June 05, 2005

Batman vs. Superman

About a month ago we posted that there were rumours of a potential Batman vs. Superman movie. This would be my proverbial comic book movie wet dream. Ever since I first read Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns I have wanted to see this showdown on the big screen.

My favorite line in any comic book at any time to this day remains the words uttered by Batman near the end of his fight with Superman when he says:

"You're beginning to get the idea, Clark. This is the end, for both of us. We could have changed the world, now, look at us; I've become a political liability, and you, you're a joke." And as Batman really starts slugging him, he says, "I want you to remember, Clark... in all the years to come... in your most private moments... I want you to remember my hand at your throat... I want you to remember the one man who beat you".
Man, I still get shivers up my spine when I read those words!

Anyway, it looks like there was some actual muscle behind these Batman vs. Superman rumours. According to the good folks over at MovieHole:

"Batman vs.Superman" was the movie Warner Bros. were considering doing initially - before deciding on solo missions for both characters. Ultimately, Peterson decided to go off and make "Troy" instead, and "Batman vs.Superman" was shelved. In "Batman vs.Superman", the Caped Crusader's girlfriend dies and Superman snags the blame. This leads to a conflict between the two crimefighters, not helped by the appearance of both heroes' long-time enemies.
Now how cool would that be!!! I think it's a good idea to do the solo films first and see how the public reacts to them.

But make no mistake. There is money to be made on a Batman vs. Superman movie... and if there is money to be made, you can bet your ass the movie WILL get made... sooner or later.

Posted by John Campea at June 5, 2005 11:43 AM


This is all still HIGHLY speculative at this point and way down the line. Here's David Goyer's quote on the subject (from the same panel):

"Yeah, maybe one day. I think with this new film, they're not going to do it for a while. Maybe one day."


Posted by: Screen Rant at June 5, 2005 12:51 PM

Batman vs. Superman would be pretty badass, but with the release of the new Batman and Superman movies I wonder if it's a bit early.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 5, 2005 01:18 PM

As long as Paul WS Anderson isnt involved

Posted by: jason at June 5, 2005 05:58 PM

If there is a God in heaven this movie will be made.

Posted by: Alfredo at June 5, 2005 06:10 PM

Hi Found you through Darkmatters and am now addicted !

talk about whetting my appetite, Batman vs Superman WHOA !


Posted by: tim at June 6, 2005 04:53 AM

Anybody seen the 1998 animated movie "Batman/Superman: World's Finest"? I thought it was pretty good.

Posted by: T-Jax at June 6, 2005 10:48 AM

If the solo projects make money, they won't risk alienating fans by making a versus project. Alien vs Predator and Freddy vs Jason were acceptable because these guys were the bad guys. They won't risk the squeaky clean image of Superman though.

Posted by: darkbhudda at June 6, 2005 08:07 PM

How can Batman possibly beat Superman? Without Kryptonite, it's impossible. I don't see how they can do it.

Posted by: Jim Kukral at June 7, 2005 01:24 AM

Okay 2 things. In the comics not only did Batman develop ways of taking out Superman, he developed ways of taking out the entire Justice League. Also, Superman would lose to batman because he is such a boyscout, and batman would bring out the kryptonite on him. My second thing, what about wonder woman, flash, green lanterns(my 2nd fave after the dark knight), plastic man, j'onn j'onzz and the rest of the justice league. Will there be a justice league movie???

Posted by: Shilo Englert at June 20, 2005 01:34 PM

This movie is definetly being made. I think someone going off to make Troy over Superman vs Batman, is out of their mind. But seeing the solos first is best. But mostly what would happen if then movie is made, is there would be a draw, or some good guy settle.
But if one does kill the other, the movie would kill every other Batman or Superman movie.

It's just the fact that 2 of the greatest super heros of all time knocking the crap out of eachother brings so much excitement.

My votes on Batman knocking Superman out. With or without kryptonite

Who's with me????????

Posted by: D.S. at June 26, 2005 12:54 AM

the only way batman could actually ever hurt Superman is by going after the ones Superman cares for, and although i'm not that huge of a batman fan i don't think he would resort to hurting anyone. my money's on Superman. true, he wouldn't kill either but as batman said in batman beginings, he doesn't have to save him either...

Posted by: are you out of your mind at July 19, 2005 04:18 PM

well I say this movie will be made, i mean we have more advance techniques in filming industry...moreover being a huge batman fan...i say BS to you all those hating on batman, saying he's likely to lose to Superman. i reject your reality and substitute my own. and what's with superman getting married to wonder woman in kingdom come?? i say she should be married to Bruce Wayne...i mean Superman is all ready already married to Lois...and John where did get that quote bruce is saying to Clark??

Posted by: Bruce at August 18, 2005 07:56 PM

a batman vs superman movie would be way cool..
im no superman fan but im a batman fan the quote stated above by bruce to clark will be a great scene in the movie no doubt possibly will be remembered by all fans as the man of steel is defeated by the dark knight..we could see a gothic batman so dark and in so much anger coming after superman manipulated by joker and lex luthor..we dont need to see batman killing superman in the end though..the scene could the turning point where batman could realise joker was behind it all the way and lead to the joker's death and possibly the end of lex luthor's too wid the help of superman..it would be the perfect ending for both superheroes as finally their arch nemesis are defeated with the help of each other..
however i would go head over heels for a justice league movie but it will be hard as they need to focus on each characters which will be hard as i dont want any character just to there to fit the bill and not much detail..we need to see the development of each character..bud if they manage to pull if off..it will be fantastic..

Posted by: Pyro at August 25, 2005 06:04 AM