June 30, 2005

More X-Men spin offs?

XMen.jpgSo we're looking at the Magneto and Wolverine spin off movies, but according to IGNand Variety through Comic Book Movie, there's much more planned.

The screenwriter of X-Men 2 and 3, Zak Penn has just signed a two year contract with the X-Men studio 20th Century Fox to do more than we've heard to date:

Variety also says, Penn is "expected to develop a film at the studio to direct, possibly a spinoff of the X-Men franchise. The movie would not be the either of the currently in-development Wolverine or Magneto project."

IGN adds: "According to reliable sources, Penn's project centers around a group of mutant youngsters at Charles Xavier's school for gifted children. Expect some of those young protagonists to probably include characters already established in the X-Men movies."

You know I often voice lyrical about the lack of creativity and originality coming out of Hollywood, but there's so much material to be had from the X universe, and if handled the way the films have been to date, then there could be much more, and many more successful movies.

From the last X-Men I actually found a real interest in the kids that were at the school. The section where the kids start running from the guards entering the building is superb, and it really did whet my appetite for more story of these to be X-Men. Is it something you would like to see, and could there be a good movie to be had out of it?

Posted by at June 30, 2005 07:34 AM


Yeah I agree. There are a LOT of good stories to be told out of the X-Universe... I'm still dying to see an Age of Apocalypse adaptation!

Posted by: John Campea at June 30, 2005 07:57 AM

I would love to see other X-Universe stories created for film. There is so much history and spin-offs with this those books that if done right it could become a wild franchise.

Posted by: Meli at June 30, 2005 03:22 PM