June 10, 2005

Halo Movie News

It looks like Universal and Fox Studios have reached an agreement with Microsoft on the development of a Halo film.

Let's just get this out of the way right now... this movie will make money. Why? Because little video gaming morons (like myself) still believe that just because a video game is any good that it can be a good movie. Therefore, they think that just because Halo is a fantastic video game... it MUST make a great movie right? Man we're gullible.

Anyway, on the lighterside of the news it looks like Microsoft got put in their place a little bit. Apparently Microsoft thought they could just ask for whatever they wanted and studios would jump. They didn't jump... at least not according to this little tid bit brought to us by the good folks over at M&C;:

The deal was reportedly a major step down for Microsoft from its initial demands for a $10 million upfront fee and 15 percent of the studio`s first-dollar box-office gross receipts, the New York Times reported Friday. The company had also sought a large amount of creative control, insisting on approval over the cast and director and a budget reaching at least $75 million, not including the fees for the actors and director.

The deal with Universal and Fox would award Microsoft no more than $5 million for the film rights and only 10 percent of the first-dollar box-office gross receipts, the Times said. Universal would oversee production and get domestic distribution rights, while Fox would get the foreign rights and have a say in production.

The reality is that everyone who was willing to plop down $50 (or more) for the game will be more than willing to plop down $10 to the the movie adaptation... and it will suck.

Why am I saying it will suck? Because there are 3 unchangeable rules in the universe:

1) Politicians will lie

2) Jennifer Garner is hot

3) Video game movies suck

I'm pretty sure I can form a religion on these "3 Commandments". Who wants to join?

Posted by John Campea at June 10, 2005 12:53 PM


I will join this religion good sir.

I don't like the sound of the Halo movie so far. It will probably be just a money grab.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 10, 2005 01:05 PM

I agree. Halo is a great game and should stay that way. Why expand the Halo franchise onto the silver screen? I understand that it might follow a logical progression, but that's about it. I can see movies made into video games being more successful like Enter the Matrix which sold incredibly well considering it took like an hour to play the whole game. The Wachowski brothers made a lot of money on the game, because they had already established a much larger following than that of Halo. That being said...I'll be in line the day Halo opens in theaters regardless, because guns are cool. Yeah....guns....

Posted by: Matt at June 10, 2005 01:09 PM

John - Isn't Jennifer Garner preggo right now? I guess we all know what fetishes you're into...sicko.

But you are right that the Halo adaptation will probably reak, yet still make 200 million thanks to all the bottom feeders out there that will go see any piece of crap that's thrown up on the big screen.

Posted by: Prophecy at June 10, 2005 02:21 PM

I'd join your religion, but I have to disagree with the second commandment. Jennifer Garner is not hot (relative to other celebrities). She's a bit too masculine. Yikes don't flog me too hard for that.

Posted by: chengautomatic at June 10, 2005 03:10 PM

I seem to be the only one that thinks this movie will be good. Even the best video game movie yet. MS and Bungie oviously don't want this to be fucked up , so they wont let it be. Hence the final say on cast and director. They want this done right because they know the history of video game movies and they dont want to be one of em.

Posted by: Pudie at June 10, 2005 05:44 PM

Hey there Pudie.

I see what you're saying... but you've got to keep in mind 2 things:

1) EVERY movie has someone putting up the money that doesn't want the movie fucked up. Why will this one be any different?

2) Microsoft doesn't want it fucked up? WHAT THE HELL DOES MICROSOFT KNOW ABOUT FILM MAKING!?!?! They want to pick the cast? WHAT THE HELL DO THEY KNOW ABOUT CASTING?!?! They want to pick the director? WHAT THE HELL DO THEY KNOW ABOUT DIRECTING OR PICKING A GOOD DIRECTOR?!?!

Microsoft is reminding me of a bad sports team owner. You see, a GOOD owner hires people who know the sport and then lets THEM make the decisions. Bad owners like to think they know what they're talking about and interfeer. Teams with bad owners lose. This movie will sucks BECUASE Microsoft (a company that knows nothing about the film business) will try to interfere with the people who know what they're talking about.

Microsoft should pick a studio... and then stay the hell out of it. Let the experts make the movie. Let the casting people cast. Let the experienced producers pick a director. And then Microsoft can make more games or software at rape me prices.

Just my two cents worth.


Posted by: John Campea at June 10, 2005 06:13 PM

Every videogame adaptation sucks? That's a sweeping generalisation. They do so far, but if the right people were on the job it might work. Imagine if Microsoft had gone the softly softly approach and really allowed the film makers free reign, within certain parameters which they could work together on, and Dreamworks loved the idea and took it up?

Big budget, Dreamworks in charge, MS just giving funding and general universe advice. It would be streets better than anything to date.

What we have though is the chicken and egg scenario. The execs think that the movies suck but theres a niche guaranteed audience, so make it on the cheap and get the DVD sales out of it. Until they take the chance and do one of them right, they will suck.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 10, 2005 06:22 PM

you must be smokin crack....Jennifer garner is a TWO FACE....you know...in the right light...she is good lookin but mostly she looks like some one stretched her like silly puddy.

Posted by: jason at June 10, 2005 07:48 PM

Two things I would like to mention. Well three. First one is that yes, Jennifer Garner is hot. Had to get that out of the way.

Anyway first real thing. People seem to have forgotten or didn't know in the first place that Halo also has books, very good books as I hear. I have been meaning to free up enough time to read them, but I have heard the story is very legit and would make a great movie. I especially want to read the first one, which features the origin of Master Chief and a lot of the back story to the first game. I think that people need to realize that there is more story out there then what is shown in games, which may give it a boost when it comes to story for a movie. I found a link for reference http://xbox.about.com/od/xboxaccessories/fr/halobooks.htm

The second thing is that a while back they said that they would only do it if Ridley Scott would direct the movie and if the guy who produced Alien would produce it. Anyone know if this is still going to happen? I seem to recall that they said they would do it. I would love to see Ridley Scott take this on.

Posted by: Al at June 10, 2005 08:52 PM

The Halo movie will almost certainly bite...that said, as crazy as it sounds, Halo 2 is almost single-handedly responsible for getting me through my wife's battle with cancer. You don't know how many sleepless nights I've spent, with Lori passed out on the couch from the exhaustion of chemo, while I'm sipping green tea, sniping Covenant from my badass lounge chair : )

Extra bit of trivia...my dad kicks *** at Halo.

He's 63.


Posted by: Cary at June 10, 2005 09:46 PM


The thing is though , it's not just Microsoft. It's Bungie too. And I know bungie cares about their movie being represented right.

Do they want to make money off of it? Sure. That's buisness. But I have faith that they will make this as good as they can and be as faitful as possible to the movie. Cause they know that's what fans really want. They dont want some half assed movie for the sake of cash. They know Halo means the best production out there.

And not hire Uwe Bowel or Paul WS Anderson.

Posted by: Pudie at June 10, 2005 09:57 PM

I'm starting a splinter faction of your religion. The only difference is I'm changing the 2nd commandment to Salma Hayek. Who's with me?

Posted by: Kenn at June 10, 2005 10:59 PM

Change it to Monical Belucci!

Posted by: Pudie at June 10, 2005 11:14 PM

Lest we forget "Alone in the Dark", perhaps the greatest movie of the past 20 years?

Posted by: Methylparoben at June 11, 2005 08:12 AM

Richard wrote:
Every videogame adaptation sucks? That's a sweeping generalisation. They do so far, but if the right people were on the job it might work.

Exactly! If Uwe Boll was making Fight Club, or Paul WS Anderson was adapting Lord of The Rings, or some other shmucks were writing crappy screenplays based on great books, you would conclude that "movies based on books totally suck"? I say place the videogame movies in some competent hands, use talented writers and directors and the result shouldn't dissappoint.

Regarding Halo, I think Alex Garland is a great writer and I hope they also will choose the right director.

Posted by: T-Jax at June 11, 2005 02:20 PM

From a woman's point of view... I wouldn't lay my grubby hands on the likes of Jennifer Garner. Someone said earlier she's a bit too masculine, and I agree. Yuck.

Posted by: SuperGrover at June 12, 2005 02:36 AM

If you ask my opinion, I believe that the Halo movie would only be successful if they capture the elements directly from the novels, than just merely the game. Sure, people know what happens in Halo and Halo2, so it would be best that they get something Halo related, but more original, instead of something that everyone already knows about. A prequel to Halo3 or Halo would sound great. Or perhaps a movie between Halo and Halo2 would be good too. Kind of like the book "First Strike". Excellent Book. That's all.

Posted by: Charle at June 14, 2005 01:03 AM

I am a big fan of the entire halo franchise first of all. The video games rock and the books are surprisingly well thought out and complex. The movie has potential. The books were not just action packed blowem up scripts. The story is epic, its a really convincing tale of salvation, a struggle to save humanity, kinda like War of The Worlds. If they base it one the game story lines, use plenty of elements from the books, have a pretty big budget, get a decent directer and cast, and most importantly has bungie on the sidelines making sure it doesnt get screwed up and stays true to the tone and mood of the story, it could turn out to blow everyone's minds. I am so glad they are going to do a movie, but if it isn't right, i am really going to be pissed off and nobody will every believe me again when I say halo has an awesome story, that its not just about shooting and having fun. This is the big chance to prove to everyone just how awesome halo is outside of the gameplay. Please don't mess it up.

Posted by: David at June 14, 2005 11:49 AM

i think it sould be based either on halo 3 or halo 1 combined with halo 2

but my quess is that they will follow there own story totaly from scratch except they will keep the main characters of course.

C'mon people bungieand & microsoft are not producing the movie fox is.

Posted by: snake eater at June 14, 2005 11:58 AM

The movie would be great if they used the original voice actors for halo in the movie otherwise it would screw it up. they should make the story line follow the first book Halo: Fall of Reach (by the way is a really good book) then continue onto the game. Then make a second movie that folows the third book Halo: First Strike and halo 2.

Posted by: Alex at June 14, 2005 09:49 PM

how would they use the same voice actors? If your suggestings to make the movie animated or 3-d like ff then thatswat will be the down fall of this movie

Posted by: snake at June 15, 2005 10:00 AM

Well first off yes your right microsoft and bungie are not making the move....but they have strict guide lines and what not. Personaly it would be much better to create a CG film insted of a real life action film. Reason you ask for....One the reason you never see the master cheifs face is so that you as the game player and reader may get a pic of the chief in your own way. Brining in an actor to fill his boots....well that would be the true down fall of this movie. Second it would be truly painstakingly hard to make a bunch of covie maodles to use on set. They would look better in CG. Third..well there is no real third. SOme may ask why not a combo of CG and live action. Still you would want to get an actor to play the cheif...again a no go. Im sorry if my opinion is odd or a bit unorthadox but that me....if you woule like to further talk with me on this subject my XBOX LIVE gamer tag is Kutsu42.

Posted by: Kutsu42 at June 15, 2005 06:54 PM

I get pretty obsessive somtimesd but I just wanna say everything about Halo Rocks the very depths of hell!

Posted by: Dungeonmaster101 at June 15, 2005 07:45 PM

first of all i think the movie would be great if they put all the time and money they can in to it.The Halo books are absolutely awsome novels, ive read all three and im only 11 years for god sakes. im not a dumbass eithere. the storyline is awesome, interesting and intreging. damn it tell me who the hell would play the master chief! and show me his face.they better take their time cause i do not want to waste my money buying tickets.

Posted by: jack at June 15, 2005 07:56 PM

Hell Jack, you got some damned good taste. :)

Posted by: Dungeonmaster101 at June 16, 2005 01:10 PM

ok first of all the movie wont suck with a all satr cas t of the rock as master chief samul jakson as johnson and ed harris as keys the movie is alredy shping up well. second yes video game movies suck:final fantasy for example 1 thing tho is this move and many other game movies are done in cartoon format instead of real life AND not done with a good cast soo to bad figure your shit out befor you start talkin. you will all se in 07

Posted by: Halo Guy 35 at June 17, 2005 10:36 AM

it sould definetly be in real life. CG movies are just dumb it's like a game but your not playin it. Plus if its CG then it wil repel alot of people,i mean a lot. People that like rambo action type of movies but have never played halo wont see the movie if its in CG.

Posted by: pliskin at June 17, 2005 10:46 AM

Ok "Halo Guy 35", you need to learn a few things.

1) An all star cast doesn't mean squat. Batman and Robin anyone?

2) The Cast of a movie does not make the movie. They don't write the story, they don't come up with the lines that they speak, they don't direct the movie, they don't do the camera work or the visual effects or bulid the sets. They just take their lines and say them.

2) There have been LOTS of live action video games movies.... and they've all sucked. Get your facts straight.

3) Microsoft knows NOTHING about making movies... and yet they still want to have creative controll. Bad bad bad bad mistake on their part.

Can Halo be a good movie? Sure, there is a chance... but everything points to it being massive suckage. I really do hope you're right and I'm wrong. I hope it rocks... but I really doubt it will.


Posted by: John Campea at June 17, 2005 10:47 AM

Ya it has great potential to be f**ed up. but it still has the halo title so ppl will still see it. I still stand by point that it sould be with real actors and not so much CG characters. this kinda sounds like something John Woo sould takle.

also i hope there is a metroid movie soom that is with real ppl 2.
the news for that kinda died off

Posted by: pliskin at June 17, 2005 10:59 AM

Dudes you all need to learn that a HALO Movie has the potencial be the best DAMN FRICKIN MOVIE from a game there could be! I put my full trust in FOX to make this movie the best they can. and for the recored Jennifer Garner is not hot!!

Posted by: Tahali at June 18, 2005 06:17 AM

um whoever thinks the movie will suck can go blow themselves

remember final fantasy that movie sucked because there was no action but the graphics were like orgasmic. that was awhile ago. think of what they can do now

im like having an orgasm on everything in excitment for this video cause im pretty sure microsoft knows the meaning of violence and action.

so suck wang whoever posted that

Posted by: Suck Wang Loser at June 18, 2005 11:03 PM

jennifer garner is not hot

but ana kournikova, or however you spell it, is

brooke burke is even hotter though

i orgasm on brooke burk and halo movie at the same time

Posted by: Suck Wang Loser at June 18, 2005 11:17 PM

jennifer garner is not hot

but ana kournikova, or however you spell it, is

brooke burke is even hotter though

i orgasm on brooke burke and halo movie at the same time

Posted by: Suck Wang Loser at June 18, 2005 11:18 PM

the thing I am most worried about is the covenant. They beter not be just people running around in costumes. A 12ft hunter would look so cool in real life!!

Posted by: Agent george at June 19, 2005 02:53 AM

OMG i remember Final Fanasy i thought it would be like the game but it had nothing to do with it. YEA their graphics rocked but that was years back we can expect to see better. The movie should be computer graphics no real actors that will stuff up everything.
It should be like watching a really really good clip as you would see in HALO 2 campain.

Posted by: TK at June 19, 2005 04:29 AM

ok i believe that it will good movie if microsoft backs off a little yes they do have a right to the money in all but if they let the studios do their business and let bungie make sure everything goes with the accordance to the halo plot line and for one the rock should not be master cheif and two why shouldnt the original voice to master chief be the voice to it i mean just put a in shape person in a suit doesnt have to be a good actor all he has to do is move around and fit in the suit then just put a voice over i mean it isnt like your going to see the person in the suit talk anyway but also yes their is a deal with the convnant troops they should not be in suits they actully should be computer animated on acct a suit would look silly but in all respects the movie will make money and two the movie will kick ass

Posted by: ihatekeanureives at June 19, 2005 05:46 AM

why would they trust the studios that made the other vidiogame movies suck so bad

Posted by: Agent george at June 19, 2005 02:52 PM

one if people dont recall some of the matrix cg was ass badly so it better not be the half reality half cg. two the ring its self if anyone smart remembers is huge in the fact that the walls were so damn perfected that they only repeated about 10 times each and thats alot of detail that the actual halo better be perfected by. third the flood each had its own individual design for up to 100 caracters. fourth the actors better only mouth it because that would screw up the veiwers opinions about the movie. fith the huter better end up his higth and computer controled. sixth guilty spark better be some awesome movie creation to impress me. seventh the weapons better be the exact design for the fact that a person can see the guns on halo with detail and with a sniper rifle. eighth there pelicans better be some really sweet movie magic. nineth cortana better end up an actual holographic progection and finnally the music of the game better be used or else i will sue till bill gates is so fuckin broke

Posted by: Demon Slayer at June 20, 2005 04:39 AM

THIS movie needs to be all computer animated no questions asked that makes it possible to do almost anything plus it wouldn't be fucked up with half real and half comp animated. That way we could have good covenant and real size hunters. Will the flood be white like the 1st halo or brownish like the 2nd i also think they should have heeps of different types of flood.

Posted by: TK at June 20, 2005 06:17 AM

ALL videogame movies sucked? I actually thought Final Fantasy was alright, if you weren't expecting it to follow any of the game storylines at all (c'mon, they would have had to pick from about 10 different storylines, each with its own loyal fanbase, to make ONE movie). Not to mention Resident Evil and its sequel, they are the best zombie-horror-action flicks in recent years, if you don't count Romero's remakes of the "___ of the Dead" series (and Shaun of the Dead, that one was GREAT). And there is always the classic Super Mario Brothers, that movie ROCKED (ok, just kidding with that one, that was the original suckage VG movie, if you don't count the hollywood adaptation of Pong).

Posted by: Stealthrogue at June 20, 2005 08:18 AM

Im one of thoughs people who says "this movie is going to kick ASS!"
but really I know deep down inside it's going to bite the biggest
covenent cock this side of the universe.

But somthing deep down inside tell's me this movie is going to be awsome, call it faith but I really think it's all going to work out.

cuss think about it, all the other Games that have been put on the big screen NEVER HAD A STORY TO BEGIN WITH, but Halo... IT ALREADY HAS A SWEET ASS STORY!

So Im gessing, or hoping...That the people developing the movie will
do their best to make the greats Game movie of all time.

But if they destroy the HOLE DAMN THING, then im going to be REALLY pissed.

It should be agenst the law to abuse a good story sutch as Halo's.


Posted by: Top Grunt at June 23, 2005 09:22 PM

HALO FANS if this movies sucks cock then stuff it!! pretend it never existed and blast the producers with hate mail for the shit job they did. CONTINUE to play halo and learn the storyline, mind u it's one of the best out there and forget about the movie completely.

BUT if the movie rulz and is fantastic make sure we get to see a sequal because like the lord of the rings this movie should have and ending but also a continueation, a series


Posted by: TK at June 24, 2005 03:31 AM

jurassic park looked real and its half animated and real life

Posted by: Agent george at June 24, 2005 06:52 PM

I hope you all die when halo gets an oscar for best motion picture........ Meh who am i kidding.

Posted by: some one at June 24, 2005 08:45 PM

hey yea jurassic park was cool but i don't think u could do that with the covenant or flood

Posted by: TK at June 26, 2005 04:41 AM

as far as the special effects go, ofcourse theyre going to make it look good. but this is going to be a pretty bad movie. the story in the halo games were crappy, i wouldnt want to watch it played out.

Posted by: what4521 at June 26, 2005 07:23 PM

Screw u what4521 or whatever your name is
how are we supposed to have hope that this movie will be good if you say that and if you don't like halo that much then what the hell are you doing at this site

Posted by: TK at June 27, 2005 03:02 AM

Ok heres the thing Halo ROCKS all u guys out there who have no faith in halo can go to hell cause halo will b the greatest movie ever cause cmon were in the year 2005 special effects are getting much better like in the war of the worlds they remade that movie and it was awsome!!!Wut i think is that Halo the movie will rock ur world

Posted by: THE_MASTA at July 1, 2005 07:53 PM


Posted by: TK at July 2, 2005 04:28 AM

I agree with the first two "commandments" - But jesus at least give Halo a try for the movie, I mean the game made $160M in the first 24 hours it was released, personally I think it would work.

Posted by: DeVaStAtOr3o8 at July 13, 2005 12:19 AM

I think The halo movie is Going to be the best game to movie Ever.its got 2 Kickass Games 3kickass Books and millions of fans to back it up .so you nonbelievers need to put asock in it and drop dead.

Posted by: halo guru at July 17, 2005 09:31 PM

i agree with some other people dont just base the movie on the game but on the books i am in progress of reading the final one and they have a good story and add a backbone to the story line they are all great and would make good movies give halo a chance also dont just shut them down and whoever said they wwanted to free up sometime to read the books do it they are good and also the kid who said hes not a dumbass really is i mean come on there not going to spoil the games by showing his face but bottom line give it a chance i know most all movies based on games sucked but i dont think bungie would let it all go to hell i think they care about the franchise

Posted by: ac at July 26, 2005 07:09 PM

i agree with some other people dont just base the movie on the game but on the books i am in progress of reading the final one and they have a good story and add a backbone to the story line they are all great and would make good movies give halo a chance also dont just shut them down and whoever said they wwanted to free up sometime to read the books do it they are good and also the kid who said hes not a dumbass really is i mean come on their not going to spoil the games by showing his face but bottom line give it a chance i know most all movies based on games sucked but i dont think bungie would let it all go to hell i think they care about the franchise

Posted by: AC at July 26, 2005 07:10 PM

OK, I agree with a lot of the stuff your saying. But lets look at some facts your overlooking:
Fox hasn't been sending us boring action movies recently (Example: I, Robot, SW 3, ect.)
Saying film- to- game adaptaions suck is true, but steriotyping to a degree (I misspelled that, didn't I?). There is a possiblilty this may be worth something. Maybe (but I'm not getting my hopes up) a bloodier Star Wars.
The books are great adaptaions of the game, I actually read the book (don't act so surprised- I don't have an X- Box) BEFORE I played the campaign of Halo or Halo 2. Personally, I thought the book was awesome without knowing if it was like the game. They were detailed and made plenty of sence, but were still action- filled enough for me to finish in a few days (that's saying a lot). And book- to- movie productions are awesome, even when talking about action flicks (take, for example, The Lord of the Rings).
Personally, I was disappointed that New Line didn't take up the project and do a little LOTR movie magic. Then again, I see the difference there.
Well, who knows? Maybe it will suck.I'll still be 1st in line to see it with my friends, though. Even if it sucks, we'll laugh at it and go home and play some Halo 2.

Posted by: ShadowAaron at July 27, 2005 12:46 AM

It's a fantastc idea, video game movies are great just as marvel movies are big. A Halo movie will sell, and if its good then it will be really huge. It all comes down to this, people were paying $50 to get the video game. They will be more than willing to pay $10 for a movie and $20+ for a Halo DVD. Like most people the only reason I purchased a Xbox was because of Halo. The same will go for the Xbox-360 when it is released.

Posted by: Krome3k at August 4, 2005 02:34 PM

I agree to Krome3k's remark. I was THIS CLOSE to buying an X-Box, until I realized, "I have a PS2 and Gamecube. Why am I buying an X-Box? Oh, yeah, Halo." When I realized that was the ONLY reason, I decided to buy something else. I just play at my friends house.

Posted by: ShadowAaron at August 8, 2005 07:28 PM

Remember recent Fox movies:
I, Robot
Man on Fire
The Day after Tomorrow
Star Wars: Episode III

They're not new to action movies. They're new to Halo.

Posted by: ShadowAaron at August 8, 2005 07:33 PM

Am i the only one brave enough to say that Mortal combat the movie totally rocked. I mean common, that was with low budgetting. With the complex storylines from the halo books and the pressure from fans to make this movie into one of the best action films ever, good should be the least we should expect. Everyone was a skeptic about Halo 2 and look how that turned out. With the amount of money, time,and effort being put into this it should be chilling. And Id bang Jennifer Garner just for the props so who ever says they wont is gay!

Posted by: Epimetheus at August 15, 2005 10:44 PM

I think Halo will have the possiblity to be good, and yes I do belive microsoft will not let it get out of hand mainly for one reason... Microsoft likes to murder people anyway they can. Which I dont blame at all if I had the chance to take everyones money I would too but microsoft unlike most company's do there work! I saw a fourm that was before that was saying what does microsoft know about casting??? If you havent relized casting is a huge part of creating a story in a game??? Sure it may not be real humans but you have to give the characters feeling and realism or else why would you play it. Also Halo was a great game to go down in history along with marathon bungies other great hit (that they copied to make halo) that I enjoyed. If no one belives me that thats were halo and all the idea's come from look at one of the levels, I use to play this back when network was farly new and this was a huge thing next to Duke nukem 3D. The levels were completly remade from this game and put into halo. I kinda hope once this halo fettish is over that they go back to the marathon series and try that again!

Posted by: Brandon at August 26, 2005 02:57 AM






Posted by: HYBRID_- at August 27, 2005 08:36 AM

I am a halo fan so this is biased. Halo the movie will be good. It might not be great, but with peter jackson & that guy, whatsis name that directed 28 days, doing the directing, i can't see how it can suck. Those two guys are really good at what they do what with alex garlands (i think thats the guy) tension building and peter jacksons attention to detail. But one thing they can never do is reveal the chiefs face. They do that and its all over. I mean, everyone can kinda imagine being the chief, even chicks, because he never shows his face. The day one of those vain stuck up schmuks that call themselves actors takes off the chiefs helmet, that is the day that all halo fans lose their chance of being the Chief, because from then on, when they show the master chief, all you see is that bloody actor.

Posted by: Thunder_Chi1d at October 14, 2005 04:02 AM

well everyone has their opinion but halo 2 is my god so i think it wont suck. i havent seen any other video game movies besides doom and i enjoyed it. so i dont see why you guys think the movie will suck because you have those commandments but science and religion never got along... if your a halo fan just go see the movie anyways because the story line is pretty good and you get to see grunts and stuff :P in the halo book the grunts are soposed to be like 5 feet but they dont seem that tall.

Posted by: person at October 22, 2005 01:10 PM