June 09, 2005

Ben Affleck in Hawaii Five-0

HawaiiFive0.jpgI'm not a big fan of Ben Affleck, actually no fan at all, but this has a strangely "right" quality about it.

News from Dark Horizons is that he's set to star as the lead cop, Steve McGarret from the TV show Hawaii Five-0.

Sources hint that none other than Ben Affleck looking to take on the part of Steve McGarrett, made famous in the Sixties and Seventies by Jack Lord. The source says "Ben is ideal as he mixes the serious with comedy. All we have to do now is find him a leading lady."

George Nolfi ["Ocean's Twelve"] is penning the script that will closely follow the format and tone it seems.

Strange if that turned out to be Jennifer Garner? Actually I could get quite excited by this movie. I remember the TV series with a lot of fondness, and I think this is one show that wouldn't be harmed by a big screen remake. Anyone else feel like that, or would this be another terrible crime?

Posted by at June 9, 2005 02:49 AM


G R O A N!

Posted by: Franklin at June 9, 2005 02:57 AM

I'm going to reserve judgement till we read about a plot outline, director and support cast. I also grew up on the show (next to Barretta, Quincy and Starsky & Hutch, this was my only favourite show to watch as a kid) so I have a lot of memories I hope they don't fuck with when they adapt this to the big screen.

And not to be critical out of the starting gate, but the script Ocean's Twelve was based on sucked ass. Sure the twist at the end was worth the long, boring build up, but it was still hard to sit through. I had to watch it twice on PPV because I kept getting bored and walking out of the room. In fact, I think there might even be a half hour I haven't see yet, so I might have to flip the sat on tonight to watch the rest of it. Ugh.

(Obviously I'm on the installment plan when it comes to watching craptastic flicks at home in bed.)

Posted by: Lilly at June 9, 2005 09:30 AM

Has hollywood run out of ideas for new movies. Seems like 3/4 of the movies coming out in the past couple years are remakes of old movies, tv shows, or comic books. Though some are worthy projects. i.e. Sin City. Some more originality would be refreshing.

Posted by: DVD at July 1, 2005 08:23 PM

No. No. No. Danno maybe? Too young, too goofy for McGarrett! Michael Douglas as McGarrett Affleck as Danno.

Posted by: AC at August 27, 2005 09:33 PM