June 09, 2005

Batman sequel signings

Batman_Poster_French.jpgWe haven't even seen Batman Begins yet, well us mere mortals that is, and over at Dark Horizons they are talking about who's signed up for the sequels. However, this news is coming straight from the stars and it does go to show that they are keen on the sequels.

Christian Bale - Says that he is definitely signed to play the Dark Knight again. "We got a sense of who he is, but there's so much [more]...I haven't spoken with anybody about this, but I just really think it would be nice to come up with some kind of R-rated version, too, like a movie that is at one time PG and R, where you do two different edits for it."

Oh sweet lord! He's either perfectly in tune with the fans, or he's been reading the movie sites. It would be superb to get an R version of Batman. Let's face it, the graphic novels pretty much are.

Chris Nolan - ..."I don't really know. I did enjoy making this one. It's a fascinating character."

Morgan Freeman - "I'm not. I'm not sure that they really think that Lucius is an integral part of the series necessarily..."

Gary Oldman - "I'm signed."

Michael Caine & Katie Holmes - Caine said of both of them "No, no. We're not signed." He then turned to Holmes and said "I mean, we'd do it, wouldn't we?" Holmes nodded affirmatively.

So there's obviously moves afoot to get the sequels going. I doubt that Batman Begins is going to fail enough for them to turn around any plans. Guess we'll have to see who the next director is.

Posted by at June 9, 2005 12:48 PM


uh, why do we care about katie holmes re-signing? new luv interest in the next movie please!

Posted by: scott at June 9, 2005 03:05 PM

Keep them all and toss out Holmes. Then give us a rated R version!

Posted by: Meli at June 9, 2005 04:30 PM

Loose Katie Holmes and pick up a new girl. None of the other Batman movies kept the same girl more than once. If it were up to me, I'd bring in someone like Jamie Pressly to introduce Selena Kyle, but not become Catwoman until the third film or the ending of the sequel. She'd also make a good Poison Ivy.

They should make these Batman films like they make the 007 films. Every couple of years. Speaking of 007, do you think Pierce Brosman could fit in one these Batman films? Thinking of his age, he should play the Batman Beyond version of Bruce Wayne

Posted by: D.S. at June 25, 2005 12:22 AM

im all for dropping holmes as the love interest. JESSICA SIMPSON ALL THE WAY. j/k what am i on crack shes hot, but no batman girl. i think it is too soon to be bringing a robin into the picture so hold off or dont bring him at all. bring back michael cane. he was a pretty pimp alfred. the first dude was the best, but cane is a great replacemanet. BALE was a great batman if i might say as well. same with Oldman as gordon, great job.

Posted by: Whiteboi at July 6, 2005 09:50 PM

ok ill tell you one thing i dont like katie holms either but i think they should bring her back just so the joker can kill her. How else would they have joker as batmans arch villan.

Posted by: danzigbetterthangraves at August 10, 2005 06:16 PM