June 03, 2005

Tom Cruise jeopardising Mission Impossible 3?

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mission Impossible 3 or FilmForce Mission Impossible 3

Cruise4.jpgThere's talk all over the net that Tom Cruise is giving the studio executives some last minute jitters over Mission: Impossible 3. From MovieTab:

Apparently Tom Cruise's oddball behavior during the promotion of his next film, War of the Worlds, has executives at Paramount reconsidering moving ahead with Mission: Impossible 3...Cruise's growing support of Scientology and his gushing over his love for new girlfriend Katie Holmes (May 23s edition of Oprah) have the higher ups thinking twice. An executive from Viacom, Paramount's parent company, has gone on record as saying, "No definitive decision has been made; it's a discussion."...

...More from The New York Times:

But within Hollywood, the discussion among agents, producers, studio executives and other actors has been focused more on whether Hollywoods biggest box office star was doing long-term harm to his career. And there was sincere confusion over what Mr. Cruise, a 20-year veteran of the publicity machine, had in mind with his recent public appearances and statements.

So what? I personally think this is hype and gossip, however to pay it lip service for a moment. You can't can a film for an actor behaving "strangely", especially if that strangely is described as being "gushingly" in love and voicing of "religion", whatever your beliefs. As MovieTab says, there'd be no Hollywood, there would have been nobody in early Hollywood.

Another thing to consider is that this is all good news. No drugs, no sex scandal, nothing illegal. He's voicing his new found love (however you actually perceive it, that's what he's doing) and he's discussing his religion that we've known about for a long time, and let's get this straight he's been talking about his own life when questioned and referring to his own life regarding the negative impact of Psychology in his beliefs.

So does that count as a risk and a top profile movie needs to dropped? So sex and drug scandals are positive publicity then? You can't take from Cruise in one hand and give to Downey Jr on the other. Sort yourself out Hollywood.

Posted by at June 3, 2005 02:33 AM


It's a risk when you are as big as this twat is and you start making medical statements like you can cure baby blues through his religion alone, and he has saved many women's lives that way.

It just makes me want to spit on him for even going there. What the fuck does he know about being a woman in the first place, and when did he take 8 years out of his life to earn a medical degree????

Let me tell you something, if anyone has any doubts about the effects of hormones being treated herbally, I can safely tell you my are a mess when I take a mulitvitamin. I take my daily thyroid crack for a very good reason: so I don't become homocidal on Tom's sorry ass! I say, fuck him and fuck anyone who tries to tell me unscientificly proven "treatments" are better for me than what I'm using now.

Oh, and by the way, if his methods are so great, why didn't Kirstie Alley use them after her two miscarriages when she fell into a deep funk and gained a billion pounds even after she adopted. Huh, Tom? Speak up, Tom, I can't hear you!!

Pfft. He's right up there on my twat list with Russell Crowe.

Posted by: Lilly at June 3, 2005 09:06 AM

I don't know, have you seen any of those Oprah clips?
He acted pretty creepy. I think Holmes must be his crack ho or something, he seemed high during that entire interview; jumping on furniture and such.


Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 3, 2005 09:09 AM

He is a trip. I never really gotten into his acting. I just rolled my eyes and say "WHAT EVER!!"
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at June 3, 2005 10:53 AM

It's always interesting to see what a man's mid-life crisis will do to him. I think that is what we're seeing from Cruise. I've never liked him as an actor, he just comes off bland to me and I wrote him off ages ago.

These recent public appearances and his hurtful words are a poor display. He needs to shut his mouth!

His Oprah appearance was ridiculous and if anyone thinks those two are together for real I have to ask, what makes you think that?? It's so fake.

His words to Brooke Shields were completely insensitive and he should publicly apologize to her. I don't care what your religious beliefs are. You do not publicly degrade someone you supposedly care about. And let me add he also bashed her career! What a jerk. Get off your high horse Cruise!

I believe in herbal medicine, but I do not think it's for everyone or every situation. She needed help quickly or she might have hurt herself or the baby - now that would have been a tragedy. He can't imagine what post-pardom depression can do to a new mother. You want to be able to love and care for your baby, but the motivation is not there. Thankfully I did not have it severly and didn't need drugs. I only cried a whole hell of a lot.

Posted by: Meli at June 3, 2005 11:00 AM

"I personally think this is hype and gossip, however to pay it lip service for a moment."

My sentiments exactly.

His personal life is his. I dont care what he does, who he dates, or what religion he believes in, but when he does a film, I expect to be entertained, and I must say that in all the years I have watched his movies, from the cheesy to the more serious ones, he has not let me down. I come out of the cinema with a big grin.

All the best Tom! ;-)

Posted by: Simone at June 3, 2005 12:03 PM

The thing is that, in general, the public is more receptive to "sex, drugs and rock & roll" scandals than a star offering medical advice to a substantial demographic of his population that typically forks out cash.

Just read past posts on Russel Crowe.

As for me, I don't care, I've never paid to see a Tom Cruise movie and I don't intend to start now.

Posted by: Arethusa at June 3, 2005 03:27 PM

He is a friggin fruit loop. He got that Im in my 40's and need a girl in there 20's to make my life worth something. I heard he put out "feelers" to all the "popular" twenty something actress's to see if any one was interested. You have to have YEARS of people kissing your butt to be that much of a jerk to do that. Plus....Katie Holmes is stupid for bitting......he made an ASS out of himself on Oprah and even more so....when he made those comments about Brooke Sheilds.....what knid of A hole are you taht you tell a womne what to do with here body....something that you have never gone threw? Some times I wish I was rich and famous.....but Im glad that at least...I live in the real world.

Posted by: jason at June 3, 2005 05:51 PM

Simone: It's not that I really care what he does with his personal life, but the "hype and gossip" is in fact not hype or gossip.

The fact is the man spoke out of his ass in regard to Brooke Shields' personal decision in a live interview and then slammed her career! It came out of his very own mouth - there was no misquoting in a written article.

He needs to straight up apologize to her for his insensitive comments. You do not berate someone to the public that you *supposedly* care about.

Cheers to Brooke for telling Tom he's an asshole who needs to mind his own business!

Posted by: Meli at June 3, 2005 07:15 PM

Here is my thoughts...Im glad that I have a semi quite life and no fear of reporters lookin threw my window. And its great that I dont have to tell my press agent that they can release the news that "Im in Love". Tom's whole "I didnt want to disappoint Katie Holmes" statement about marrying him when she was a teen.....just seems to make him look wierd. To be truthful.....we all make asses out of ourselves at one time or another....but we dont have people recording it.....playin it back. Dont try to figure Famous people out....they play by diffrent rules.

Posted by: jason at June 3, 2005 08:26 PM

As much as I enjoyed Mission and some of Tom’s other flicks, I have to speak out. After being knowledgeable in the LA Movie industry for some time, there is clear and convincing evidence (for an investigative reporter to find) that Tom Cruise has been in a homosexual relationship with a man for over 10 years.

All of Hollywood knows it, just like they knew Rock Hudson was gay. Nothing’s wrong with it Tom, just come out of the closet and join Ellen at the party. This guy has an opportunity to stop playing games/deals with other woman and come out for Gays world-wide and stop hiding behind the Church of Scientology.

“Some of us gain fervor in our chosen religion when we recognize the deep contradictions of our lives. We begin to hope the religion will save us from the affronting lie we are projecting on the public.”

Get a clue Tom and be comfortable in your own skin. Come out of the closet before some reporter eventually gets photos. There is a new dawning waiting for you to use your fame as a platform for a real purpose.

Posted by: Scott at June 4, 2005 06:42 PM

Oh come on Scott. It wasn't openly known about a lot of the gay actors back in Hudson's day, and did it make any difference to their screen performance, the movies they were in? Did it make them less enjoyable or entertaining? No.

Well, not strictly true. In some people's eyes it does. You mention Ellen, her show was canned because she came out and the narrow minded audience and studio dumped her. Whatever her sexual preference, or anything in her outside life for that matter, she was funny. Her show made me laugh, and laugh a lot.

It's an interesting point that nowadays we judge movies by stars and stars by their private life. Therefore movies can be affected greatly by someones private life. Personally, it doesn't affect me like that. Otherwise I wouldn't be a fan of Christian Slater or Robert Downey Jr, or half of the actors out there for that matter.

In or out, gay or straight, doesn't matter to me. I don't feel the need to label and pigeon hole people in order to enjoy their performances onscreen. I think their performances should be the deciding factor.

Perhaps it's just because I don't personally know Tom Cruise as well as others, or I've never enjoyed the prolonged company of stars like Rock Hudson. I just know them by that big huge screen infront of me where they are always pretending to be someone else for my enjoyment.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 5, 2005 07:56 AM