June 14, 2005

Land of the Dead latest trailer

GeorgeARomero.jpgThe last trailer didn't go down that well, but they've just revamped it and delivered it as an Internet only trailer, and it's been ramped up a notch or two. This trailer is much, much better, and the sound over the titles appearing is just superb, very creepy. Oh, and now Dennis Hopper's lines just don't seem as cheesy as before.

Take a look at it over on the official site, linked through from the cool guys at Film Rot.

What do you think? Has it made the look of the movie better? Are you suitably creeped out and ready to watch it?

Posted by at June 14, 2005 03:01 PM


Wow.. Looks like the MPAA will have a field day with this one. But then again, they left the "Decapitation Pleasure" scene intact in High Tension o_0

I'm really excited. The gore effects on this one look top notch.

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at June 14, 2005 03:37 PM

I can't wait for this movie - I've been excited since the project was announced. The trailers only add to the excitement, especially this internet one - the gore is looking good. I hope it doesn't get spliced to bits before it hits theaters!

Posted by: Meli at June 14, 2005 04:19 PM

Yaaaaaaaay, gore!

But I don't mean to be deliberatly sarcastic. This looks pretty good so far and in the Entertainemnt Weekly review with Land of the Dead's make-up artist there's a gag where a man gets his entire esophagus ripped out.

Yes, Yes.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 14, 2005 04:26 PM

The music is awesome, but I'd like it even more if it hadn't been used in Resident Evil.

Posted by: plutonick at June 14, 2005 07:02 PM

After seeing the first 14 minutes of this film not too long ago, I can assure you that it will live up to Romero’s last three zombie flicks. I think the bigger question is how will today’s audiences interpret Romero’s gore and overall message. I’m willing to bet, most people who see this film won’t be familiar with his legacy…and in truth, that’s not a bad thing (as they will more than likely hit up their netflix account for the old masterpieces)…it’s about time the latest generation of horror fans got a kick in the ass and saw what it’s really about.

Posted by: Christopher Childs at June 15, 2005 12:13 AM

This is no horror, this looks like a pretty bad comedy! I don't like the trailer. It's too long and you get the idea it's going to be the same story told again with a bit more money and a less twisted than the previous Romero movies. But maybe I just hate hard rock music and this ruined the trailer for me big time.

Posted by: Darko at June 15, 2005 04:27 AM

This is no horror, this looks like a pretty bad comedy! I don't like the trailer. It's too long and you get the idea it's going to be the same story told again with a bit more money and a less twisted than the previous Romero movies. But maybe I just hate bad hard rock music in trailers and this ruined it for me big time.

Posted by: Darko at June 15, 2005 04:27 AM

I understand your concerns Darko, but I have faith in Romero. His previous 3 films were not just gore, they had underlying messages, each one trying to commentent on the time period it was made. I am not too sure on the first one, perhaps racism and/or cocooning?

Consumerism on the second, and militarism on the 3rd.

I believe LotD will be about how humanity tends to ignores problems (ozone layer, aids victims and well, zombies) and tends to try and live with them, or simply ignore them.

However, besides the 'deeper meaning' if there is going to be one, did you notice a zombie firing a machine gun? It looked stupid in the beggining but it does signify that zombies evolve or something, I don't think this has been done before. I have faith in Romero (well I had faith in David Fincher too, but then he made panic room)

Posted by: PlutoNick at June 15, 2005 05:58 AM

wow how gay

Posted by: andy at September 29, 2005 06:38 PM

ya this looks like a movie for the kids its not good enough for me not enough gore or realism for me to get an understanding.so i agree with andy its gay wont be as good as dawn of the dead

Posted by: jack at September 29, 2005 06:44 PM