June 03, 2005

Mickey Rourke's Second Chance

There are VERY few people who I respect MORE than those who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol abuse and somehow find the guts and strength to beat their addictions and move on with their lives. Case in point... Mickey Rourke.

Rourke has had a very bumpy ride over the last 15 years... and let's be honest... it's his own fault. But huge Kudos to him for facing his problems and taking advantage of the opportunity when someone decided to give him another shot. There's a really nice short little story on Rourke over at China View that highlights it:

The 48-year-old star turned every director against him during the 1980s, when his alcohol and cocaine habits prompted violent outbursts, which eroded the trust and patience of those around him. But director Robert Rodriguez gave him the opportunity to rebuild his acting career, by offering him the role of street fighter Marv in the big screen comic book adaptation - and Rourke is overwhelmed by his unexpected comeback.

He says: "Walking down the red carpet, I thought: 'Is this really happening after all this time?' I almost burst into tears. "I am so grateful for my second chance. I was finished, crazy, washed up. I don't feel like I deserve it. I just feel grateful."

Maybe that's the reason he got zero publicity in the marketing of Sin City or the upcoming Domino. Perhaps the studios still just want to make sure he's not about to blow up again an ruin the marketing campaigns. Fair enough.

I still say hands down Rourke was the best performer in Sin City (which is saying a lot when you consider who else is in it). I can't wait to see how he does in Domino

Posted by John Campea at June 3, 2005 07:55 AM


Good on him, there are few things that warm the cockles of my heart than these kinds of stories.

Don't this the cockles of heart Agent Sykes?
It warms the shit out of my cockles, my cockles are burning.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 3, 2005 09:25 AM

Let's hope he stays clean.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at June 3, 2005 10:45 AM

he's one of those "former" drug users that looks like he did ALL the drugs...not just some. Its a unfair world where he lives and John Belushi dies.

Posted by: jason at June 3, 2005 06:08 PM

Nice words for Mickey. I always hoped he would get a second chance. He's a great Irish actor!

Posted by: Townies Movie at June 4, 2005 01:51 PM

Just as long as Rourke doesn't do anymore Zalman King junk again, we'll be fine. For those wishing to see this actor's best work (other than the recent Sin City) check out "Diner" and "Rumble Fish"...and better yet... if you are a big fan of "Sin City" then I STRONGLY reccomend "Johnny Handsome". You'll dig it.

Posted by: darren seeley at June 7, 2005 07:16 PM

I love this guy! He is one of the best - sexy and Very talented and his portrayal of Marv was tip-top! Definently my favourite Sin City character (i got a poster :D) Anyway! He totally deserved another chance, everyone has their little set backs and his come back it the greatest ever! Rourke for ever!

ps - His not irish.. He's american! He lived in miami!

Posted by: Chazwick at June 22, 2005 05:06 PM

Over the years i've come to associate Mickey rourche being in a film as a sure chance that the film was a B rated piece of shit. But after his performance in Sin City i'm holding in much higher stature than before. It might be the fact that the roll in question would appear to have been destined to be played by Mr Roucke; though at this point i could most certainly not envision any other actor doing quite such a convincing job of it. i really hate these sad little blogs people put up all over internet. But i guess i'll hike up my skirt and leave this message anyway. Drugs can take hold of a person to the point when the only person anyone associates with the drug is him. That made shit for sense i'm sure to anyone who hasn't been addicted to a drug. Every tough sob gets knocked down a few times, but a good one gets back up and asks for a second plate.

I'll get in line to watch his next movie. (don't fuck it up, second chances don't come around often)

Posted by: a new fan at June 27, 2005 04:20 AM

hello mickey rouke i need your adderss gave pls

Posted by: amanda pruitt at July 19, 2005 08:34 AM

As a 25 year old Marine, and proud Irish American, it is great to see Mickey Rourke's career taking off again.

Mickey Rourke is a truly a gifted actor, Roger Ebert once called him "One of the best talents of his generation".

Mickey is held dear to the hearts of Irish Americans, the fact that his career is seeing a huge rebound and resurgence puts a smile on the face of all his Irish-American brothers.

Posted by: Devin Leonard at October 22, 2005 04:35 AM