June 16, 2005

Murderball trailer

Checking out the Apple trailers I came across this one for a movie called Murderball. From IMDB:

A film about athletes who play full-contact rugby in Mad Max-style wheelchairs - overcoming unimaginable obstacles to compete in the Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece.

You have to watch the trailer to truly believe the madness that these guys get up to during a game, never mind what goes on afterwards! It looks a good piece of filmmaking and certainly has received a lot of good quotes. It's also currently sitting on 8.7 out of 10 on IMDB from 102 viewers, just over half of those rated the movie a 10 out of 10. It certainly looks an excellent documentary. Has anyone seen it and can comment on it?

Posted by at June 16, 2005 12:42 PM


It is an amazing movie. Innovative documentary filmmaking, rich characters, real emotion and fine pacing. One of the best things I've seen all year.

More commentary to follow June 23 at The Reeler, the New York City film site.

Posted by: STV at June 17, 2005 08:33 AM

The generous people at Thinkfilm gave a free veiwing of the Murderball movie to all athletes competeing this year at Nationals in Louisville, Kentucky. Wow! Unbeleivable and true to life for quads in our sport. Great and a must see for those interested in the trials and turbulations of brave individuals, truely moving. Feel free to email for a small clip of quad rugby (murderball) game highlight [email protected]

Posted by: Brian Muniz at June 20, 2005 09:47 PM