June 07, 2005

Halo script completed

Halo.jpgYou have to admire Microsoft for one thing, they know how to market. They've always beaten other companies and products on their marketing alone, and it's no different with their approach to the script for Halo, see this from Coming Soon:

Variety says that messengers dressed as Master Chief from Microsoft videogame Halo hit the studios Monday with a screenplay based on the bestselling franchise.

The script is by 28 Days Later screenwriter Alex Garland, who was paid $1 million by Microsoft to write an adaptation that meets the approval of its executives and the game's creators at subsidiary Bungie Studios.

Microsoft also brought in former Columbia Pictures president Peter Schlessel to help it handle the project and serve as a producer in some capacity.

Microsoft and its representatives at CAA are seeking an advance of $10 million against 15% of the gross and strict control of development, adds the trade. The winning studio would have to follow a "bible" created by game developers to make sure any changes to the script don't alter the universe established in the first two "Halo" games that will continue in future sequels for the Xbox.

Wow. That's the marketing might of Microsoft. Here's what we're going to do, here are the rules and the laws, now who wants to buy it? The thing is they know someone will, and with all the additional clauses, it's just such hot property and comes with a captive audience.

Mind you, despite the attractiveness they report:

New Line and DreamWorks have already passed on the project due to its high cost and concerns about the script. In addition, Sony is believed to have not been included because of its PlayStation division's competition with Microsoft.

I'm surprised for DreamWorks, I really am. They could have produced something really stunning here. I wonder if maybe Microsoft and Bungie have been too precious and tried to keep too much of a hold on the whole deal?

Posted by at June 7, 2005 04:02 PM


Hollywood is certainly the kind of business where the major players do not like being told by an outsider what to do. The studios probably did give the script a read, but the staged publicity with delivering it most likely affected their initial impression of it. These type of stunts don't work, and tend to have the opposite affect, in Hollywood.

Really, if Microsoft has so many demands, why don't they just hire their own production company to produce a Halo movie? Then as the movie is being produced, they can sell the distribution rights to the studios.

Everything about how Microsoft has been handling this indicates that the company doesn't have much of a clue as to how the Hollywood studios operate.

Posted by: Mark at June 7, 2005 04:37 PM

If they do this right it could become one of the better video game to movie adaptations (which wouldn't be saying much), but I have no faith in these kind of things anymore.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 7, 2005 05:16 PM

I disagree, I think they are spot on with their marketing and know perfectly well how the industry works, that's the very reason they are not hiring their own production company to make the movie because they know that's not their business.

It's also very wise with the "bible" idea to cover how the universe of Halo should be in order to retain the franchise. That kind of binding contract would have saved the Alien, Predator, Batman franchises to name but a few.

They know fine that a studio will pick this up. The top selling XBox game with a huge guaranteed audience, and the prospect of a good movie. If I'd been DreamWorks I'd have been straight in there.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 7, 2005 05:51 PM

I think Microsoft is playing it just fine. They want a movie made a certain way and are (thankfully) sticking to their guns (for now). Even though I'm not particularly interested in this coming movie (yet) I hope they get it done on their terms. I'm all for those who approach Hollywood in an unconventional way. Heck - Microsoft is a company giant - do they should be able to get it made the way they want.

Posted by: Meli at June 7, 2005 09:05 PM

I think Alex Garland is a great writer, so with the right director it should make a great movie. And as much as I dislike Microsoft, I have to admit that the game "bible" concept and the way they are trying to control the development sounds pretty good.

Posted by: T-Jax at June 8, 2005 03:10 AM

Uggh. This is repulsive. Good for the studios for not falling for the hype. First, what video game movie is really worth the hassle of putting up with Microsoft for years? Christ, putting up with that bunch of assholes would kill most normal people.

Second, if there is a "bible" for the movie, it tells me they care more about marketing than telling a good story (which means this "movie" is going to be a full-length commercial for the videogames, not a real movie), which also means that the movie is going to suck.

Finally, given the bullshit Microsoft puts in every contract, there's probably lots of nasty provisions designed to screw everyone if Buttlick Bill isn't happy. So its probably not even a good business deal. The idea that there is a built-in audience for this is silly. People know the game, it doesn't translate into butts in seats.

Posted by: Morris Hattrick at June 8, 2005 11:08 AM

Morris, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that you're not a Halo player. A Halo movie would, in fact, translate to "butts in seats". Try visiting Bungie.net. Their forums have been buzzing about the movie for months. You underestimate the fan base of this franchise. Of course Microsoft wants to make money off of the film but you are missing the point of the "bible". If they cared more about "marketing than telling a good story", they would just let anyone have it, make a cheap picture, and watch the cash roll in. The "bible" ensures that the movie is made with in the boundries already established in the current games and that it fits into the storyline of future games. Which seems to me to be a nod to the hardcore fans. Halo, if done right could be the best video game adaptation ever.
P.S. Why all the Microsoft/Gates hate? Did Windows XP rape your mother or something?

Posted by: adam at June 8, 2005 05:49 PM

Im a big Halo fan so I belive that this might actually work, unfortunalty, I doubt, that we wont see any of it for several years guessing about how many thinks "graphic/acting" wise will have to be done considering that the script is JUST finished.

Posted by: Larry at June 9, 2005 08:30 AM

Adam i agree with you but knowing that they are saying it is sopost to start filming in september or january and is being relased in 2007 maybe pushing it a little.The reason i am looking foward to this movie is because everyone at bungie read it and it passed and i also heard that jason wil be there supervising it so it can blow that bad if jason will be there and everything has to go through him.

Posted by: Mitch at June 11, 2005 08:18 PM

I've played it, enjoyed it, but it's a game. Movies (or, I should say "good movies") are different than games.

Specifically, as for butts in seats/built in audience factor, look at any of the video game movies to date. Each had a built in audience, but once the word hit the streets that the MOVIE sucked, that audience disappeared. If the Halo sucks AS A MOVIE, that built in name recognition will disappear too. The forums will be buzzing about how they ruined it, or how Hollywood sucks.

Here's the thing with the "bibile." Movies and games work for different reasons, and the demands for making a good games are not the same as what works for a movie. (For example, compared to what's required in a good movie, there is no character development in a game whatsoever.)

So, if there comes a point where the demands of good story telling suggests that the movie show something or that something happen, but the "bible" says that something else has to happen, and they follow this "bible", that means that they are not doing what is best for the movie but what is best to market the videogame. If they make decisions about what to put in the movie based on keeping it within "the boundaries already established in the current games" and making sure it "fits into the storyline of future games" as you say, then they aren't making a movie, they are making a two hour fucking commercial. Which will guarantee it sucking.

Finally, to the extent I hate Microsoft, it is because they are a company that puts out shit product and uses strong-arm tactics that should be left to stick-up men.

And you don't say shit about people's mothers, you fucking prick.

Posted by: Morris Hattrick at June 13, 2005 05:55 PM

They should burn Alex Garland's script and have Vin Diesel write it. He should also direct it, play Master Chief and voice all of the Covenant. Except the Grunts. They're totally homosexual.

My 2 cents!


Posted by: VinnyMyLove at June 17, 2005 01:37 PM

The HALO movie should be directed by Steven Speilberg and written by Peter Jackson. Now that would be a great movie. No Goerge Lucas because Revenge of the Sith sucked huge ass!!!

Posted by: peetboy88 at June 19, 2005 09:54 PM

The HALO movie should be directed by Steven Speilberg and written by Peter Jackson. And it should be based on the HALO novels. Now that would be a great movie. No Goerge Lucas because Revenge of the Sith sucked huge ass!!!

Posted by: peetboy88 at June 19, 2005 09:55 PM

The Halo Movie I hope they get a good actor For the main Charator like James Erl Jones or James Wood

Posted by: pATA at June 21, 2005 10:28 AM

u r all fuking shitheads that is all.

Posted by: yourmom at June 26, 2005 10:09 PM

halo halo2 halo3 what ever happens movie or but it is still the greatest game ever!!

Posted by: alex at July 7, 2005 11:33 AM


mitch, you are very dumb.the reason they want to follow a "bible" is to not piss off even more people by screwing up the story. Play the games, read the books, it all connects! for example, if master chief died in the 3rd game, and the movie takes place after it, and master chief is alive, i think a few people will be pissed that some stupid movie just screwed up the whole story! Any TRUE halo fan will see the movie, and buy it when it comes out on dvd, even if it does suck!

By the way, your mother sucks!

Posted by: vash at August 6, 2005 12:23 AM

i appologize mitch. i meant to bitch at MORRISS HATRICK

Posted by: vash at August 6, 2005 12:25 AM

I hope the halo movie will be great.

Posted by: Brent Borders at August 27, 2005 12:14 AM