June 27, 2005

Disney to remake invisible movie

Sorry to shock you, but remakes haven't stopped just yet. Disney are the latest to remake a foreign movie, and probably a perfectly good one at that. IMDB have it at 6.5 out of 10 on 485 votes. From Coming Soon:

Variety says the movie is based on Swedish supernatural film Den Osynlige, written by Mick Davis. A teenager is attacked and left for dead, then finds himself in limbo, invisible to the living and racing against time to find his body before he truly perishes. The only person who might be able to save him is his attacker, a troubled girl on the run from the law.

The story reminds me of the James Herbert novel Being Nobody, a very similar idea which could have been really intruiging but failed to hit the mark. I wonder how similar they are.

There's an interesting quirk here. The original novel was written in Swedish, Davis wrote the script in English which was translated back to Swedish for the movie, all very confusing. I wonder if the new version was taken from the English script or the Swedish translation?! Let's hope it doesn't lose much. Anyone seen this movie and can comment on it?

Posted by at June 27, 2005 02:56 AM


It's hard to tell from amazon.com's short description, but Being Nobody doesn't seem too similar to Den Osynlige (The Invisible, as the exact translation and international title goes). And I think I read somewhere that they will be using Davis' screenplay.

As for the original movie itself, I love it. Here in Sweden, it's a quite underrated little gem, that tries to be something different and succeeds. It doesn't really look like anything else from our little country, which feels extra important in a movie industry that put out a lot of good stuff, but not nearly enough that feels new and really exciting. I think it's a combination of economics (they can't afford too much experimenting) and, actually more importently, Ingmar Bergmans influence. Great film maker, it's the effect he's had on the industry that's not always positive. But I've already digressed too much, better leave that to another comment.

Where were I? Yes, Den Osynlige. Great acting (especially the troubled girl, she's one of swedens best young actors today, and the lead is play by one of Stellan Skargårds son's, Gustaf), good use of digital effects (especially for a swedish movie) and an innovative story with a couple of twists along the way and an unexpected ending.

And the original directors was nominated for an Academy Award, for the short movie Victor. That's gotta count for something.

I don't mind the idea of remakes, it can be fun to see another director make his mark, but when it comes to this it's actually the ending I am most worried about. It's not the kind you usually see in a movie from Hollywood or Disney, and I think it would be a mistake to change it into something more disney-esque.

One thing's for sure, I'm following news of the remake like a regular Curious George. It would be nice to see another great version.

Posted by: Fredrik Adolvsson at June 27, 2005 08:07 AM