June 20, 2005

Fantastic Four 10 Minute Behind the Scenes Video

The good folks over at Apple have put up an interesting 10 minutes "Behind the Scenes" video clip for The Fantastic Four. These things are little more than marketing tools to vamp up people interest in the films. However, this one with kinda neat in the sense that you get to see some video from the film that isn't in any of the trailers (that I've seen to date anyway).

One of the best parts of the video is several close up shots of The Human Torch that we haven't seen yet (which are pretty damn cool by the way) and some shots of The Thing walking around in his hat and trench coat. Good stuff.

Of coarse the rest of the video is of the various producers and stars all talking about how this is a great movie... they think the fans will love it... this is the one people have been waiting for... great visual effects... blah blah blah... same stuff we hear every producer and star say about their new movies so take it all with a grain of salt.

I'll say this much... 4 months ago I thought this movie was going to suck. Make no mistake about it... the potential for suckage is still high, but my expectations have climbed up a bit. I'm actually interested in seeing the film now. Marketing at it's best I guess. You can see the video here.

Posted by John Campea at June 20, 2005 07:46 AM


I know I'm a cynic, but I keep getting this vibe that FF is going to be a MAJOR disappointment for Fox. It might not even place #1 at the box office for its premiere weekend.

Posted by: Franklin at June 20, 2005 09:34 AM

See, I don't understand all the doom-saying. I was very worried about this film when I first heard about it. In paricular, I remember a quote about them planning this movie to be a comedy about a dysfunctional family that scared the hell out of me. But I've really turned around on it. I think this movie has huge potential. The things I've read and the clips and trailers I've seen have made this my most anticipated movie of the summer. With those expectations, I have to be prepared for a little disappointment, but I'm still looking forward to this movie more than I did Batman Begins (which I really enjoyed, by the way).

Posted by: Mojo at June 20, 2005 11:02 AM

What will really piss me off is if this movie sucks - which it looks like it does - and it ends up making more than Batman. BTW The Incredibles will still be the superior version of FF4.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at June 20, 2005 01:00 PM