June 09, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Smith Reviews

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mr and Mrs Smith or FilmForce Mr and Mrs Smith

Is Mr. & Mrs. Smith the movie that broke up Brad and Jennifer? The answer is: WHO CARES! The only real question that any of us have about this film is: "Is it any good?".

Well, some people are ready to offer their opinions on that question. And here's what they have to say:

"Kinsberg’s highly tuned comedic dialogue pulls the film out of the fire by keeping the blistering husband and wife conflict chugging."
-- Joshua Tyler, CINEMABLEND.COM

"The sheer weight and volume of mayhem toward the end is numbing and meaningless, and two hours is a good 25 minutes more than such a frail conceit can sustain."
-- Todd McCarthy, VARIETY

"When you see this movie, you can understand why the rest of the world thinks Americans are crazy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are both assassins who work for rival 'companies.' We’re not supposed to ask whom they kill or why."
-- David Denby, NEW YORKER

"A full-on action flick, subversive rom-com and weapons-grade star vehicle that’s drenched in Tinseltown glitz, from a director who knows how to put the money on the screen while his tongue’s firmly in his cheek."
-- Simon Braund, EMPIRE MAGAZINE [UK]

So it looks like this is going to be hit or miss. No real consensus on this one. My impression is that it will deepend on what your expectations are. Looking for a smart spy flick? You'll probably be disapointed. Just looking for lots of explosions? Well, you're in luck. Personally I can't wait for Friday to get here. You can read more reviews here.

Posted by John Campea at June 9, 2005 03:01 AM


This has got to be the crappiest , most inane film I have seen in a long time and is almost in the same veing as dance-around-the-trees and car chase routine of Bollywood productions ... to top it , one didnt even get a god peek at Anjelina's bod !! What a waste of eight bucks and a week end evening !

Posted by: viki at June 11, 2005 10:27 PM

.... I thought it was Funny and at the end a good action movie... I hope they make a sequel to this, I haven't had so much fun watching a movie since Rush Hour 2

Posted by: Ray` at June 12, 2005 12:16 AM

I thought that the movie was the most inane that I have seen in a long time. There was simply no story line, no punch (or perhaps too much of the phyiscal type!!) - in all a very sad movie, and a complete waste of one's time. One wonders why people as accomplished as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are in the acting arena, would waste their time making a movie like this. All the reviewers who have given a C+ have been too kind, to say the least. Certainly I would never recommend it to a friend ... an enemy perhaps, but never to a friend!!

Posted by: prabha ramaraj at June 14, 2005 02:20 PM

Man that was the dummest movie I have probably ever seen in my entire life I mean, no 1 no 1 should go see that movie it is disgusting there is absolutly no reason to go see that movie.

Posted by: Steven at June 24, 2005 06:13 AM

far out, Crap, Crap, Crap thats about all I have to say

Posted by: Vyron Smith at June 24, 2005 06:15 AM

I liked that movie it had cute little chocolate men.

Posted by: Victoria at June 24, 2005 06:17 AM

This movie is the best movie ever made! I love it soo much! I want to buy it on VHS! Will anybody be my friend???

Posted by: Asshole at June 27, 2005 04:53 AM