June 03, 2005

Doom on-set details

doom.jpgWe could well be eating our printed out concerns over the Doom movie, as the filming has now ended and some positive words are beginning to come out. From Dark Horizons through Film Rot:

There's nothing soft or watered-down about "Doom." In their own words, the makers of the film are going for a "Hard R." Excellent news for Doomers...

...Every set, every corridor, every weapon looks faithful to the game. The set is a maze of dark corridors, steel-dungeony-looking hallways that should be scary as hell. The arsenal of weapons includes several nods to the game, including, of course, the BFG...

...Bartkowiak is using real models when possible, minimizing the employment of green screens...The "Baron," in particular, looks like an "Aliens"-worthy creature. Much more on him later...

..The script is loosely based on the "Doom 3" videogame...The setup might differ slightly from the game, but it's the same meat and potatoes.

Actually sounds a lot better than the stories we've heard before, but how much of that has been carefully fed to the press to try and cover the trauma that's come before? Perhaps not that much I think, it does sounds pretty solid and cool to me. What do you Doom fans think now?

Posted by at June 3, 2005 03:00 AM


i am a pretty big doom fan (since the first game came out) and i have to say when i found out about the movie was being made about the game i was happy and scared and the more i knew it was getting close to completetion the more uncomfertable i got but hearing this is great news to me and my hopes on this film are positive and im excited for its release.

Posted by: Vamprin at June 3, 2005 05:16 AM

Here's some punctuation for your enjoyment.

. . . . , , , ,

Posted by: Hendrik at June 3, 2005 11:15 AM

Like that Hendrik!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 3, 2005 12:32 PM


Posted by: Vamprin at June 3, 2005 09:13 PM