June 08, 2005

Brett Ratner calms X-Men 3 fans

BrettRatner.jpgHot on the heels of the announcement that he was the new Director for X-Men 3, Brett Ratner has been on MTV through Screen Rant to let everyone know where he stands with the story.

"I want to stay true to the franchise and true to the characters, but I think it's elevated ... I don't want to be pompous and say I'm going to take it to the next level. I think the script that Simon Kinberg and Zak Penn wrote gives me a tremendous amount of confidence."

One comment that does worry me a little is when he talks of why Bryan Singer left.

"Bryan Singer left ['X-Men 3'] because he didn't like the material," Ratner insisted. "But I don't think this movie is tainted; I think it is fantastic and the script is amazing.

Oh dear. That tells me that the script hasn't changed since then. One last thing to make you a bit more worried.

He also said you can expect his X-Men to have an enhanced sense of humor. "Not jokes for the sake of jokes," Ratner added, "jokes that come from character humor, that come from characters and that come from the situations."

I'd be interested to hear what you think now.

Posted by at June 8, 2005 04:08 PM


Bret Ratner = cheerleader for important studio tentpole.

Posted by: Franklin at June 8, 2005 04:25 PM

Pulp Fiction humor maybe, but Rush Hour humor?


Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 8, 2005 04:26 PM

Since I don't entirely trust him as a director - I'm a little concerned by this post. His comments sound like a coporate yes man. If Brian Singer really did leave because of the material then I'm even more concerned. I want another X-Men movie, but not if I have to watch it die a horrible death. Right now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

Posted by: Meli at June 8, 2005 04:44 PM

Well, according to my best guesses and based on what we know...

There was never a screenplay or story idea before Singer left. Perhaps Singer simply left for greener pastures, a new creative challenge, and more money. Nothing really wrong with that.

Matthew Vaughn said that a screenplay was written in six days, give or take, soon after he was brought on board to direct. We don't know how much influence Vaughn had on this screenplay.

That guy from Layer Cake was apparently cast and locked into the role of Juggurnaut. That chick from LOST was cast and locked into the role of Kitty Pryde.

Kelsey Grammer's name was floated for the part of Beast. But we don't know if he's actually been cast for this formally, or whether he's still in the running.

Ratner has to start cranking out this movie in a matter of weeks. He probably won't have much time to fuck around with the screenplay.

Posted by: Franklin at June 8, 2005 04:57 PM

I have No problem with this...here is why.....the guy is following in some Huge foot steps....great movie to live up to......untouchable director....he has NO choice but to give this 110% and do it well. If he fails with critics and comic fans.....it'll be hard to get another chance. He is going to put more into this than a No Name Director and more than a established one.....he is right in the middle.....done enough to get the gig but not bullit proof to recover if it flops. I admire the guy for taking a chance....would you...if you knew what it meant to your future as a director?

Posted by: jason at June 8, 2005 05:50 PM

As I prepare my screenplay - I realize that A LOT can change from the initial concepts and stories to the actual movie. We were not inside the mind of Singer when he decided to drop out - it could have been he didn't like the material meaning - he didn't like X-Men anymore. He did jump ship awfully fast once he was offered Superman - so I wouldn't poo-poo the story yet - I think Singer wanted to do Superman WAY more than X3.

I'm confused by this hate of Ratner - Singer isn't the greatest director of our time or anything. He made an AVERAGE cop drama with a twist to end all twists at the end (I don't think people realize that - take out the ending and what do you have?). He made the first two X-Men movies with great talent - in front and behind the camera - and that's pretty much it. Rewatch X1 - it's very well made - but it's not amazing as all hell! X2 was better - but still kinda loose at points.

I thought the two Rush Hour flicks were very well made - I came out of RH2 thinking that it was an extremely solid sequel. I think the thing that Singer brought was that he took the subject matter seriously and he got some good performances out of his leads. I can see Ratner doing the same - who are the exact same leads that Singer had.

Ultimately, it'll be the finished movie I will lay my judgement on. Ratner's talent - whether he's a hack or a corporate yes man - will come out in the finished product or not. The story will be pulled of sucessfully or it will end up being as bad as everyone fears. They haven't shot a frame yet - so it's a bit too quick (to me) for everyone to write this movie off.

Posted by: CBlaze at June 8, 2005 07:44 PM

The rumoured deaths in X3 revealed!

Storm, Xavier and the Franchise.

'Nuff Said

Posted by: Rodney at June 8, 2005 08:48 PM

"jokes that come from character humor, that come from characters and that come from the situations."

oh god - it's definitely Rush Hour jokes.

and the other great supportive news comes from a Fox chairman? they know they've got a shitstorm on their hands. i won't take the word of a producer or chairman about his movie not sucking when Brett Ratner is brought in over a Bryan Singer. this will suck (and i'm not even a big X-Men fan).

Posted by: sam at June 9, 2005 12:16 PM

It's been nice knowing all of you..... *points gun at my own head and pulls the trigger. POW!*

OMG, this movie will suck. Dammit.

Posted by: diskjokk at June 13, 2005 05:45 PM

why are all of you shitting it so much! yea its kinda sad Singer left, but c'mon i thought the original film was gonna suck when i first read about it and saw the casting and crew dicisions, look what we got, a solid film.
at the end of the day we were lucky to get two good x-men movies considering the other garbage such as Hulk and Daredevil.

Posted by: jimmy at June 18, 2005 04:58 PM

Pity Joss Whedon was never approached to take up Singer's mantle or to write the screenplay. After all, they seem to have nicked his de-mutantising serum idea from Astonishing X Men haven't they? He knows and has reverence for the genre, produces brilliant and witty dialogue and he would have been a safe pair of hands.

Here's hoping Ratner knows what he's doing. The signs don't look too good though.


Posted by: Rhia at July 7, 2005 06:11 AM