June 18, 2005

Thomas Hayden Church talks Spiderman 2 villain

He hasn't said that much, but from Entertainment Weekly through Comic Book Movie he tries to be as cryptic as possible. The question is, can you decipher it?

EW: ...the Oscar nominee will play an undisclosed, top secret villain in 2007's Spider-Man 3. How about a hint?

THC: "He's a horse of many colors."

EW: There are horses in Spider-Man?

THC: "Let's just say he's an amorphous collection of protons, electrons, and neutrons, of different colors."

Any ideas?

Posted by at June 18, 2005 03:53 PM


He's playing a fucking unicorn????????? My next guess would be My Little Pony. *snort*

Posted by: Lilly at June 18, 2005 04:42 PM

amorphous? sandman, or the chameleon? unless they're changing up the villains powers such as, turning electro into a being of pure energy a la the cartoon series.

Posted by: bigwig at June 18, 2005 07:28 PM

I believe there is a character later in the animated series that is able to shift from one form to the other, much like Mystiq from X-Men. I can't remember the character's name or much about him, but his ability to morph comes from a technologically advanced belt.

Sorry, can't remember much else.

Posted by: kim at June 18, 2005 07:31 PM

"A horse of a different color" means "a different matter entirely".

'Entirely different matter' sounds to me like it could be a literal interpretation for the Sandman.

Possibly Venom? Kind of the flip-side to Spiderman;evil versus good, different color.

Both are amorphous. Either way, I don't care, as long as the villians are from Spiderman's rogue's gallery elite pantheon of Sandman, Venom, Lizard, Scorpion, Electro, Shocker, Kraven, or Manwolf.

Posted by: Splotch! at June 18, 2005 07:35 PM

i think its sandman.

I really hope it isn't, I would like to see venom.

Posted by: Alex at June 18, 2005 07:42 PM

It's clearly Electro.

Posted by: Alfredo at June 18, 2005 08:33 PM

This is just rubbish that he saying for pubplicity.

Posted by: Larry at June 18, 2005 10:29 PM

I'm hoping it's Venom but I know it's going to be Sandman.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 18, 2005 10:48 PM

guys guys guys, even an idiot would realize he's talking about ego, the living planet.

Posted by: ShoeStringBudget at June 19, 2005 02:04 AM

pffff, don't you know anything? ego the living planet is going to be in the fantastic four sequel, loser!

personally i either want to see the beatle or morbius.

Posted by: bigwig at June 19, 2005 04:31 AM

ok... i know sandman is being promoted for it but am not sure if he's played by church. what i would automatically think is electro. but that would be kinda messed up. It would be hard to make his silly ass costume work in the real world of live action movies.

on a different note, didnt Bruce Campbell play Quentin Beck: aka mysterio in the first 2 films? i'm sure i heard somewhere he was.
mysterio was one of my favorite villains and i would love to see him in part 4.

"horse of many colors." hmmmm that is quite an enigma, i must say. it's got to be a well known villain.
I'm sticking with Venom, honestly, since venom's symboite suit can change appearance at will.
besides. he looks like eddie brock.

Posted by: mogulus at June 19, 2005 02:40 PM

Cool Villians Villians That Suck

Electro Kraven
Venom Chameleon
Carnage Vulture
Hobgoblin Demogoblin
Mysterio Jack 'O' Latern(I know they are both Beck)
Lizard J. Jonah Jameson(i don't want to see him gunho)
Black Cat Doppleganger
Sandman Hydro-man(sand is better than water in battle)
Virus Scarlett Spidey(he was a villian at one point)
Fusion Cyclone

This list is of, what I think, are the important villians in the Spider-Man Universe. Now with Marvel the Universes of their comics clash and give us foes that just have no place in our hearts. There are a unique few weird villians that some love, it depends on who you are. The VIlians That Suck list are villians that are generally cool, but i would not want to see them in a movie. Now there a million combos of villians in that list for a new special super villian in the movie series. Take Carnage's sybiote suit and put it onto any one on that list and you get an awsome villian. I would love to see the Lizard done the Carnage mutation and become unstopable. If you all have time you should make lists of what villians you think are movie worthy......or not.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 20, 2005 12:31 AM

sry for the clutter on that list, i am a dumbass. But you should be able to decipher Cool villain from crappy villian anyway, right?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 20, 2005 12:34 AM

i am at a loss as to why anyone would like carnage. when you think about it, he wasn't a very interesting character, he was just... american gung ho bullshit. carnage is the guy in the movie with a revolver who somehow shoots 20 bullets at his enemies without reloading. venom was a well crafted character, creating carnage was just a shitty move. he's all one note.

Posted by: bigwig at June 20, 2005 02:10 AM

Who the hell is DEMOgoblin?

Please, the character is obviously VENOM. Stop the garbage.


Think about the casting for a second. It's VENOM and HOBGOBLIN.

The reason why "sand" is being flown around is because the last scene of the Venom vs. Spiderman battle takes place in sand. Go read the McFarlane ending and you'll see that clearly.

Posted by: NoWay at June 20, 2005 09:02 AM

Hey Bigwig, Carnage is the spawn of Venom. Cletus Cassidy is a blood thristy psychopath who lives and breaths death. When he becomes Carnage, whoah, he was just nuts and unstopable, and he was a smartass at heart, sometimes funny. To me he is the Sci-Fi Joker of Spider-Man. If they put Carnage into the movie series, it would definetly give the movie an 'R' rating. This could possibly happen if a 6th one is made. I have strong feelings the possible villians for this next movie (the 3rd installment) will be either Lizard, Venom, Mysterio, and Black Cat. I would love Harry to become the Hobgoblin, but Sam Raimi talks as if Harry may understand just why? Peter killed his father and he may not turn evil.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 20, 2005 12:22 PM

they have already explained that the next movie will deal with harry's inner conflict about what to do with his life. So in reality he may not turn into anything untill s-m4

Posted by: Snake at June 20, 2005 12:36 PM

Venom will take too long to set up and establish, even if they go with the later, shorter origin story. You've got to get the symbiote back to earth and Parker's got to experiment with the black suit and discard it before you can introduce Venom. Now that Jameson's son has been introduced you can get the symbiote back in three and, if you push it, maybe have Peter using it for a little while - which is a serious push considering it'll be in as a minor subplot while fighting a different villain - but no way does Venom appear before #4. Now that Sony's committed to six films my money says they build to Venom for the big finale of number six ... symbiote back in 3, Parker in black suit for 4, symbiote discarded at some point of 5 and rediscovered at the end of the film to establish the villain for #6, and in number six just go all out.

It's pretty simple ... Venom's the king of Spider-Man villains both in terms of visual appeal and underlying subplots / emotional meaning. If they're going to do him at all they'll be smart enough to establish him correctly and they should be smart enough to recognize that anything that came afterwards would be anticlimatic. They'll leave him till the end.

Just from the look of him I say Church is Sandman. Been saying it since they announced it and I'm sticking to it, though Electro's definitely a possibilty based on that comment ...

Posted by: Todd at June 20, 2005 11:51 PM

Check out movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/spider-man_3

Posted by: Wonder at June 21, 2005 12:44 AM

ugh, i posted a reply to this yesterday but it had a link. anyway. carnage sucks because the only reason he exists is that they gave venom his own comic, in which he was a hero (sort of)

so of course that gets rid of one of spidermans most popular adversaries, what do they do to repair that? rip off venom. aka carnage.

carnage is nothing but venom on steroids with no real character story or reason for being.

Posted by: bigwig at June 22, 2005 03:01 AM

I really doubt that it is venom. So far the characters have been somewhat plausable, venom is stretching the series into the sci-fi a bit more. I think Chameleon. However, I have heard some rumors that there may be two villians instead of just one.

Posted by: Taldaran at June 22, 2005 04:52 AM

Im thinking the Lizard and Mysterio will be the villlians. The movie series so far has only dealt with power boost and technology. So if Venom is introduced, they will do it as Eddie Brock being in the 3rd installment, and probably having him be the villian in the 4th film as Venom. Dr. Curt Connors was in the second movie. Quentin Beck might be in the 3rd. Topher Grace would make a perfect Mysterio. Intoducing Venom would be great to see though. Spider-Man trying to get rid of his symbiote suit which is trying to take over his mind and body as in the comics. Dr. Connors a.k.a the Lizard helps Peter by finding out that sonic sound waves destroy the suit. And fianlly Eddie Brock somehow getting consumed by the evil symbiote that now has spideys powers. Its great right? But it's far out there when you compare it to the movie series. The Lizard and Mysterio are my best bets right now.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 22, 2005 03:09 PM

Oh, and Thomas Hayden Church would make a great Eddie Brock in the 3rd film. Eddie Brock will probably be Peters biggest rival in the 3rd movie, and in the fourth one, as i said above, he will become Venom somehow. But the two main villains will be Lizard and Mysterio, it makes the most sense and would be the coolest.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 22, 2005 03:12 PM

i seriously doubt that. nothing you said made any sense, how dumb can one person be? And who the heck is quiten beck anyway? probaly some odd chaarcater like teh rhino or something. and carnage does suck man ill tell ya. i heard he's gay, seriously.

Posted by: newguy at June 22, 2005 03:59 PM


Posted by: Jake at June 22, 2005 06:53 PM

who cares enough to make a "who cares!?" comment? in fact, who cares about spiderman at all, or movies!@$!@ i'm never coming back to this website again! in fact, i don't care about anything!@!$ cuz i'm fucking cool! i'm so fucking cool and i care so little, i'm just going to kill myself instead of talking about something i like.

Posted by: bigwig at June 22, 2005 09:27 PM

I have heard that the villian for the fourth movie will be the Green Goblin again, only this time it will be the son. They set it up in the second movie and by the end of the third the transformation will happen. After all next to Venom Spidermans worst enemy is the Green Goblin.

Posted by: Taldaran at June 22, 2005 11:00 PM

YES!!!!!!!! Thats the smartest thing ive read in here so far. It would be the perfect set up. In the 3rd one Dr. Curt Connors will turn into the Lizard, Mysterio will be the annoying villian, and Eddie Brock will be Peters rival at the Daily Bugle. And I think these two villians won't die right away or at all like the villians in the first two movies. Then Harry at the end will decide to plot against Spider-Man and John Jameson will want to plot against Peter. Then in the 4th movie, Harry or John Jameson will be the Hobgoblin. I think Harry and Jamesons son will team up. Harry will provide the suit and artillary and John will act it out. Then we have Eddie Brock turning into Venom somehow. And I wonder if they will have the Lizard turn good to help Spider-Man out, like in the comics. Now at the end of the series or a little before, Mary Jane has to die. And we will see some small villian cameos, you know, the villianss hired and paid to be bad, like the Rhino and Vulture. And we will get to see Spider-Man/Peter Parkers other love interset, The Black Cat. I believe that someone by the end of the 6th film will make a spin-off series all about Carnage. Carnage would get an automatic 'R' rating.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 12:19 AM

LIZARD FREAK IS A BLOG HOG that had to be said now i hate to agree with freakboy but i don't know i love the lizard myself and freaked out when i saw doc connors with his missing arm, that my friends is the perfect set up. Why hasn't the paparazi talked to Dylan Baker about his role in the third film?

Posted by: tim at June 23, 2005 12:31 AM

Thomas Hayden Church- Eddie Brock

Topher Grace- Quetin Beck/Mysterio

Dylan Baker- Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard

Tobey Macguire- Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Kirsten Dunst- Mary Jane Parker

James Franco- Harry Osbourne

Rosemary Harris- Aunt May

Bill Nunn- Joseph (Robbie) Robertson

J.K. Simmons - J. Jonah Jameson

Ted Raimi - Ted Hoffman

Elizabeth Banks - Betty Brant

I don't know what actors would make good cameos or roles for The Black Cat, The Rhino, and The Shocker. It would be cool if Jessica Alba is the Black Cat, Me OW!!!!!!!!!!!! And this is just my guess, the are not facts that I found somewhere.

Posted by: madfan12 at June 23, 2005 12:52 AM

I will probably cry if the Sandman is the villian, and definetly will if they have crap like John Jameson turning into the Man-Wolf. What I posted above is all I have left to contibute to this page. Anywho with that said I guess there is only one thing left to say, and that is.......Spider-Man Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so does the Lizard!!!! and Long live the true believers and Marvel Comics!!!!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 02:12 AM


Posted by: Jafie at June 23, 2005 09:05 PM

what? yes! finally a black super hero. its been so long... chris rock can really shake up the role and.... wait a second..... i thought adam sandler was signed on to play all of the characters for the next 12 movies.

Posted by: what4521 at June 26, 2005 06:56 PM

I have figured the villian Thomas Hayden is playing. One is a minor villian playing it shockingly big and another is an amorphous creature from space. But I don't know the rest for sure and thats the beauty of waiting to find out. Now I know from the love of Spider-Man over the years that the villian is Eddie Brock. I have proof and I could tell you how I know......BUT IM NOT GOING TO!!! HA HA HA. If I figured it out, you can too. Look hard, turn over some stones and look at the images, read between the lines. I still feel strong about The Lizard and Mysterio though. And will until I see Spider-Man 3!! Spider-Man 3 is going to EAT the First and Second, piss out 1 and shit out 2, scoop it all up, throw it at a wall, and laugh it's ass off in triumph for being the best film ever made. Then its going to use its great power and glory to join forces with 1 and 2 and become the BEST COMIC BOOK MOVIE TRILOGY EVER!!!!!!!!! We can trust Sam Raimi. The Evil Dead Trilogy was great, all of his other films were great (especially The Quick and the Dead!) And Spider-Man is and when its all said and will be the best films ever made! I'm looking forward to The Evil Dead 4 as well!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 30, 2005 10:42 PM

Looks like this has been put to rest until more news rises about Spidey-3 huh. At this point, Venom, Hobgoblin, Green Goblin 2, Shocker, Mysterio, and of course The Lizard, are all possible villians. The Sandman is a rumor, but if it happens then so be it, Sam Raimi knows what he's doing. I still have a wierd feeling the two villians working seperate from each other will be The Lizard and Mysterio in the next movie. Eddie Brock will be the "horse of many colors" and in the 4th we will see Eddie turning into Venom and Harry acting out his plot against Spider-Man as a Goblin. And as I said before, the Shocker will be the annoying minor villian in this next movie. This is the most highly anticipated movie in my book right now. I WANT TO SEE THIS SO BAD. And if 3 and 4 are being shot together that would be great. Then we will get a Spider-Man Quadology with all the same actors in them. It would be awsome if the cast also stayed on for 5 and 6, that would be a movie record right there. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo excited about this movie, you have no clue just how much!!! Filming starts this January!!!! And when that time comes we will get to see pictures and get more facts about the villians. You all should go back and watch the first and second movies side by side. It blows your mind away. I got a grin on my face last week when watching the first movie, i'd tell you but it would take up more room than it is now! Go see it again for ourselves and i'll bet you'll grin just as I did.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 3, 2005 10:50 PM

I agree with lizardfreak The lizard and mysterio sound to be two exellent chioces but also think about sandman and lizard as a possible double wammy of villians.

Posted by: ultimateisthelizard145 at July 24, 2005 03:49 AM

Main Rouges: The Lizard, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Venom, Black Cat

Minor Rouges: Shocker, Rhino, Vulture, Kraven the Hunter

Most Rumored: Sandman and Chameleon

The main rouges can be in the 3rd movie or 4th movie in whatever order the makers want. We may even see the return of Doc Ock since we never really see him die in the second film. Eddie Brock's appearance would fill the void of the end of the Goblin's Curse on Harry Osbourne. Dr. Connor's becoming the Lizard would fill that void just as well.

Cinematically, in order to kick the first two movies asses, Raimi would have to throw in Mysterio as a main villian. Quentin Beck is aa bigger nerd than Peter Parker, Beck is less loved and looked upon as being a madman who poses no real threat. He just annoys Spider-Man with his smoke and mirror tatics. He would have great special effects for this movie wowing the fans and general audience.

To conflict with Peter and MJ's relationship, the Black Cat would have to be thrown into the story. Spider-Man having 2 love interests would really shake things up. Whatever happens happens, Sam Raimi and the producers will not let this movie flop, it's just not in the cards. We just have to worry about whether or not the 4th movie will suck, and if it does we can say goodbye to future golden Spider-Man films unless they are spin-off movies like Spider-Girl, or Carnage, or Black Cat, or the Spider-Man 2099.

As the super hero genre begins to lose it's beautiful glow, we can safley say that crossovers will be in order. I hope Raimi closes up the Goblin issue with Spider-Man and Harry Osbourne by the end of the 3rd. I hope he ends the movie with closure, and a pick up point just in case he does come back for a 4th movie. Then we would have a perfect Quadology, and it could be kept seperate from the crap that may be the Spider-Man 5 and 6, we'll just see how that all works out. Here is my look on the final outcomes-

3 most likley Villians: The Lizard, Mysterio, Hobgoblin (Green Goblin 2)

Coolest possible Villians: Venom and The Lizard

Most anticipated Villian: The Lizard!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 27, 2005 01:39 AM

I hate spiderman and hope that it will be someone who has the powers to catch and kill that wallclimbing spider.

Posted by: Charlotta at July 27, 2005 11:36 AM

Thomas Hayden Church will be on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.....TONIGHT!!!!! They will most likely talk about his rise and how Sideways really boosted his acting career, and most of all talk about the much anticipated SPIDER-MAN 3! I hope he drops even more hints on the villian he is playing.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 27, 2005 08:53 PM

At the begining of the show, Leno said that Church was growing a handle bar mustach, and I immediatly thought he was growing it for Spider-Man. So I figured he was going to play Kraven the Hunter but when Leno got talking to him later on in the show, he revealed the stach was for a western movie he is doing.

He talked about his life as a cowboy in Texas and had a fun conversation with Leno. He talked about his lamp and how the unit where the light bulb goes in just came out and how he got it fixed and what not. Now I think he may have dropped a hint when Leno said something about how a cowboy should be able to fix his own lamp, and Church said he's afraid of getting shocked.

This shocked thing probably truthful, yes. But as a hardcore Spider-Man fan I take it as a hint. Could he be Shocker or Electro? Church said he has already spent 4 months training and working out for Spider-Man 3. All of that weight and muscle gain could mean he is bulking up to play Eddie Brock, who could be Venom in the 4th film. When Leno asked Church to drop a hint, Church just said he was going to play a villian. He said he was going to play a man. Now, he didn't say anything else about it he just simply said, i'm going to play a man.

Now going back to what he told Entertainment Weekly about his villian role "He's a horse of many colors." and "Let's just say he's an amorphus collection of protons, electrons and neutrons of different colors" I translated it into a horse being a stud, and Eddie Brock is a stud, and a colorful character." and an amorphus person in the Spider-Man world would be described as Eddie Brock a.k.a Venom, in which case he was in the comic books and on promotions for toys and games and what have you.

The translation can be taken literally as people can be amporphus and colorful in their persona's, and in fact people are made up of protrons, electrons, and neutrons, of different colors, can be boiled down to the fact that he is just playing Peter Parker's rival at the Daily Bugle in the 3rd movie. You know, just Eddie Brock, just a man, no powers or anything. And he can be cosidered a villian because he is Peter Parker's rival.

And this would mean he would become Venom in the 4th film, and become a Super Villian in that right. This would fill the void that Harry Osbourne will leave once his conflict is finished. The first 3 films mainly about the Goblin's Curse, and the last 3 movies about a new curse. Even though the Goblin's curse will always effect Spider-Man and his work, since the curse never really dies.

Church also revealed to us the arch villians he won't be playing, he showed us pictures of the following, Man of 1000 Chin's, The Period, his cat Beans, Gorilla in a Man Suit, and the Centaffe (half Centipede half Giraffe). That was hilarious and he drew the quality sketch drawings himself.

So what it comes down to is Church playin a MAN VILLIAN, not SUPER VILLIAN.(This wasn't on Leno but) He has had plaster molds made of his body, when playing the Sandman would you really need a mold of your body? It would all be CGI and sand being blown around with a lot of tricky camera work. And when you compare sand to tetacles the 2nd movie would kickt he 3rd ones own ass and fans just as much as Raimi would not want that. We want the 3rd to beat the shit out of the first 2 movies just as much as the 2nd abused the 1st.

So will he be playing Maxwell Dillion (Electro)? Or Herman Shultz(Shocker)? Or will he in fact be playing Eddie Brock in the 3rd and Venom in the 4th? We'll find out, as we still don't know who Topher Grace is playing, and that could very well be Mysterio or Shocker or Electro, but he would not make a good Eddie Brock, where as Church is perfect for the role.

Even though Raimi has said he doesn't like the character Venom, ya never know what he'll do to surprise his fans. He may even be taking a risk and making up his own villian for this movie. The Vulture could be good but if you think about it, HELL NO! Thomas Haden Church in a bird suit, hmmmm, HELLS NO! And the Chameleon rumor I went a long with, but, I thought about it more and even though i'd pick Chameleon over Sandman, I still would not like him in these movies just because of the stupidity of his ablilty to exactly and perfectly imitate anything he sees, like Peter Parker, THAT JUST SUCKS, i mean, COME ON!

LONG LIVE THE WALL CRAWLER!!!! and as for you Charlotta, this is a page of Spidey love not hate, but you love to hate him so, VERPISS DICH!!!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 28, 2005 01:46 AM

I think if Eddie Brock a.k.a Venom comes into the picture, we probably will see a diffrent turn from the alien symbiote story. Something could happen when Dr. Connors makes his serum and a symbiotic life he and Octavious where working on. It can get stolen or something, and he needs a new plan for science now that his latest project was taken. He takes a lizard serum to regenerate his lost arm, and is amazed when it works after many failed attempts.

Meanwhile, the Rhino or some other villian who stole the serum now faces Spider-Man, the symbiote gets out and effects Spider-Man. The symbiote has a temper like a lizard (instead of an aggressive alien creature) and Spider-Man uses these new found powers to defeat Electro or Shocker, or even Hobgoblin. Only to Pete's surprise that electricity makes his suit discombobulate, and angers the symbiote. The symbiote gets ab=ngry as it is constantly beaten and hurt from Spider-Man trying to do good all the time. So the symbiote controlls Parker and makes him do bad.

This would be perfect for the 3rd movie as everything would be set up for Eddie Brock later becoming Venom. And the appearance of The Lizard!

Somehow, Eddie Brock/Venom or Electro or Shocker make the most sense as possible villians that Church could play. We might not see Hobgoblin until the middle of the film. And Topher Grace would also make a good Electro or Shocker or even Mysterio. We might not see Connors turing into the Lizard until the end of this movie. Meaning the 4th film would have Venom and The Lizard as main villians.

It's to early to talk about the 5th or 6th films but the villian possibilties are there.

Now going back to Jay Leno, even though Spider-Man 3 hasn't yet started filming, Thomas Hafen Church had redish blondish hair, and the weird thing is, so does Eddie Brock, hmmmmmmm. Church said he is playing a man, and he is playing a villian.

As it stands in my book- The following actors can play the following characters>

*Thomas Haden Church: Eddie Brock/Venom - Maxwell Dillon/Electro- Herman Shultz/Shocker

*Topher Grace: Quentin Beck/Mysterio- Maxwell Dillon/Electro- Herman Shultz/Shocker

*James Franco: Harry Osbourne/Green Goblin II/Hobgoblin

*Daniel Gilles: John Jameson/Green Goblin II/Hobgoblin

*Dlyan Baker: Dr.Curtis Connors/Lizard

*Chloe Sevigny: Felica Hardy/Black Cat

? * ? * ? * ? : Alex O'Hirn/Rhino

*Tobey Maguire: Peter Parker/ Spider-Man

*Kirsten Dunst: Mary Jane Watson/ Mary Jane Parker

*J.K. Simmons: J. Johan Jameson (J.J.J)

*Rosemary Harris: Aunt May (probably will die in this movie)

*Ted Raimi: Ted Hoffman

*Bill Nunn: Joseph Robertson (Robbie)

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 29, 2005 01:25 AM

Before the cut to the commercial break right before THC came out on Leno, Jay said that he was going to talk about his role as a "mysterious villain" in Spider-man 3....

Posted by: spoons at July 31, 2005 06:40 AM

I remember him saying that too, but I don't think it implies he will be playing Mysterio. Although Topher Grace would be perfect, sorry that I have ranted on about this for so long. In this movie I want to see Spider-Man use his smart ass comments when battling baddies. That is something we have yet to see become a part of him.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 1, 2005 06:19 PM

I wanna know what lizardfreak was grinning like an idiot for after watching the first movie again...

Posted by: reese at August 2, 2005 04:16 AM

Goblins curse, the first movie sets up Harry's turn as the Goblin perfectly at the end! Then I watched the second movie and got the same grin at the end again when Harry goes psycho from everything inside his head. He can't rap it around and thinks about what his father would say, and then has that skitso attack with himself in the mirror. I got the same grin when his father said "Now it's your turn." and kept that grin the whole while he was discovering who his father was and why Peter had to kill him, (even though Peter never did).

And I got that grin because I am a hardcore Spider-Man fan, sorry for leaving all of this out earlier.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 04:25 AM