June 07, 2005

Watchmen dropped...again

Watchmen2.jpgThis was news I was both dreading and hoping for in equal amounts. Part of me wanted it to work, and the other part wanted it to be given up to someone who would invest the time and money in it. Coming Soon carry the news from Variety:

Paramount has officially pulled the plug on Watchmen, putting the comic book adaptation into turnaround over the weekend. Producers Larry Gordon and Lloyd Levin were taking the project, with British director Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy) attached, out to other studios.

As soon as the change of head came it appears that they were being forced to cut budget, as per rumour, and that has been an ongoing battle. It seems at that point they began cutting the crew...reminds me of a song.

Sad news, or good news? Which do you think? Are you happy it's now being taken around the studios for another chance, or do you think that was the last time it was likely to get a good airing?

Posted by at June 7, 2005 02:57 AM


More sad than good news for me. I wish HBO or FX would pick up the project and put some money into it so they could make it into a TV show.

Posted by: Alfredo at June 7, 2005 08:07 AM

It's probably better this way.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 7, 2005 09:53 AM

1. alan moore-related movies always suck, because if they were 'done right' they'd lose money. just wait for the v for vendetta film, which will in all likelihood suck as well.

2. part of the point of watchmen was that it played with the conventions of comic books. not movies, and not movie adaptations of comics. so a lot of the fun and the cleverness is gone.


3. half of new york gets annihilated. given the current political climate you have to change that for the film; what do you replace it with? is rorschach going to burn someone's face off with cooking oil? is a child going to be torn apart by dogs? this thing is dark as hell, and would be terrifying to watch if you kept all that in there.

so it might be a good thing it's dead. it's best as a comic, the comic's a classic and sells well still. i am bummed because the director seemed really committed and excited to do the project (they all say that, but he convinced me). and i would have been into it just to see who they cast. but it's too weird and clever to be a movie. (a very expensive 12-parter on HBO ... that *might* work.)

i have thought way too much about this.

Posted by: brakhage at June 7, 2005 10:47 AM

I think it would be awesome for someone like HBO to pick this up. Like brak said , a major studio would destroy the film.

In a perfect world HBo or the like would pick this up , get Alan Moore involved , and make it a landmark mini series thats as faithful as Sin City.

But this isn't a perfect world.

Posted by: Pudie at June 8, 2005 05:03 PM