June 06, 2005

Brett Ratner confirmed X-Men 3 Director

BrettRatner.jpgWell this confirms the story we had yesterday that Brett Ratner is signed to Direct X-Men 3. From everywhere, Comic Book News brought us the rumour yesterday and the story today:

According to Variety Twentieth Century Fox and Marvel Entertainment set Brett Ratner on Friday night to replace Matthew Vaughn as the director of "X3," the third installment of the "X-Men" franchise.

Hiring keeps the film on track for an August start date and a Memorial Day weekend 2006 opening date.

Well he hasn't lost that much time so it shouldn't affect the production too much. However Ratner better be happy with the script, I doubt there's much leeway for him, if he had time to change anything.

The trade adds that X3's budget is locked, and Fox and Marvel brass consider the script by Zak Penn and Simon Kinberg to be at least as strong as that of the first two installments.

The story suggests that Matthew Vaughn acutally left because he was getting worried about the size of the production:

Vaughn dropped out less than a week ago. Official reason was that the "Layer Cake" director didn't want to uproot his family, but it appears the exit followed his growing apprehension about taking on such a large assignment in his second outing.

Oh, and a quick snippet:

Maggie Grace ["Lost"] as playing Kitty Pryde.

Posted by at June 6, 2005 07:44 AM


Before eveyone goes "pooh pooh" on this selection.....let me say one thing....He did a fine job with Hannable and he had the HARD task of following up one of the best thrillers of all time......and keep in mind....he had only done comedies up to that point. This pick will be easy to trash but in my opionion....Brett Ratner is not a popcorn director.....he seems to care about his films and seems to respect history....so I think he will be fine...not better than Brian Singer. Remember that when He took on X Men....everyone was thinking this wasnt a great idea.

Posted by: jason at June 6, 2005 07:47 AM

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I rather liked Red Dragon and I found the Rush Hour movies entertaining. At least Ratner has experience with both action and drama.

Maggie Grace as Kitty *sigh* I love Lost and she's not a bad actress, but I don't think it's the best casting choice. I hope they at least dye her hair brown.......

Posted by: Meli at June 6, 2005 10:33 AM

This project is going more down the shitter every day.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 6, 2005 10:34 AM

actually, i hated Hannibal. truly hated it. thought it was a hack job from the start by turning it into a run-of-the-mill "thriller" instead of the fierce psychological drama the book (and original film) is.

i hate Brett Ratner. he may surprise us. i'm staying open to that, but he also has the most commercial and unoriginal style. they could've gone the interesting route instead.

Posted by: sam at June 6, 2005 11:13 AM

jason and sam: Brett Ratner directed the much superior Red Dragon, not Hannibal, which was directed by Ridley Scott.

Still, this is bad news. I wish they would just have waited another year or two for Singer.

Posted by: Jeff Canino at June 6, 2005 03:26 PM

Ratner might do okay, but just remember: he almost got his mitts on Superman, and, along with JJ Abrams (as scribe) , wanted to 're-imagine' the character's orgins.

Rush Hour films were alright, loved Family Man.
After The Sunset was a waste of time and as for Red Dragon...

see Micheal Mann's version Manhunter instead.

It's too bad Marv didn't consider Joe Johnston.

Posted by: darren seeley at June 7, 2005 07:07 PM

I saw the Manhunter version and it sucks, I mean it put me right to sleep, literally; There is just no thrill anywhere. You can't have a better Lector than Anthony, and watching this one was a definite improvement and a definite fit with the other two movies.
Like it or not the guy is talented. I mean the third movie always blows when a new director takes place, take Jurassic Park for example, the third went straight down the gutter. Brett has proven talent with filling in the shoes of the last good director, and adding a little bit more; in addition the guy grew up with a passion for comics. With everyone going on I thought for sure this movie was dead. Luckily, all the cards are lined up very well.

Posted by: Alex Ayala at June 24, 2005 04:48 PM

I remember when I was a young adolescent waking up on early saturday mornings to watch X-men the animated series. I even collected the comic books, video tapes, and numerous video games. When the movies hit the box office , I was so eager to see it. Me, my dad and my siblings are big fans of x-men/marvel comics. The movie had a excellent plot but took a wrong turn with it's casting.Cyclops, Jean, Xavier, Magneto, Sabertooth and Toad were perfect, but Rogue, played by anna Paquin, did not fit the description of the Rogue character from the comic book and TV series. She had the role of Jubilee!!! Jubilee actually followed Wolverine everywhere. Rogue was a grown woman with a southern accent who hung around with Gambit and Storm, NOT Wolverine.The movie Rogue voice was too soft and made me think she was weak. And she never dated ice man. In the movie she also didn't have the ability to fly or the strength of ten men as shown in the comic books and animated series.Rogue's stature was similar to Wonder woman and when she joined X-men, she was over 18!!!!Therefore she was the less interesting or entertaining character in the movie. Another character who didn't fit the description was Storm. In the comic books and the animated series she was originally born in Africa. She had a strong powerful voice. Halle Berry's voice was also too soft! No offense but just because you change someone's hair color that doesn't mean they're going to look like the character!(Kirsten Dunst as Mary jane, Jessica Alba as invisible woman and Halle Berry as Storm). Halle Berry would have been better off as Bone Marrow. In the movie, Pyro was a young American kid who could manipulate fire. But there was one thing wrong: Pyro was not american. He was from Ireland. Just like NightCrawler in part 2. He was not from the middle east. I'm not trying to say that the movie was horrible but I'm just expressing my feelings as a fan of the X-men. I just hope that you totally change Rogue and change storm's personality at least. P.S. If Hugh Jackman doesn't take the role as Wolverine in Part 3, Russell Crowe is perfect. Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this letter.

Posted by: MJ at August 4, 2005 11:42 AM