June 13, 2005

Fourth Resident Evil?

There's no stopping Paul W.S. Anderson, bad films, bad reviews, aggrieved games fans, nothing. For some reason the Studios still love him, perhaps that's down to DVD sales, well the love keeps on coming.

According to the Hollywood Reporter through Dread Central, he's not only working on Resident Evil: Afterlife, but they are discussing the fourth RE movie already!

...shooting begins on Resident Evil: Afterlife this fall and finds Milla Jovovich in a world overrun with the undead. Principal photography will take place in Australia, it's barren locations supposedly serving as the Nevada desert where most of the sequel's action will take place. Anderson is wrapping up scripting duties as we speak...

...For the fourth film, Jovovich swings into action in Tokyo (?!). Preparations are already being made for that film, says the Reporter, with Anderson and Jeremy Bolt's Impact Pictures and Constantin Film at the helm. Although it's likely Jovovich will return as the franchise's heroine, Alice, no "formal deal" has been signed.

Oh sweet lord. I think it's more or less a done deal that the Studios will greenlight this, after all he's doing well enough recouping from the DVD sales. I can guess that if I ask is this a good idea then you'll all say no way...but I can ask anyway! Well?

Posted by at June 13, 2005 04:07 AM


Hey, the more Zombie movies (and Milla Jovovich,) the better. If Milla bothers to stay on, it has to be somewhat redeeming. Hey, I LIKED Apocalypse, regardless of the graveyard plothole and the horrendous acting.

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at June 13, 2005 11:39 AM

i agree apocalypse was an okay movie but the first one pwn3d all.

the problem with people is that they compare it to the game. YOU CANT DO THAT THERE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS there totally different.

when you watch the movie forget about the game and you will defunetly enjoy it.

Posted by: mgs3 at June 13, 2005 11:51 AM

look at him. that picture makes me want to punch him in the face even more.

Posted by: scott at June 13, 2005 04:00 PM

r u serious i thought that was a girl

Posted by: snake at June 14, 2005 10:22 AM

Paul Anderson giving lincese to direct more isone of the three things that I fear most in this world (the other two being world war three and stores selling out of blue kool-aid). His movies are like Ovarian Cancer, disgusting, with a few recognisible pieces and no matter what you do more keep coming. the only way to halt his reign of horrible movies is to treat him like you would an evil infected hand and lop him off at the wrist by not watching any more of his shitty works.

Posted by: Hoje6 at October 6, 2005 04:04 AM