June 05, 2005

Men In Black 3?

MIB.jpgI really didn't mind the first Men In Black film. It was pretty decent light entertainment. However, the second Men In Black film was just painful to watch (although if you just watched the parts with Lara Flynn Boyle and hit mute it was ok).

However, the second film did make money... and if you have a second film that makes money... then you're almost sure to have a third film. And that's the rumour going around today. The good folks over at MovieHole report the following:

Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are set to hit the creature-infested streets again for a "Men in Black 3". Producer Walter Parkes ["The Island"] confirmed that the sequel is in the "planning phase" and that they're coaxing Sirs Jones and Smith back to the ghostbusting business.
I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand the second film totally sucked, and yet on the other hand I'm always good for a brainless fun Sci-Fi flick. personally, I think Tommy Lee Jones should get back to his real strength and focus just on some solid dramas for a while.

Posted by John Campea at June 5, 2005 11:13 AM



...Number 2 killed the fanchise for me anyway.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 5, 2005 01:15 PM

"Ghostbusting business"? WTF?

Posted by: Franklin at June 5, 2005 04:56 PM

Yes Franklin... didn't you know? You're SOOOO uncultured. Everyone who knows anything about aliens knows that all aliens are ghosts. :P

(please note sacasm)


Posted by: John Campea at June 5, 2005 05:08 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at June 5, 2005 06:36 PM

Did anyone notice that the 2nd movie sucked compared to all of episodes of the cartoon show?

Posted by: Alfredo at June 5, 2005 07:34 PM

I have to disagree on MIB2... the scenes with Lara Flynn Boyle were the most painful to watch-- if you exclude nightmare inducing Michael Jackson cameo.

Will Smith is about to become overexposed... he needs to take a nice long hiatus, and spend some time with his kids.

And Tommy Lee Jones looked like he didn't really want to be in the second installment anyway. He looked like he was suffering from some month-long migraine through the whole movie.

Posted by: dparker2.0 at June 5, 2005 08:58 PM

I want to see a MIB III, I want to see a MIB III, I want to see a MIB III.

Good to hear fairly recent news that it's still in the development stages.

Here's one fan's opinion how to do it. Posted to the MIB II forum on imdb.

Keep the romance going between agent J and Laura (that means Rosario Dawson comes back and top billed w/Smith and Jones). I started writing such a story that can be found on the mibfanfiction group on Yahoo, and on fanfiction.net. I may register and submit a treatment but even if the idea gets "stolen", I just want the ball to get rolling on a sequel. I disagree with many detractors that there is no chemistry between Will Smith/Rosario Dawson. Hitch proved that Smith can be romantic and funny and I'm sure there are other examples.

- Make MIB III a little more serious in tone (less slapstick, more straight drama with some comic relief) and up the romance (I want a steamy love scene with Jay/Laura), up the weird metaphysical "wonder" and "awe" factor, up the tension, up the level of dialogue.

- Elevate this movie to the level of a Lord of the Rings or SW, in terms of developing major, deep fantasy backstory that is hinted at little by little. My idea, as posted, makes Agent J an alien with a royal bloodline from Laura's planet.

- Get Gina Torres as a supporting cast member. In my story she's Agent J's mother and the queen of Zartha.

- Do not let Sonnenfeld direct. He seems too slapstick and comedy oriented and the tone of these films need to grow up a little bit. I would like to see a Cameron or Spielberg protege direct. I would even like to see Tommy Lee Jones or even Will Smith himself direct. (These ideas may sound stupid but I'm just a fan. I only go to about 2-3 movies a year max and catch the rest as they come out on cable or DVD.)

- Have a "dream team" committee to write the story and get an "executive editor' to pull it all together. I am not a writer, just a fan.

Get a noted SF author (Octavia Butler, Orson Scott Card, etc.,) to team with Lowell Cunningham and a noted romance author (Nora Roberts?) to write the script. Base it on the previous 2 MIB's but evolve it and give it depth. Don't be afraid to be serious! Assume the audience is intelligent and geeky! A deep script is good! Gravitas is good! Gravitas will get Jones interested as he likes serious stuff, as he just won in Cannes for his own film.

Rosario Dawson is slowly moving towards being a great actress, she needs to stop being cast as eye candy/sex symbol so damn much. That's Halle Berry's problem (to me).

MIB III can easily solidify Dawson as the next Halle Berry and even better, if it's done right. Few women of color are big in sci-fi with the exception of Torres.

In writing my story, I noticed the critics roundly panned MIB II. Well, MIB can be resurrected and become a sci-fi franchise worthy of Star Wars or at least the Star Trek movies - if they write it right and surround Smith/Jones/Dawson with A-list support.

They need to shoot for Oscars on this one, to make up for the disappointment of MIB II. Quality, quality, quality.

Posted by: micmac99 at June 21, 2005 06:16 PM

nobody wants 2 read all that shit retard

Posted by: Snake at June 21, 2005 07:14 PM

wrong pal, somebody out there does and you just did, why the hell are u sayin' anything about it?

Posted by: micmac99 at June 21, 2005 07:37 PM

i never said i read it, i just looked at it and said holy shit thats gay

Posted by: Snake at June 21, 2005 07:55 PM

Look at some of the posts on this blog re: SW and ST and see how passionate the fan can be about the MIB series if they did it right. Make MIB a true sf franchise and stop "playing around" and just having the MIB movies be nothing more than boring ass modern day Bing/Bob "Road" pictures which is kind of what they are right now. They can still draw on Will Smith's comedic strength, but I'm of the opinion that Will Smith is 2 or 3 A-list dramatic/action projects away from a Best Actor Oscar if he lays off the rap records. I don't recall Shatner ever being nominated for Best Actor, do you?

Jamie Foxx got Best Actor on the strength of a fairly good story (I did not see "Ray") and Hollywood riding a big wave of tribute/sympathy over the loss of Ray Charles. I think Will Smith is as good an actor as Jamie Foxx or even Denzel Washington, if not slightly better than either. Will Smith has publicly been a "student" of acting and the acting/directorial process.

Also, don't discount the ravings of a fan. We're the ones who look in the paper to decide which movie to spend our $8, $9, $10 to waste, and we're the ones who stand in front of all those empty boxes at Blockbuster trying to decide which DVD to rent. Hollywood needs to respect the fan's intelligence and judgement - and assume it's reasonably high. That's why sci-fi/fantasy/comic adaptations and specifically ST, SW, Harry Potter, LOTR, Spider-Man, X-Men, the Matrix trilogy, the Blade series, etc., have been absolute cash cows. They appeal to a wide spectrum of audiences, the freaks, geeks and regular Joe's alike, without being utterly stupid (this is subject to debate).

The MIB franchise can be regarded in the same breath as the aformentioned if they would just stop playing the hell around and do it right.
Get Lowell Cunningham more directly involved in the films, at the very least.

Posted by: micmac99 at June 25, 2005 01:53 PM

If MIB 3 is made, make it more like the first one. Light action and comedy. Not like the sequel with Michael Jackson. They should have made Michael Jackson an alien and got rid of him then. But honestly, MIB 2 was funny.

Posted by: D.S. at June 26, 2005 12:36 AM

MIB2 was a good film in its own rite, it had some gd moments but wasnt anything near the quality of the 1st. i think the characters were better in the 1st, especially the bad guy, edgar was just so hilarious i crack up evry time i watch that scene where he's watching rosenberg close up his shop, while hes in the van trying to look natural. there were so many memorable moments in MIB, when u 1st see jeebs get shot and his head grow back, when edgar pulls his head back when he's told his skins hanging off his bones, when the saucer from the worlds fare crashes through the globe, all scenes that are instantly recognisable today, how many scenes are really that memorable from MIB2? i just think the 1st did evrything the 2nd did but far far better, comic timing, the writing, the acting, the characters, all better in the 1st. and apologies to snake if this post was too long for you to read

Posted by: jay at July 20, 2005 08:00 PM

what he hell?? are you guys mad?? the second MIB was way better than the first one( i like them both but c'mon ) now I just hope that the third will be better.. i like the villains, a giant cockroach and snake plant.. now the third i think it should be a marine monster, a mix with a shark, jellyfish and an eel, with like enormous teeths lool dude it would be so awesome!!

Posted by: xico at July 20, 2005 08:09 PM

a gun on the loose from m.i.b agent across africa the occuipant is in a floating fading picture car . please deliver to men in black base.
thank you.

Posted by: olamide at August 11, 2005 09:16 AM

"Will Smith is about to become overexposed..."

Dude, Will Smith has been overexposed since '97. Where have you been?

Posted by: Matt E. at September 27, 2005 10:25 AM