June 13, 2005

Mercury Man Thai Superhero

There's a new Superhero on the block, and he's not from the west. This one is called Mercury Man and he's coming from Thailand and helped by the stunt team of Ong Bak. Sounds like a good mixture? Todd from Twitch thinks so, and I'd agree, it sounds superb. Poster courtesy of their post. Here's a blurb he carries:

"Chan, a firefighter, is accidentally granted an unnatural superpower from holy objects called Leklai. Realizing both of the positive and negative side of this power, Chan tries to keep its in balance and in the mix with his own blood. At the same time, he is hunted by the mafia group who wants to take back this superpower."

This sounds superb, and is already promising so much with the stunt team involved. What do you think? Sounds like there could be good scope for a lot of internal struggling, am I good, am I bad...

Posted by at June 13, 2005 08:23 AM


It does sound good, and w/that stunt team, it can only get better.

Posted by: Eric From Philly at June 13, 2005 12:28 PM