June 30, 2005

King Kong Trailer Online

You know, I've gotta admit I have my doubts about King Kong being any good... even with Peter Jackson directing it. Can a concept so hookey actually play out well in today's culture?

Well, I've just watched the trailer for King Kong... and I've gotta tell ya folks... my expectations just went up a couple of notches. From the short trailer it looks like it's going to be a beautiful re-imagining of the classic story. The visuals and "sets" look breathtaking. And it almost appears that Jack Black can actually act too! Who knew!?!

If you want to take a look at the trailer for yourself just go here.

Posted by John Campea at June 30, 2005 09:08 AM


Yup, looks very Jurassic Park leftovers meets Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom to me.

And I kept expecting Jack Black to walk up to the screen and pull a funny face or do a somersault. Not sure quite how he's gonna work in it.

The biggest problem for the film will be that big apes was big news in the 1930's I'm sure but We've had our fair shame of big monster movies in the last 60 yrs or so, not to mention the B-movie industry based on them.

And like Godzilla before it I think B movie's should stay B movies. Time will tell though.

Posted by: davey at June 30, 2005 09:27 AM

Everywhere I read about King Kong, everybody is referencing the 1930 movie. I haven't seen it - the one I've seen was the Jessica Lange remake. I was at an earlier age, not having seen many movies, so at the time I was very impressed by it. Anyway, when you're younger your imagination fills some gaps, you don't notice some details and you perceive differently some things.

So the King Kong I remembered was a huge, scary, unpredictable ape; that's what made the scenes with Jessica Lange work so well. And that's why the trailer didn't quite do it for me - it reminded me more of Mighty Joe Young. And I'm also not sure about Jack Black.

Most of the action scenes were too short to make an opinion. Mostly, I wasn't really impressed by the trailer. But in the end it's just a short, first trailer - we shouldn't make a definitive opinion based only on this.

Posted by: T-Jax at June 30, 2005 10:24 AM

I am really looking forward to this movie because I am a King Kong fan, and I am talking about the original film. They have a great cast, a good director, the effects, howard shore, even the T REX is there!(that in the '76 remake they replaced it with a giant snake).

I think that MR. Jackson is not going to dissapoint us.

Posted by: Darth Booker at June 30, 2005 10:33 AM

No problems getting excited for me. This is PJ's inspiration for becoming a movie maker. Look how well he treated LOTR! This is going to be THE movie this year. My most anticipated flick of the year.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at June 30, 2005 10:59 AM

Peter Jackson makes it look like and old film and new one at the same time with his art direction.

It's looking very nice.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 30, 2005 03:07 PM

Oh my god! Okay I see the comments people are making about Jack Black at the start of the trailer, but expressions and lines later on are okay. I really don't see an issue with the CGI, I think it's going to look spectacular.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 30, 2005 03:09 PM

I've been looking forward to this movie for some time now, and with the new trailer I'm even more excited. I think the trailer captures the essence of old and new. As remakes go, I'm on board with this particular one.

Posted by: Meli at June 30, 2005 03:13 PM

I'm with Lou. King Kong is Jackson love. Even more so then LotR and he nailed it out of the park and into the water. He's proved he has what it takes to make a spectacular blockbuster and I have all th faith in the world for this movie.

And why don't people give Adrian Brody crap? He was good in the Pianist. That's about it.

Posted by: Pudie at June 30, 2005 03:15 PM

Its so good to see Jack Black doing a different role. He can really find himself terribly unemployed if he plays the same "funny face sumersaulting underachieving goofball" in every film he is in.

I am impressed that he is playing a straight role in this, and I like the premise. It does have a lot of a Jurassic Park feel to it, especially that VERY JP looking TRex that Kong fights. Of course there is the paralell with the giant monster running loose in the streets of Manhattan that makes me think of JP2 as well.

All in all it does look good and I will go see it.

Posted by: Rodney at June 30, 2005 08:20 PM

Funny how things work eh? Your expectations went up a couple of notches, mine went down a couple. I was totally in awe...

...until the dinosaurs came on. The dinosaurs are not even on par with the ones in Jurassic Park. It feels totally CGI. Ill tell you why:

1. P.J. insists on having the camera flying smoothly through the jungle. The human viewpoint would be on the jungle floor looking up at these monsters. Camera shake is not always a bad thing, I helps selling CGI.

2. Noone has ever seen a real dino move so we as an audience is having a hard time identifying the movement.

I think Kong will work great though and that is because:

1. We all know how a gorilla moves, and Andy moves like that.

2. CG fur has come so far that it actually helps selling the CG. (Look at Monsters Inc. for some terriffic fur)

Apart from the two flaws, and I hope they won't get too much screen time, I think the movie will be great. Too much dino action and it will bring the credibility down. Animals fighting should look less Hollywood and more Animal Planet.

Just my two cents...

Oh yes, and FREE HAT!

Posted by: Al-x at July 1, 2005 02:27 AM

John, I know this is OT, but I'm reading the comments on this page when suddenly I'm assaulted with not just a pop-up ad but an AUDIO pop-up?

Good way to annoy visitors.


P.S. Didn't like Brody in the trailer, seems miscast and this image of the T-Rex here:


looks pretty damned good to me.

Posted by: Screen Rant at July 2, 2005 07:17 PM

Hey, I , loved Jurassic Park and heard there's a no. 4 coming out that will be good to see. Anyway, KING KONG looks awesome and if you go to kingkong.com then you can see the best trailer ever (unless you've seen it)! I don't really understand why people wouldn't like it as I used to love Dinos when I was younger and loved JP too but King Kong looks nothing like JP movies, it's just the bestest bestest bestest movie EVER because Peter Jackson is Directing and he is awesome. He used to make pretty bad Horror movies in his younger life but when he came to LOTR: 1,2 + 3 he was awesome! King Kong is definitely keep kids talking for a while and I'll definitely be seeing it about 99 times because... ITS PETER JACKSONS' MOVIE!

Posted by: God4areason at August 8, 2005 11:02 AM