June 06, 2005

Katie Holmes for Wonder Woman?

KatieHolmes.jpgCall me cynical if you wish - "CYNICAL!", thanks - however I really wonder if Katie Holmes isn't just being groomed by a far superiour and wiser publicity machine than before. Mind you I could be wrong, she could actually be in consideration for some of these roles, so cynical me to the side for the moment, and here's the latest comment from AAP through Moviehole:

Brace yourselves. It looks like Holmes is being eyed for the lead in Wonder Woman. No way. There is absolutely no way she could carry off that role. I can't see it, apart from being plagued by the Dawson image, looking like a child, and looking like a strong breeze could knock her over, there's the obvious Amazonian athleticism and voluptuesness to consider. She just doesn't cut it for me I'm afraid.

Check out Lynda Carter in Sky High, she looks great! Couldn't she come back?

Moviehole have the others still in the running list...

Jessica Biel, Kim Basinger, Mischa Barton and busty "Angel" player Charisma Carpenter.

Any of these actresses are better. At least they look older and stronger! I really think this has a lot to do with upping her profile by attaching herself to roles when no one is considering her. Check what she say's regarding Wonder Woman:

"I'd have to read it," Holmes says, adding that she's a fan. "I was part of the majority of little girls that loved Wonder Woman," Holmes said.

She still is. Thoughts?

Posted by at June 6, 2005 03:57 PM


Bullshit. An actress by the name of Nadia Bjorlin (she dated Bruce Willis briefly recently) has reportedly been considered for Wonder Woman, and let me tEll you, she fits the bill physically and then some! This chick has graced Maxim a few times, and if you saw the rack and hips on her, you would agree she is a real woman. And she has a beautiful face to boot. Oh, and she can act in case you care about that sorta thing.

Posted by: Lilly at June 6, 2005 04:07 PM

I wouldn't say Mischa Barton is better. Her & Katie Holmes would be equally horrible choices for Wonder Woman.

Posted by: shadopup at June 6, 2005 04:28 PM

I agree, shadopop, I was about the post the same thing. I'm pretty sure Barton can't even drink in Ontario yet, much less the states.

All I have to say is, they better make sure it's a brunette or someone who can carry off the look.

Posted by: Arethusa at June 6, 2005 04:37 PM

Mischa needs to eat. I cannot seem to get passed Katie and the cold sores and Katie and her freakishly gross feet to even watch her anymore. Add that to the Tom Cruise nonsense and she is rapidly becoming the next J-lo. Famous for being famous.

Jessica has no gravitas. Kim Bassinger is too slutty no matter how you clean her up. She is more Daisy Duke than Amazon Queen. You joke about Linda Carter looking great, so does Lena Olin. I think Lucy Lawless was born to play Wonder Woman. I think Angelina would be good in this role as well. I think the best way to go, though... is an unknown.

Just my insignificant opinion. :)

Posted by: Jennifer at June 6, 2005 05:23 PM

I think she could look the part if she did some serious workout stuff. I mean, she would have to bulk up a lot and I don't think she would be willing to do that. It would change her look too drastically.

As for her acting, it is hard to say. I mean, she had that great scene in "The Gift" which showed off her large pectoral muscles, but that is the best acting I have seen from her so far. Maybe she will do a better job in Batman Begins next week. At least I hope so.

It will either get her noticed, or drop her quick. It is pretty clear that her and Cruise are just in this for publicity. The only question is how it will affect them in the long run.

Posted by: Aaron M at June 6, 2005 05:59 PM

Katie Holmes still looks like a teenager, I don't care how popular she is at the moment, she doesn't fit Wonder Woman.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 6, 2005 06:27 PM

how can katie holmes be wonder woman AND play a character in batman?? it would whirl the DC universe into a paradox!!

Posted by: dave at June 6, 2005 08:27 PM

If Barton gets it, I'll kill myself. But on the other hand, I probably wouldn't see the movie in the theatres anyway.

Posted by: Tan Hoang at June 6, 2005 10:52 PM

i guess i got here too late to apply a bunch of sexist insults to those actors.

Posted by: bigwig at June 6, 2005 11:48 PM

Ugh - has Hollywood any taste or sense left??? Good Lord - this Wonder Woman for God's sake. None of the above actresses are worthy of wearing her tiara! I honestly can't think of an actress off the top of my head that would be good, but I'm largely for going with an unknown.

We need a REAL woman cast for Wonder Woman not some scrawny no talent annoying teen actress.

And if they really want Kim B in the movie cast her as a supporting role - it's all she's good for.

Posted by: Meli at June 7, 2005 10:16 PM

After seeing the episode of charmed I saw the amazonian princess by the name of Charisma Carpetner and in the show she wore a dress in the amazon style and I saw the essence of the beloved woman of every age we as a whole have grown up with.I hope the consideration of this beauty will be accounted for because if you saw what i SAW EVERYONE WILL AGREE WITH THIS COMMENT and if Lynda Carter is not casted as Hippolyta i assure you the movie will not succeed because their will be a strong fan base will be lost.History has to repeat itself in movie and if you know the story of how lynda got the part Charisma will become a icon.I know names bring in money buy TALENT IS KEY AND CHARISMA HAS IT

Posted by: sean martin at June 18, 2005 01:06 AM

Honest to say, I rather see Teri Hatcher as wonderwoman. She has alittle more experience with super heros. Or if not Teri, Selma Hayek because she look like wonderwoman material. Imagine her swing a rope and sitting in a plane that isn't there.

Posted by: D.S. at June 26, 2005 12:13 AM

Wasn't Sandra Bullock tipped to play the role? And also "Faith" from Buffy, Eliza Duckshu or something?

I think Parker Posey would rock the role.

Posted by: Sean at July 8, 2005 06:49 AM

Or how about:

Kate Beckinsale

Zooey Deschanel

Jennifer Connelly

Posted by: Sean at July 8, 2005 06:57 AM

Love is power, Love is justice, Love IS Wonder Woman !!!

Posted by: Bret at July 12, 2005 05:45 PM

Has everyone forgotten about Denise Richards. She's not teenager looking or old lady looking hasn't had a major acting role in a long time and she's hot and can look great in the suit. Wasn't she a bond girl also.

Posted by: pitbullbaracuda at August 2, 2005 02:21 PM