June 20, 2005

He-Man cast?

JasonLewis.jpgLooks like the new He-Man movie has it's lead. According to Newsweek through Rope of Silicon it's going to be Jason Lewis from Sex and the City.

He certainly did look the part when he had his top off numerous times in the show, maybe just needs a bit more muscle to compare with the cartoon, but looks wise he's pretty close. The big hint here is that IMDB actually has him listed as the lead...so I think that's a pretty good sign.

What do you think good choice?

Posted by at June 20, 2005 04:02 PM


he's no dolph lundgren

Posted by: bigwig at June 20, 2005 09:09 PM

A good choice would be not making this movie.

Posted by: Todd at June 20, 2005 11:38 PM

Hah. Although you have to admit that he looks rights for it.

Posted by: Tan Hoang at June 21, 2005 03:51 AM

Jason Lewis is hot and can at least act. I loved watched him on Sex in the City, and it would be fun to see him in the He-Man garb. ;)

Posted by: Meli at June 22, 2005 05:39 PM

the rock in a blonde wig?! i can smell what the rock is cookin... a f*ckin disaster!!

Posted by: JP at June 27, 2005 09:48 AM

i think that this guy is not he-man and the movie will be a cnvvh hv hv ! nad

Posted by: frank castellanos at September 12, 2005 11:52 PM

I would have to agree this movie has bad idea written all over it and after seeing this guy once or twice on Sex and The City I find myself feeling sympathetic for him. He displayed skill and charasima on the show and he should probably find better work than He-Man, but he may not be getting the offers.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 13, 2005 07:50 PM

jason is ok for heman..
but I want kate winslet for teela

Posted by: teela lover at October 5, 2005 04:00 AM

Should get the guy who played A.C. on Smallville

Posted by: awelch13 at October 21, 2005 11:34 AM

He'll be good for the part of He-man, but no one and I mean NO-ONE can replace Mr. Frank Langella as Skeletor. Frank is a TRUE acting icon as Skeletor. So in short.....this movie should not be made unless John Woo can find someone very very Very good to act as Skeletor (someone similer to Frank Langella). But Jason Lewis would make a good enough He-man.

Posted by: Ricardo Gonzalez at December 13, 2005 11:10 PM

Can you believe they've got john Glover playing Skeletor! Oh yeah, the butt hole from Gremlins 2 would be great for the part! "Hay Sorceress! Why don't ya open that draw bridge and hand over controll of castle greyskull to me? *Gleeming smile* GIVE ME A BRAKE! I can think of a dozen guys better suited to Play Skeletor!

Posted by: Yoshi at December 21, 2005 02:23 AM