June 07, 2005

Sixteen Candles sequel?

Out of all the movies that could have been talked about after the reunion of The Breakfast Club on MTV it seems a sequel to Sixteen Candles is the one being talked about. That's a disappointment to me, there's so much to choose from that group of films and actors, I don't think that's the strongest one. The Club itself, St Elmo's Fire even Blue City, okay maybe not that one.

FilmFodder have the news that Molly Ringwald is already in discussions:

Fresh from her "Breakfast Club" reunion at the recent MTV Movie Awards, Molly Ringwald says she's in discussions to star in a sequel to the 1984 teen classic. Ringwald tells the Associated Press that she's been approached numerous times over the years to reprise the role of Samantha Baker, but she only recently read a "Candles" script to her liking.

Okay, that's a bit better, it's a long way off from getting a green light. If you were the studio and could pick one of those movies to sequelise, which would it be? I'd say Breakfast Club or Elmo's Fire...or Blue City! Ah, Ally Sheedy...Judd Nelson...memories.

Posted by at June 7, 2005 02:42 AM


"Sixteen Candles" was the best brat pack movie imho. Anthony Michael Hall (Farmer Ted) should have won an Oscar for that film. The idea of a sequel 20+ years later, however, just has "lame" written all over it. Same for the rest of those movies. Their time came and went. I don't think teen angst is going translate to mid-life crisis very well. Let it go.

Posted by: Jaboo at June 7, 2005 03:33 AM

Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club were two of my favorite movies as a teen, and even now. However, I don't think they should make sequels to either of these movies or any of hte others. Leave our memories of this films untainted - thank you!

I'm not really worried about this project getting off the ground it's been a rumor for years and every now and again it surfaces a little louder.

Posted by: Meli at June 7, 2005 09:49 PM

the breakfast club ofcourse, St.Elmos Fire, and Pretty in Pink. I love all of those movies but I really don't see how a sequel would work, but I would really really like to see sequels to all of them anyways. I mean for one thing it would really boost all of the former brat pack's popularity and even if the sequels do suck atleast the brat pack would get more recognition and they really do have nothing to lose. I would probably really really love a sequel to st. Elmo's fire though cause I love ally sheedy and Judd nelson sooooooooooooooooooooooo much they are amazing and I'd really like to see where all the characters in st.elmo's fire are now i mean what about the love triangle between alec,leslie, and kevin did that create tension over the past years and how about jules? and they've gotta all be married or divorced a few times by now.as for the breakfast club I really really still want to know exactly what happened on monday and i wish they would have made a sequel about that in 1987 or something cuz i think it would have been really fresh and dramatic and really show how much presure and hurt these kids were really going through. if they would have done that i would have bawled my eyes out. As for Pretty in Pink i think it was fine the way it ended but i heard they are doing a sequel to that showing what as changed since graduation and i think its an okay idea but that show doesn't really need a sequel it had a happy ending and that was that but if they do make a sequel to it i'll still watch it. and the sixteen candles sequel, well i never really liked sixteen candles all that much but ya ill still watch the sequel i might even like it better than the first.

Posted by: mikaela at July 20, 2005 09:50 PM