June 07, 2005

The Simpsons Movie in Production

There has been rumblings for a long time about The Simpsons jump to the big screen. Well, it looks like the "ifs" are finished with. Apparently the project is already in pre-production.

The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this little tid bit:

Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson in The Simpsons, who says a feature film adaptation of the popular Fox animated comedy series is moving forward.

"You know what? We've just done the table read for the 'Simpsons' movie so although we've been promoting that we're going to do it, now we're actually doing it and are in production," said Cartwright, who is in London for her one-woman show "My Life as a Ten Year Old Boy". She said it will likely take at least two years to make. "I don't know the name of it and I can't go into details about it and we'll just have to see how it goes, but I think it's going to be great and the fans are going to dig it."

I'm excited about this. The question is, will the film be released to go with the series finally of The Simpsons? As of right now there is no scheduled end to the show.

Posted by John Campea at June 7, 2005 07:31 AM


The show has already gotten so sucky I have no faith for this, I'll wait for the DVD if at all.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 7, 2005 10:03 AM

5 years ago this would be great news. But considering how far the show has slid then it may just be another punch in the face to the loyal simpsons fans who've had to sit through the last 3 years of mediocre one-chuckle episodes.

What actually happened to the simpsons? It seems that (no offense) its been taken over by a very gay staff. Musical numbers thrown into every episode, the dirty jokes are no longer subtle, gay jokes whenever possible and it just simply isnt memorable. It feels more like "modern" sitcom writing rather than cutting edge humor. I wish it would just be cancelled already because the DVD's already are providing the immortality it deserves.

Posted by: Cole at June 7, 2005 10:20 AM

I hate to say it but in two years we can kiss the Sipsons good (I have never seem the show so bear with me here)

Most of the time when shows (mostly cartoons) have a big movie it screams MOVIE TITLE HERE a.k.a grand finally of show. But what it sounds like it might be better because popularity of Simpsons is going WAY down by the old fans.

Posted by: Larry at June 9, 2005 08:45 AM

wat is the matter with you people. the simpsons is the best show ever, and the movie is going to be great. i seriously cant wait till it comes it, and BTW.. nothing happened to the simpsons, cole - get with the times... the simpsons was, is and always will have 'musical numbers thrown into episodes" - who can forget the garbage men song? their jokes were and still are subtle if you havent realised and their gay jokes are still as funny as they were, say 3 years ago. get over yourselves.

the show still is the best. LONG LIVE THE SIMPSONS!! xx

Posted by: sumi at June 12, 2005 12:01 AM

It's not that the Simpsons have gone down in quality. They've been doing the same thing for the last 17 years, and it is no longer found funny. Yes, they've changed their style of jokes and humor, but that's only to compete with other shows. Loyal Simpsons fans love the now "Old School" Simpsons humor, but many who were teens watching the Simpsons when they first came out are approaching their thirties. The production crew was forced, as all shows have to do, to appeal to new audiences as their old ones slim due to aging. All the Simpsons need to do to succeed is stick to the basics: take the old approach to current issues, but present humor more appealing to the viewers. After 16 years of quality comedy, the show does get old. But, it isn't dead yet.

Posted by: SimpFan at October 16, 2005 11:12 PM