June 04, 2005

George Clooney is Optimus Prime in Transformers

The word from IESB through Comic Book Movie is that George Clooney is signed up as the voice of Optimus Prime in the new take on the Transformers.

IESB says that a Canadian Entertainment TV Show is reporting that George Clooney has signed on to do the voice over work of the beloved leader of the Autobots.

The more I think about his voice the more I think it's a good choice, warm, strong and at least we won't see those annoying trademark head dip, raise eyebrow and look up slightly looks of his. Good choice. Michael Bay is also credited as saying it's a new direction and all new voices.

Who's for Megatron then? What voice would you match to your favourite Transformer? - I can't help singing the title song in my head whenever I say that word, and then saying "Chik-a-chik-a-chuk-a-chuk-a-chukoo"...that's the robot changing sound. In my head anyway.

Posted by at June 4, 2005 10:26 AM


Good choice I guess, this just hit me like a brick. Did not see this coming at all.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 4, 2005 10:37 AM

I have no problem with Clooney voicing the big guy. I would much rather hear his voice than look at him. The man has one acting mode as far as I can tell, but at least he's likable and possesses a bit of charm.

I would like to say in general for the animated world. Why do we need famous people voicing characters? They make enough money making films, but now they have to cross over and make more by voicing animated characters? I don't really blame the actors so much as I blame the Executives making these films.

Once a upon a time we didn't need a good animated flick to be voiced by a big famous actor(s). Disney cartoons did fine without a cast of famous voices though they've pretty much put that practice to the side - in fact I think they started it!

There are voice actors struggling out there who have lost jobs because all these high profile jobs go to well known names. I have to wonder - does it really bring in more money with the famous names? Personally, I could careless if one of my favorite actors is voicing a character rather than an unknown. It's the quality of the animated film.

It for certain didn't help Robots, which was mediocore in the way of story, but visiually was imaginative. I'm waiting for Madagascar to come out on DVD since the word of mouth and reviews are worst than Robots. I'll save my money and time this time around.

Posted by: Meli at June 4, 2005 10:52 AM

I'd like Jeremy Irons for Megatron :D

Posted by: pierrychan at June 4, 2005 11:50 AM

Transformers? What about the Thundercats? (snarf..snarf)

oooh good choice tho meli... he has an AWESOME voice

Posted by: SuperGrover at June 4, 2005 12:07 PM

ooops...i mean pierrychan :D

Posted by: SuperGrover at June 4, 2005 12:10 PM

George Clooney? I know some TransFans who aren't gonna like this one bit. Personally, I would love to have Peter Cullen voice old 'Prime, however I understand the reasoning behind it. The 'bots are the stars, so they have to have the 'big name hollywood type' name recognition factor...although I'm sure most kids could care less if it's a big star or not.

The last thing I want to think of is Clooney's crappy Batman performance when I'm looking at Prime!

Posted by: trysop at June 4, 2005 05:17 PM

I am one TransFan that DOES NOT like having Clooney voice Optimus. Clooney is such a flat actor that even his voice is boring. This is just bad...first they let Michael Bay direct, now this piece of news. Might as well just make my own damn movie and scrape up enough money to hire Peter Cullen AND Frank Welker (yeah, they're gonna screw that casting choice up as well). Ugh, it goes to show that you can trust Hollywood to do one thing: go for the money.

Posted by: GodConvoy at June 4, 2005 07:54 PM

Hey ya'll. False alarm...Don Murphy sets the record straight on his forum. Google it and you'll see or see it here

Don't Panic. It was all a bad dream.

Posted by: Brigham at June 4, 2005 08:29 PM

mention comic character and clooney and Batman comes back flashin in.
i dont think his voice would hurt the movie...am more interested in the movie itself...autobots and decpticons-damn its been a while. excuse me as i sing the song in blissfull flashback "transformers more than meets the eye...auto bots meet their battle to destroy the evil forces of the decepticons..."

Posted by: nicholasgichu at June 5, 2005 04:44 AM