June 13, 2005

Omen - Damien to return?

Omen.jpgNow this really is a rumour and Dread Central are touting it just as that, but it's an interesting one.

I swung by Horror-Movies who vaguely report that Fox may be readying a new Omen film for, get this, June 6th, 2006.

Ah...6/6/06. Get it? GET IT?!

I say the source of this report is vague because it's not clear where this information came from, but it apparently stems from some box office release date list.

The film in this list is entitled Omen 666 (natch) and that 20th Century Fox, the franchise's rights holders, is behind it.

Very nice with the date, I like that. However they go on to say how bad Omen IV: The Awakening was compared to the originals, and you have to agree, that was a stinker of a movie. We can just pray that any move on a new Omen is nowhere near that movie and they do go to the original trilogy for their source and inspiration. Do you want to see another movie, or is the trilogy perfect enough?

Posted by at June 13, 2005 08:16 AM


Mmmm, except 6th June 2006 is a Tuesday, which is possibly one of the worst opening days in the week.

They could make a big deal about the unusual opening day (ie this film is soooo shocking that we couldn't wait until the weekend, or some marketing rubbish like that), but surely they'd only do that for a BIG film... maybe they think that this will be.

Omen IV is one of only two films that I've left halfway through because it was so bad (the other being Peter Greenaway's The Pillow Book).

Posted by: JohnW at June 13, 2005 09:10 AM

I loved the trilogy, i havent even bothered to see the forth one, no one has ever said a nice word about it. I think they sould leave it well alone.

Posted by: Pendragon00 at June 13, 2005 05:10 PM

I love this! I have waited for this a long time,
but I have always known that it will be more Omen films!!!

I hope this new move will start many years after Omen IV.
And if it does, then we will see an older Dhalia & Alexander.
(Both was caracters in Omen IV)
Alexander was the second anti christ, so it can't be about
Damien again, he is dead! But Alexander isn't! And I hope the
sequel(s) deal with the end times of the world and the second
coming of christ and the final battel between good & evil.

If the new Omen is a story that ignores Omen IV, then it will
destroy everything and make all fans angry!

And I don't like the new title 'Omen 666',
it would be better with 'Omen V: Alexander & Dhalia'

And finally, Omen IV isn't so bad.

Posted by: Dr.Latex at July 6, 2005 11:09 PM

There were some novels that followed on direct from omen 3, they were called omen IV and V. Omen IV bore no relationship to the sad movie of the same name and were in fact about the son of Damien and him being the new antichrist etc. They were quite a fun read

Posted by: geoff at July 19, 2005 07:09 PM

You may know by now it is a remake of the original Omen so not a sequel.

Posted by: Mom at September 22, 2005 01:33 PM