June 09, 2005

Evil Dead IV looks doubtful

EvilDead.jpgAny chance that the next installment of the Evil Dead series was going to be coming out of the original creators heads looks to have been put to bed over at Screen Rant.

Over at IESB there's a video interview with Bruce Campbell in which he stated that Sam Raimi is extremely busy with the Spiderman franchise and who knows when he'd have the time or inclination to do Evil Dead IV.

And in case you think he was just being coy for the interview, I have independent verification of this from a source who spoke with Tom Sullivan. Tom did special effects work on Evil Dead I, II and Army of Darkness and is a friend of Bruce.

So we're stuck with the remake by another Director of the original Evil Dead. Bruce Campbell still has a great sense of humour about it all though:

He joked about having Ashton Kutcher direct and star in the remake, and that if Kutcher wasn't available they'd try to get Ben Affleck, since Ben Stiller or Owen Wilson had already declined.

Posted by at June 9, 2005 01:15 PM


The first time I watched Army I thought it was the biggest piece of crap going only because I just didn't get it. Then I watched Evil Dead and figured maybe I should go back and watch Army one more time. After doing that I realize the shear genius of it all.

The only other time this phenomenom has happened to me was with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Now give Daddy some sugar!

Posted by: Prophecy at June 9, 2005 01:58 PM

Campbell has been saying this forever now - I think Sam will eventually come around and do this movie. Check out Bruce Campbell's web-site - and the link to ED4 says it all...

That's awesome what he said about the remake! Are there "rumors" that Katie Holmes will be in this one too - just like every other movie these days?

Posted by: CBlaze at June 9, 2005 06:33 PM


Posted by: sheoran at June 17, 2005 03:44 AM

Evil Dead 4? I'll be really really old when that gets made. Spider-Man 6 will be here way sooner than Evil Dead 4 my friends. Unless someone takes over the series.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 3, 2005 10:31 PM

If they did do ED4 it wouldnt be the same as the horrorific B-Movie effects as the first 2 and the second had a funny orignal ending, if you havent seen it then rent or buy the DVD. But it would be badass to see all the horror go loose on New York Or LA or a small town and spred like zombies in Dawn of the dead


Posted by: mat b. at September 7, 2005 01:48 PM

Is there talk of Kutcher doing a remake? I have always liked the guy but if he does remake Evil Dead than maybe someone ought to punch him in the face next time he punks 'em.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 7, 2005 02:26 PM

There is no way that they can replace Bruce Campbell with ashton kutcher , i meen comon how low can we go? Bruce Campbell is the only actor on this planet that can be ash. The Evil Dead movies were all great and we dont need ashton kutcher to ruin the reputation of these classics.They should have automaticly selected Bruce campbell to star in the movie and everybody knows that.If If they were to put him back in there, it would be Groovy!

Posted by: R.Bilcik at October 21, 2005 07:00 PM