June 22, 2005

Fox Sues Sony Over X-Men Similarities

Ahh yes, the might power of court action. With all the "super-hero" type movies coming out these days I'm surprised something like this didn't happed sooner.

Apparently, the good folks over at Fox Studios (The folks responsible for bringing us the X-Men films) are sueing the folks over at Sony for allegedly making a film that is too similar to the X-Men and setting it's release date at the same time as X-Men 3. To happy go lucky folks over at the IMDB give us this:

(Fox) filed a lawsuit on Monday against Sony Pictures and Revolution Studios to delay the release of Zoom - a movie they believe is too similar to their X-Men films. Both projects center on children who possess special powers and are shunned by normal society before they enroll in a special to school to learn how to harness their abilities. Twentieth Century Fox and Marvel Enterprises allege Sony Pictures and Revolution Studios deliberately brought forward the release date of their movie in an attempt to attract cinema-goers before X-Men 3 is released on May 26, 2006. Legal papers filed in a California federal court state: "Just days after Fox announced X3 would be released on May 26, 2006, Sony and Revolution deliberately moved up Zoom's release so that it would come two weeks before, instead of 11 weeks after the release of X3."
You know... when you read that over... it looks like Fox may actually have a point. The themes are quite similar and the way they worded it above basically makes it sound like a carbon copy of X-Men. I'm curious to see how this plays out. What do you think?

Posted by John Campea at June 22, 2005 08:50 AM


Only as similar as Sky High and X3 would be. Zoom is a comedy starring Tim Allen and I doubt it would subtract from the X3 dollars.

Posted by: Mantiss at June 22, 2005 09:53 AM

Mantiss beat me to the punch. Besides didn't they already lose a battle over the TV show - MutantX?

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at June 22, 2005 02:37 PM

?! infiltration complete

Posted by: GreyFox at June 22, 2005 05:43 PM

Mantiss like "Psycho Mantiss" former fox-hound paranormal resercher

Posted by: GreyFox at June 22, 2005 08:14 PM

The Mutant X show has a "Marvel Films" icon in the closing credits. I would doubt that one Marvel franchise would sue another licensed franchise. Avi Arad is one of the producers.

Fox has the rights to make the XMen film, Marvel gave the rights to Tribune Entertainment to produce Mutant X for tv.

Posted by: Rodney at June 22, 2005 08:37 PM

uhm, fox sued marvel over mutant x i believe.

20th Century Fox is suing Marvel over a planned Mutant X syndicated television series. Fox reportedly feels that the series represents a breach of the agreement it reached with Marvel in 1993 for movie rights to the X-Men, which stated that Marvel would not do any similar live action projects that might infringe on the X-Men franchise

Twentieth Century Fox and Marvel Enterprises announced that they've settled the lawsuit filed by Fox over the Mutant X television show (see "Fox Sues Marvel Over Mutant X") almost two years ago. Terms of the deal are confidential, but are "designed to put the lawsuit behind and expand the relationship between Fox and Marvel."

from icv2

Posted by: bigwig at June 22, 2005 09:31 PM

Why sue "Zoom's Academy" and do nothing about "The Incredibles" ?
Marvel folks must be consistent and The "Incredibles" is as close to the "Fantastic Four" as Zoom is to X-Men. They both choose to take the comedy side of the subject. However, anyone I know who is not familiar with the Super Hero universe
and sees the FF trailer keep asking "why are they making an Incredibles movie ?".
One last word on the money factor evoked by Mantiss, we all know
"the Incredibles" numbers: I don't think FF will come even close.

Posted by: Paul at June 23, 2005 08:36 AM

Marvel revived the comic franchise and i personally think they should be allowed to do whatever they want with it.

Also don't call me Snake call me Pliskin. Snake is dead, John killed him

Posted by: Pliskin at June 23, 2005 10:17 PM