June 19, 2005

The TV Set

David Duchovny and Ben Stiller are set to star in the new project "The TV Set". Ya ya I know... a lot of people hate Ben Stiller. I still really like his stuff though. Yes he's done some REALLY bad films... but he's still put together some movies that I still laugh my ass off at (Zoolander is one that comes to mind).

And even though I wasn't a huge X-Files fan, I became a big David Duchovny fan after seeing him in Return To Me (one of the best romantic comedies I've ever seen). Duchovny showed a range that I didn't think he was capable of in that film. His small part in Zoolander was hilarious too.

The good folks over at M&C; have provided us with this little synopsis of The TV Set:

The TV Set will follow Dave (Duchovny), who has a pregnant wife, a skinflint mother and a lot of expenses. He should be happy that he has just sold a television pilot. But the path to the production includes a tumble down a rabbit hole of dimwitted executives, talentless stars and micro-managing suits who seem determined to remove any hint of creativity out of Dave's work.
Yeah I'll be lined up to see this one... why not?

Posted by John Campea at June 19, 2005 11:46 AM


ala: that old 1980's movie with kevin bacon called "the big picture"..... anyone remember that one?

sounds like the same deal with the difference being this movie is about a tv pilot and the kevin bacon one is about a movie pitch.

Posted by: mogulus at June 19, 2005 05:12 PM

Why the hell does Hollywood ever make movies about Hollywood? Only other Hollywood insiders, and wannabes, care to watch such movies.

Posted by: Franklin at June 19, 2005 11:12 PM