June 08, 2005

Superman - Smallville Connection After All?

Smallville is a great show. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, it depicts (pretty unfaithfully... but really entertaining anyway) the young teenage life of Clark Kent growing up in Smallville.

The only problem with the show (and it's not really the show's fault) is that many of Smallville's fans seem to think that Smallville is now the quintessential "Superman". Thus, they believe that the star of the show, Tom Welling, should have been picked as the new Superman in the upcoming Bryan Singer film "Superman Returns".

Even though I'm a big Tom Welling fan, and a fan in general of the show, casting Welling would have been a mistake for several reasons. Still, there is reason this morning for Smallville fans to take heart! According to the good folks over at MovieHole:

In other "Smallville" news, the site reports that executive producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar recently visited Australia to spend some time on the set of "Superman Returns" - might they be working with Bryan Singer to form a link between series and super-flick after all?
Now that sounds interesting. I wonder how they would connect the two? Any thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at June 8, 2005 07:18 AM


Maybe they're just exec producing, we shouldn't jump to conclusions.

I have nothing against Smallville, but a while back I saw a commercial for Smalleville and there was this HORRIBLE song in the background, it made me want to kill myself.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 8, 2005 09:26 AM

They've already said that something big will happen in season 5 which will effect the movie. My guess is that since it's the last season Jonathon Kent will die. They've surely been making a lot of fuss lately about his heart problems.

Posted by: Ryan at June 8, 2005 09:48 AM

Another thing is that since the upcoming season is the final one of Smallville, I would not be surprised if he told Lana Lang about his powers and at the very end of the series they show him in the tights flying away.

Something else the movie could be doing is somehow using Chloe Sullivan. DC did buy the rights to use her not too long ago.

Posted by: Ryan at June 8, 2005 09:50 AM

check out comics2film.com for a little more insight.

Posted by: scott at June 8, 2005 01:22 PM

1.what u mean-is season 5 the last season?
2. i love smallville as much as i did lois and clark the new adventures of superman

But i agree Tom Welling or Dean Cain for that matter would dilute the whole experience of the new movie altogther.
In fact the new movie would boost smallville and vice versa.but no i'll settle for a new Clark please.

Posted by: nicholasgichu at June 8, 2005 02:54 PM

Never seen Smallvile, so I can't comment on that.

I'm not excited about the Superman movie. I think Singer is a good director, but I just don't like Superman. And the suit looks, erm, very gay. Very, very gay.

Posted by: ThS at June 8, 2005 03:06 PM

I've enjoyed first 3 seasons Smallville this last season was so awful I nearly stopped watching it all together.

I don't think the Superman movie needs to tied into Smallville at all - the tv show is like some "What If.." Superman series and hasn't much to do with the comic. Let's keep them separate.

As for the 5th (and final) season of Smallville I hope they decide on some real solid stuff and stop chasing after the Lana/Clark non-romance and all the meteor rock mutant people. There was barely any Clark development this last season, which I found very disappointing.
If it was for the Lex storyline I might have lost all interest.

Posted by: Meli at June 8, 2005 04:59 PM

I'm a huge smallville fan and would love to have seen Tom Welling or Dean Cain play Superman. But It really couldn't have been possible for T. Welling because he doing a TV show. For a movie as huge as Superman it could take about a year to make. I think they make new Smallville episodes twice a week or something. Then show reruns while they make more. If Welling was to star in this movie he wouldn't be in Smallville. So the point is is that there would have been no time.
Dean Cain on the other end could have been Superman. Maybe they weren't looking fo Cain. Maybe they were trying to fills the shoes of Reeves with this new guy. This new guy is the closest we'll get to Christopher Reeves. So you won't see a big change in Superman, except we are in the 21st century now.

Posted by: D.S. at June 25, 2005 11:58 PM

The new Superman, without Welling or Cain, might impress us. I remember having doubts about Christian Bale being Batman, and you see how good Batman Begins was. I now feel Christian Bale, next to Val Kilmer, should have been Batman from the start. So maybe I'll get the same opinion about this new Superman.

Posted by: D.S. at June 26, 2005 12:05 AM

i think it sucks that this is the last season. but there's nothing u can do about that. And this season will be a huge one. first of all clark learns how to use all his powers and even fly (yes fly). The Lana Clark romance is still in it but they take a bigger leap. Clark finds out that chloe knows about his powers. And for that person that siad Johnathon would die this season, there is no way they can do that because in the comics they show johnathon kent. so he doesn't die. But i do believe that some one close to clark will die. And the Lex finnlay becomes the villan.

Posted by: Jeff Jackson at September 24, 2005 10:47 PM