are worse celebrities out there--Linsey Lohan, Hillary Duff, Paris Hilton?

Posted by: Jose at June 14, 2005 10:44 AM

you make a good point she is still young but she should not take up big movie's if she can't handle it.

But maybe she can, it all rides on how well she does in batman for her career in action movie's

p.s. i didn't see house of wax but putting hilton in a movie is the worst idea ever. I mean have you ever seen her first movie(yes the home made movie) the only shoot she has is that of commercials.

Posted by: snake eater at June 14, 2005 10:53 AM

Yeah dude, that's rather harsh. She's not famous for being famous... whether you rate her or not, she is at least an actress. As someone else said, she's many times better than the likes of Paris Hilton. Or likes of The Timberlake, etc.

Cut her some slack, man.

Posted by: JohnW at June 14, 2005 11:12 AM

Hey guys.

I don't think i'm being harsh. I'm not saying she sucks. All I'm saying is that she's "B" grade actress at best, with no notible successes in her film career.... and yet the media is treating her right now as if she's the second coming of Julia Roberts. Why is she getting any attention at all?

Posted by: John Campea at June 14, 2005 11:19 AM

did u just ask y is she getting attention

i think it has something to do with this guy i heard about, i think his name goes something like tom and then ..... aww dang i knew it had something to do with boats or the ocean or somethin .....oh ya cruise his name is Tom Cruise

Posted by: snake eater at June 14, 2005 11:26 AM

Tom Cruise is practically the only American prince there is left today (and his luster is fading lately), so it's sorta like Prince Charles (only better looking and more outgoing) when he hooked up with Diana. The case can be made that Katie could potentially, should she marry Tom, become the new Diana. Think about it. Glamourous and pretty, but (in Diana's own words here) as dumb as a plank. Okay, I think Katie is a bit more savvy than that, and so was Diana when it came to using the media for her own purposes. I think Katie is under Tom's svengali wing so she can finally be seen as a woman, not a perpetual teen in flicks. Every movie role she's taken to date besides the Batman one was for an older teen not a young woman or a grown up or even a sexy, confident woman. She projects none of the confidence a woman her age and acting experience should. She simply needs to be led and taught how to grow into being a woman before our eyes. And who's better at leading women into their own than Tommy Boy? I don't believe their romance is great or leading to anything, but I can see where they both benefit from this relationship and where it could be a genuine crush on each other... for a short time, at least.

Posted by: Lilly at June 14, 2005 12:38 PM

shut up lilly

Posted by: snake eater at June 14, 2005 12:52 PM

Lily - step away from the crack pipe.

Posted by: Prophecy at June 14, 2005 01:49 PM

*reads Lilly's post*

*brain melts*

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 14, 2005 02:35 PM

Pieces of April was good. As was The Ice Storm (although her part was small) and Wonderboys. Also in the not bad category: Go and The Gift.

She's made some real crap it's true. But most of hollywood (especially young hollywood) has one or more stinkers. Not that that excuses Teaching Mrs. Tingle but...

In any case, I'm in the camp of "Why is this happening at all?" He's a creepy, creepy guy and she's stepping right into all of it. And for some inexplicable reason I feel bad that she is doing this to herself.

Posted by: frobly at June 14, 2005 03:17 PM

Thou giveth with one hand John, and taketh away with the other.

See, I don't reckon she's a B-grade actress. C-grade at best. So you were being quite generous there. But I've not seen anyone claim otherwise; the only reason she's getting attention is because of her personal life. In movie reviews, everyone seems to be fairly level-headed when it comes to her performance/talent. I've not read any comparison between her and Julia... because that'd be just daft.

Posted by: JohnW at June 14, 2005 03:31 PM

Katie who?

Posted by: poodle at June 14, 2005 04:35 PM

Katie Holms is the talk of the town because and ONLY because she's dating Tom Cruise. If she was only promoting Batman we'd only be seeing her on daytime and nighttime talk shows for interviews. Instead she's all over the media locking lips with Curise, which I'm sorry, is tacky. I enjoy PDA when I'm with my boyfriend, but there is no tonsil hockey for the public eyes to see. You are supposed to get over that stuff after high school.

Lily - I understand where you're coming from, but Tom Cruise is no way "America's prince" - but thank you for the hardy giggle I'm having a bad day.
If Katie needs his help to grow into a woman then she's not a very strong person and it's actually an insulting thought if she's using this relationship as that kind of avenue.

JohnW - I totally agree wtih you, she is a C-grade actress.

Let's face it folks she's 26 years old and what has she done for her career after Dawson's Creek? Not a whole hell of a lot. Then again with her lack of growth as an actress she needed to pay the bills somehow. If I was her I would've spent my down time in acting classes.

There is one upside - she got to work with Michael Cain and if she was smart she may have learned a thing or two from him. The man is a wonderful acting teacher, so maybe, just maybe she'll show a smidge of promise in the Batman movie. I'm not holding my breath because her appearences in the trailers make me cringe, but we'll see.........

I plan to be at the theater tomorrow night!

Posted by: Meli at June 14, 2005 04:58 PM

Katie Holms rocks!!!
you all suck :)

who really cars?

Posted by: louis at June 14, 2005 05:13 PM

"and yet the media is treating her right now as if she's the second coming of Julia Roberts."

When did Julia Roberts become a good actress?

Posted by: Pudie at June 14, 2005 05:15 PM

Funny that you say this, since some people feel the same way about the manish terrible actress that is Jennifer Garner

Posted by: jeff at June 14, 2005 05:23 PM

On the Subject of mark Hamil and Star wars, Check out Corvette Summer, It's not too bad, and another example of a hamil stunning perfomance (*chuckles*) If your a car nut, trust me, you'll enjoy it. Unless of course, you hate to see a classic corvette stingray butchered by a high school shop class.

Posted by: Tim at June 14, 2005 05:39 PM

Okay, thanks for the insults. Just because your opinon is in complete contrast doesn't mean I'm going to tell you to shut up, nor would I. That would be rude and immature. You don't have to share my opinion, but since it is a semi-free world, I can post them online without expecting to be insulted for them, you fucktards. Grow up. Grow a braincell or two. Please.

You're just jealous. ;-)

Posted by: Lilly at June 14, 2005 06:27 PM

I love the grow up comeback; a classic.

You could say that the comments were rude and you aren't immature enough to sink to our levels, okay, fine, I admit my comment was unjustified but I don't care, but tacking on 'you fucktards' kind of blacks out any kind of maturity you might be trying to present.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 14, 2005 07:29 PM

Hey, I never claimed to mature. Just like I never claimed to be nice. Ask John. He'll back me on that one. :-)

Posted by: Lilly at June 14, 2005 08:13 PM

Actually I find Katie Holmes to be disturbingly attractive. Not in that "supermodel airbrushed fake" kind os beautiful, but beautiful because of her normality.

I have always been an advocate that flaws make a person interesting and the same goes for looks. Katie isnt "typical" beautiful, but I prefer that. She has her own thing, and it works for her. I like her offscreen and onscreen personality.

Why is she getting all this attention? She is a supporting actress in one of the Summer's most anticipated films, AND shes dating a much older man (age gaps in celeb dating is trendy so its ok) AND that old guy is staring in a big budget movie this summer as well.

Its just marketing. I wouldnt be suprised if their relationship was a publicity scheme. But then they could actually fall in love anyways and sell the rights to make it into a Freddie Prinze Jr Movie.

Posted by: Rodney at June 14, 2005 08:26 PM

For what it's worth she does have one of the sexiest smiles I'll ever lay my eyes on.

Posted by: Pudie at June 14, 2005 08:59 PM

Uh, John, you're not alone. Hardly anybody cares about her, and the average person is mystified as to why Tom Cruise is trying to make us care about her.

In the news about a sequel to Batman Begins, there was concern about who would be returning, and Katie Holmes was mentioned as being interested in returning -- yet nobody wants her back. In fact, we would rather that there be a new love interest for Bruce Wayne in the next film. I find her to be the only thing about Batman Begins that I count as negative, and I'm a huge Batman fan. Nolan should have cast Holmes' "Creek" co-star Michelle Williams instead, because Williams is a better actor, has stronger screen presence, and has been appearing in some interesting indie flicks since the end of "Creek".

Posted by: Franklin at June 14, 2005 10:46 PM

I have to jump in and defend Katie Holmes. Yeah, she hasn't been in the best movies but she is no Paris Hilton. I really enjoyed her performance in "Pieces of April". And why shouldn't people be interested in someone from a successful television show? I think she's young, has potential, and doesn't deserve all the flack. (But if she wants a successful career she take notes from Nicole and step away from the career controlling Tom Cruise).

Posted by: Erin at June 14, 2005 10:47 PM

Franklin - Im pretty sure Holmes was the choice of the studio. Not Nolan.

Posted by: Pudie at June 15, 2005 12:45 AM

Lilly, thanks for putting a smile on my face. ;-)

Hiya there Meli! How are ya girl?

I do not really have any opinion on Katie Holmes. I hope that wasnt mean.

Posted by: Simone at June 15, 2005 05:32 AM

just got back from batman begins. Let me just say this: katie holmes ruined the movie for me.

Posted by: chengautomatic at June 15, 2005 06:11 AM

Blimey. That was the same fear I had before seeing the movie.

Posted by: Simone at June 15, 2005 08:00 AM

Hey Katie Holmes is great...
Not that meeting her on Monday for a Batman press conference has coloured my judgement but I loved her in Batman, Go and even Abandon!!
Sexy, cool and interesting to watch!!

Posted by: Dark Matt at June 15, 2005 08:00 AM

im gonna see batman today and personally if i were tom cruise and i could have any girl i wanted, katie holmes would be at the bottm of my list.

also, LILLY i wast insulting you because of your opinion its just the way you ramble on and on. Sum it up in 3 sentences not 3 paragraphs.

Posted by: snake at June 15, 2005 08:54 AM

For someone who gives a flying rat's rump about Katie Holmes, you certainly give a flying rat's rump enough to waste time to write about her here. What gives? If you don't give a flying rat's rump, why waste any of your precious time and pixels to write about it at all?

Posted by: Miko Bustamante at June 15, 2005 09:15 AM

i'm at summer school and i'm goin between computer work and this to keep me awake. Plus it seem's to be the hotest threed. See how your posting in it miko

Posted by: snake at June 15, 2005 09:30 AM

It will be interesting to see how long Tom and Katie will last.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at June 15, 2005 11:09 AM

no it won't

kinda ironic how a form called how gives a rat becomes one of the threeds with the most posts recently.

Posted by: pliskin at June 15, 2005 12:44 PM

Snake, sometimes a longer writing is in order to explain one's position in a debate or discussion, especially when one's opinion isn't cookie cut. You either have the attention span of lint following a discussion or you don't give a rat's ass about what anybody else on the planet thinks.

I did my utmost best to keep this reply within the preferred two... oops, three including this one, sentences you requested because I didn't want to risk upsetting your delicate constitution in any way, shape or form.

Posted by: Lilly at June 15, 2005 01:27 PM

I'm going out on a limb here by saying I didn't find Katie interesting in Pieces of April at all. Not in the least. The ones who made that movie are Patrica Clarkson and Oliver Platt. Holmes was completely miscast in that one, and for that reason alone, the movie did nothing for me when she was in a scene.

Unlike her appearance in that little show called Punk'd. I believed her in that one.

Posted by: Lilly at June 15, 2005 01:33 PM

Hi Simone! I'm doing well, you?

Lilly - I hope I didn't insult you, I wasn't really trying to - if I did, I'm sorry.

You know - by Hollywood standards Katie is not that "young" as an actress. If she doesn't step up and get some acting lessons she may as well kiss what little of a career she has good-bye. Of course, that would leave plenty of time for her to have a brood for children for Tom Cruise - should their relationship prove real and they actually do get married. And if she does bare his children at least they'll have a chance of being tall. =P

Posted by: Meli at June 15, 2005 04:28 PM

Not at all, Meli. I understand your thinking. And mine is the same to a certain extent. When I posted that opinion, it was from a PR prospective. My experience and knowledge of pop culture and how that beast operates the viewing public lead me to that conclusion. Personally, I could care less about her, but she does seem to be working this relationship as much as he does, and you have to take a step back and ask yourself why. That's what I did, and that is the conclusion I came to on the matter.

Oh, well. It was but one perspective perhaps no one had thought about, so I wanted to throw it out there.

Posted by: Lilly at June 15, 2005 06:15 PM

Her relationship with Tom Cruise is all staged--it has to be, I'm sure. If you don't think it is, then ask yourself this: Why has Tom been making a fool of himself broadcasting it to the world? Wouldn't they just keep their relationship quiet, private, if it truly was a real thing?

They're just advertising for one another's careers, but primarily for Holmes'--for reasons I cannot fathom.

Now before you think I'm a tinfoil hat, the fact is, back in the studio system days of Hollywood, it wasn't uncommon at all for the studio heads to stage romances among their contracted actors to drum up publicity. Stuff like this is written as not-a-big-deal fact in Hollywood history books.

Today, it's not the studios that are in that much control of an actor's public image. It's the publicist firms that are.

I don't know what the connection between Cruise's and Holmes' publicists are, but I bet if one did a little digging, you'd find something.

Posted by: Mark at June 15, 2005 11:38 PM

UR all gay, especially lilly, plus it's not snake it's pliskin

Posted by: pliskin at June 16, 2005 12:34 PM

who wants to talk about katie holmes, anyone?

Posted by: snake at June 21, 2005 12:40 PM

i have no idea who any of you people are, but your comments are making my day.....funny and insulting without really being mean.....and literate without being snobby.......great balance.....especially fond of lilly.....and oh yeah, katie holmes...seemingly nice girl.....no substance.......

Posted by: laramus at June 22, 2005 11:00 AM

casting the future mrs tom cruise as rachel in batman begins
Dropping her ass. I am "soo happy" she is not going to be back. She needs to just sink back in to the shadows of her scientology cult and disapear. Im sick of her already! on another note..i think toms career is going to take a dive for this one. He really looks rediculous, prancing this 20 year old around. I would have expected more from him.

Posted by: Jan at June 24, 2005 11:53 AM

Katie Holmes sucks, Christian Bale was awesome but she was a weak character. If I had been C.B. and she slapped me for wanting to kill the guy that killed my parents I would've slapped her back. All of her lines sounded way to rehearsed and fake. Yuck.

and Tom Cruise? Come on, America's Prince? More like America's Playboy...don't get me wrong, I loved him in the Last Samurai, but he's no prince.

Christian Bale all the way, baby!

Posted by: Valerie at June 25, 2005 05:23 PM

P.S. I hate their public displays of affection, it sickens me. They should grow up or at least have the decency to get a room.

Posted by: Valerie at June 25, 2005 05:24 PM

um i mean i think katie holmes is so awsome you rock girl

Posted by: stephanie at July 6, 2005 01:24 AM