June 23, 2005

Batman Begins sequels, villians and Robin

Over at Comic Book Movie they have a little snippet from Christopher Nolan about the possibilities for the sequels, in particular villians and even a return of Robin.

"Like Begins, one clear cut villain isn't the plan [though]" and the likelihood of Robin appearing "The studio wasn't interested in Robin. We weren't either. This is a young Batman, so Robin's a few films....not for a few pictures anyway. Dick Grayson's still in a crib somewhere. I seriously doubt I will even be involved when Robin's in the franchise" says Nolan.

Nothing that concrete really, but it does raise the question of should Robin actually return in a modern, darker and more realistic Batman movie. Is there any place for this character, and could he be portrayed effectively and keep the movie in the same darkened tone? I think it would be difficult, but not impossible. Just looking at the Grayson post we did a while ago you can see how it can be - do check that out - and still keep the dark and serious tone.

What do you think, could it be made to work? The other thing you could start thinking about is what villians you would like to see in the movie, should the next leap to the Joker, or should it concentrate on lesser villians? As Nolan says there are going to be a few villians at once, which means that the appearance of such a major character might just overshadow the others. With the Joker would there be any need for any other villian?

What villians would you like to see in the sequels? Who would play them? Get the discussion going.

Posted by at June 23, 2005 06:11 AM


No room for the existing Robin, but then again i would have said that theres no room for Batman(before batman begins changed my mind).

That said how will you make robin dark?

I don't normally like sidekicks, the tend to add humour to a film or detract from the main character and i would prefer the same level of humour(very low and quite dry) as in batman begins.

Something else to think about: There are 3-5 very strong characters who could be continued from batman begins. Add to that an extra couple of villians, robin another female lead and the movie starts to turn into a big brother style experiment with no focus.

Batman movies should be primarily about batman. Would like to see him progress as a character and hope the sequels/prequels/whatever-quels give us exactly that.

Posted by: Pablo at June 23, 2005 07:25 AM

Robin could be a poor poor child living a life of crime, then Batman take him under his wing. Now if this happens (from knowing how dark Batman Begins was) these movies can become even darker, sick, and twisted. First we need to hear the Joker's sinister laugh. We still need to see if Batman can stop the Scarecrow, and is Ra's Al Ghul really dead. All I can say is I hope so, I don't want to see any of that immoratlity crap like in the comics. The bastard would never die! He found a flower that acts as the fountain of youth!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 08:48 AM


The Joker has to be in there... there has to be a payoff to the set-up at the end of Batman Begins. Mark Hamill all the way. Crispin Glover would also be a killer Joker.

It'd also be nice to see Catwoman finally done justice onscreen... Just keep her a catburglur who is obsessed with Batman... none of that Lovey-Dovey shite though. It would be nice to see someone like Alexa Davalos cast in the part.

Two-Face has also gotta get thrown into the mix at some point... no clue who should play him though.

They Could also bring the Scarecrow back at some point.

Hmmm.... its gonna be interesting. Really though, I'm only interested in seeing more Batman films if they keep Christian Bale and keep the tone dark and grounded.

As far as Robin goes... They need to keep that character as far away from these films as is humanly possible!!!!!

Posted by: Darth Muppet at June 23, 2005 09:04 AM

The Joker is all they really need...
But I'd like to see Poison Ivy out of just pure principle.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 23, 2005 09:12 AM

firstly, Begins was the best movie i have seen in a long time. it was extremely refreshing to see the story told in the way it should have been from the begining.
when i think of Robin i just cant get Burt Ward out of my head, with those short shorts and the stockings....eeeeeewwwww. its just way to camp for the tone that has been set in Begins.
my view on who should be Joker, well its extremly hard to call. there is a reason why Jack got paid so bloody much to play Joker in the original, he was just perfect for the part. but now i feel they need to have the joker much more sadistic, like in some of the older comics which i had the priveledge to see. in one, the joker poisions all of Gothams Fish supplies so that the fish have the iconic joker smile...its odd i know, but then he patents the smile, so now all the fish that have been poisioned, he owns and Gotham have to buy all the fish back off him, stupid but funny. well i think anyway

Posted by: Rich at June 23, 2005 12:34 PM

I think its the costume and the age of Robin (young teens) thats the real turn off for movie-makers. Thats why the obviously over 20 Chris O'Donnell was cast as Robin, complete with nippled costume in the 4th Batman movie (that I shall not name).

Ironically enough, Dick Grayson's present adult persona in the comics, Nightwing, and blue/black outfit would translate very well to the screen and if there's a downside to no Robin, its that there will be no Nightwing - a character I think could have a film franchise of its own.

Posted by: JB at June 23, 2005 02:11 PM

Batman needs to be at least 10 years older before Robin comes into this series. For example, if they had gone in the direction of an older Batman, starring Guy Pierce, then it would make more sense to have Robin.

The next movie should feature the Joker and Harley Quinn should be in it, too. And Joker should be played by Crispin Glover. (Hamill would have worked if the relaunched movie series focused on an older Batman starring Pierce. Imagine Hamill as an older Joker with Naomi Watts as Harley.)

My first pick for Harley: Scarlett Johansson.

There should be a secondary villain (like the Scarecrow in Begins), and I nominate Clayface -- he's a villain we haven't seen before in the Batfilms.

Posted by: Frank at June 23, 2005 02:23 PM

I don't believe Robin should be put in the film, but maybe hints of a Robin character from the known three. (Distant Family, Circus Acrobat, or Orphan Criminal)
If the studio decided to put in Robin and Joker in the next movie, it would be perfect to only play out the death of Robin and make Batman even darker from the 1990's comic books.

Posted by: Oscar at June 23, 2005 04:02 PM

Its too early to bring in the Robin character.

I'd like to see more of Bruce. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at June 23, 2005 04:16 PM

No Robin, ever. Why the Joker? It's been done. You'll never top Nicholson's Joker and he's too old to do it again so why not pick one of the million other villains out there?

Posted by: adam at June 23, 2005 04:54 PM

please no robin! warner brothers should not meddle at all in this! let chris nolan do his job. (and chris, you need to improve your action sequence directing!)

if warner tries to "improve" things they will try to have justin timbergay as joker and hillary duff as fatgirl! just say no!

franklin is right. it should be joker, harley and clayface. scarlett could be great and hot as fuck as harley! imagine her calling joker "mistah j" and "puddin'" with that voice of hers.

Posted by: scott at June 23, 2005 04:57 PM

Agree on Joker, Harley and Clayface for the next one.

For the one after that, I nominate Manbat and maybe they can reintroduce Catwoman. (Perhaps by then the public will forget about the Halle Berry version.)

Posted by: Mark at June 24, 2005 12:33 AM

I liked what Simone and Oscar had to say. The death of Robin could be interesting indeed. We probably shouldn't see him in the upcoming sequel since Robin would be a toddler (based on Batman's age right now), but down the line, that story could be very interesting indeed. What would the death of Robin do to Batman? Make him even more angry? Who knows. It could go anywhere from there.

But like Simone said, it's too early for Robin right now. We need to see more of Batman and how he develops in his new role as an anti-hero of Gotham City.

Since Chris Nolan left us with that incredible ending for Batman Begins, we just have to see the Joker in the sequel. I'd also like to see more of Scarecrow since he was one of the most interesting villians I have seen in some time.

Posted by: diskjokk at June 24, 2005 10:59 AM

i may have the perfect villan for the begins sequal...
Phantasm. if anyone is familiar with the character i hope you will agree. the villan's story fits the continuity between movies pretty well. it keeps the story very dark, the whole 'cold blooded slaughtering of higher mob bosses' is pretty dark. the costume, the smoke, the damn killer blade phantasm has!
also, the joker (Jack Napier at that stage) plays a major part in the way phantasm is created, well before he is transformed into the joker.
and it fills up the 'love interet' part of the movie too.
the end of the sequal could lead into how Napier is backstabbed and turns into the Joker for a third Batman.
No man bat. way too unrealistic for Gotham yet
Possibly that psychopath ventrilaquist with the little mob boss talking dummy, that would be cool

Posted by: Rich at June 24, 2005 12:00 PM

Asking "how would you make Robin dark?" is almost like suggesting they had to change the existing story for the tone of the new movie. If they do bring Robin in, and the same team is involved, then they should have no problem fitting Robin in seamlessly. It's just really all about dialogue, style, etc. It's those details that made Begins effective. They didn't have to screw around with much of the history or mythology to accomplish what they did, it was just about the approach they took. I say, if Robin can exist in the comic books, then he can exist in the movies, just not anytime soon.

Posted by: nOva at June 24, 2005 02:49 PM

The whole Robin thing is what I'm stuck on. It's too early for him but it not too early for planning. I think if you want to give Robin a part in the movie you have to base it on the comics. That the only reason why Batman Begins was so dark and more Batman like. You gotta base it on the comics. There was more than one Robin, all existing in the same world. The first was Dick Grayson. A circus boy and his parents murdered similiar to Bruce's. Bruce took him in. Some time later Dick became Robin. Robin served as Batman's sidekick until Joker killed him. Bruce later took in another orphan named Timothy Drake, this time a young kid. Tim Drake later became Robin. Now here is where it get interesting. Dick never died, but Robin did. Dick wanted out. He decided to go solo. This is where Nightwing came in. Dick took on criminals by himself as Nightwing. Awhile later Dick decided to come back and help Batman & Robin cause the new dynamic duo was in trouble. Then making it a three man hero squad. Barbara/Batgirl, who'd been paralyzed by the joker a while before Dick's return, was their helpful oracle.
Now it doesn't sound so dark, but base it on the comic. It will seem more darker. Basing the films on the comics is important for Batman movies.
And remember, the Joker never officially died in the comics. He'd come back every once in awhile to torment Batman. The Joker killed Robin and paralyzed Batgirl. So would it make a difference if he appeared in Batman Begins's sequel. He can't die if they set it up right. But leave Robin out for at least two more films. If everything set up right, we will have some of the darkest Batman movies out there.

Posted by: D.S. at June 25, 2005 01:38 AM

i hope they never bring in robin or batgirl, as it takes the severity away, they re costumes turn it into a joke,
there can only be 1
robins red and green..poof

the villains of the next film really have big shoes to fill, as they are on the hole so good. jack nicholson was perfect for the joker with his big toothy grin, no1 has an evil smile like him, i would like to see someone play a better joker than him

i hope for the sequels they make the villains alot differnt from the other films and improve them emensely
in a few years ppl will be comparing villains from the old films to the new 1s

Posted by: dean at June 25, 2005 08:28 AM

This next movie should introduce Thalia (RaGahgul's daughter). It was mention in a Batman comic that Batman had a son and Thalia was the boy's mother. So she should be introduce, so that severel Bat movies away Batman son should be brought up, although Batman having a son make the Bat seem soft.
But definitely bring the Joker into the picture, so Batman can see what he's up against. If the Joker was to die or (most likely)get sent to jail in this sequel, he'd pretty much return.

Posted by: D.S. at June 25, 2005 11:00 PM

I think they've already started to set up the character for Robin -- the little boy we see on the fire escape and then again when Batman saves him (and Rachel). We're left with the impression he is now an orphan (though no hint of being an acrobat, maybe that is set up in the next film?)

However, if Nolan says no Robin, then there shouldn't be a Robin. After all, he DID make the best Batman movie so far.

As for the Joker, they've already set that up with the mention of the "calling card" at the end of the film. SO the question isn't whether to include him (the seed is already planted), but who should play him? Brody has the face, Glover has the crazy glare, Depp has current star power -- I'm up in the air on that one.

Posted by: arlena at June 26, 2005 01:08 AM

They could fit Robin in if they wanted to but why would they want to? Maybe i'm thinking short term here but what I liked the most about this movie was the character development of Batman. To add another hero sidekick or not, would detract from Bruce's path of discovery, or whatever. Besides, it's far to early in the series to think like that. But that kid on the fire escape does seem like a Robin set up now that you mention it. But I hope we don't see him or any reincarnation of him in a while, if ever.

Posted by: nonotreally at June 26, 2005 05:25 PM

Congratulations to all who worked on this wonderful movie. As a huge BATMAN fan it is nice to be able to watch a full Batman movie again.
The beauty of this movie is that is allows for Nolan to cast anyone he wants as the Joker. Sure Sean Penn could be cool but fact is the fans will be there regardless and the cast itself is all ready amazing. Remember all the other Batman buzz was who going to play the villian's instead of who is going to direct and write the script. In the hands of Nolan Batman shall prevail and you never know it could be a break out performance from someone you don't know as the JOKER!!!
ha ha ha ha

Posted by: jason lefkowitz at July 2, 2005 07:22 PM

robin should not be introduced yet, maybe he could come in when batman's getting old and needs help. As for the villian-well, the ending in begins was amazing-but i think they kind of screwed up because now they've gotta introduce the Joker, but i think it would have been better to see some other villians before Batman's greatest adventure with the Joker. Maybe they culd have put someone like two-face, hes got that whole mob thing going with he guns and the gangsters, would be cool to see batman beat up some gangsters with guns.

Posted by: TonEy at July 3, 2005 01:37 PM

ok, so iv been watching the batman movies eversince i was real little, so i really dont want them to mess up again and make a really bad one, especially since begins was so good. so wut i say is that u put the joker in, and he should be played by Robin Williams because he can be a lunatic and verry scarry at the same time. Then for other villians, i think that there should be others, but just dont chose sumone who theyve already done in another bat man movie, and chose any villian even if their part isnt 2 big in it. and for the human bat( im not sure if thats its name, but im 2 lazy to look it up) i think that it would be a great charactor, but not till the 3rd movie, no sooner no later. and for the scare crow, dont use a villain thats been used in the previous movie, maybe use him in the 7th with the human bat and make him a mor main villain.

dont get me wrong, i liked robin in bat man forever, but it just seemed to fit that style of movie, but for a sequal to begins, robin wont fit at all. wut should be done is, they should skip robin, and in the 8th, and not 7rd, or maybe even in the 9th, idk, they should bring night wing right in. i say this because like sumone said before his costume is so tight, and night wing was allways more serious than robin, more like batman but not too much like him.

and in batman 6 the conflict between batman and the joker should not be the joker trying to poison gothom, or the joker trying to rule gothom by holding it hostage. but wut the conflict should be is purely a hate relationship. wut i mean is that the joker keeps getting stopped by batman when he tries to rob banks and stuff, and he puts most of the jokers men in jail, so the joker totally hates batman and spends most of the movie chaseing batman, while batmans trying to fight the joker and a lot of other criminals.

o and keep the movie realistic, thats one of the biggest things that i liked about begins, cuz evertything was realistic and mades sense. i would also like to see batman use those whip finger things, those looked so awesome dude, i could just see him like fighting some lions that were released on him in the zoo by the joker. o ya and dont make the bat cave too high tech like in the other movies, leave it sorta natural, more of half and half, cuz 2 much technology makes it seem unrealistic. and keep batmans costume pretty much the same, it was so kick ass. and there should be even more creeping around of batman in the sequal when hes about to fight the villians or when hes taking out the hench men.

Posted by: aznmunchkin at July 3, 2005 05:30 PM

Please do not call Batman Begins 2 Batman 6 becuase these movies are totally seperate. And sorry to say this but you wasted my time as well as your own writing the nonsense you wrote above. Check over your knowledge of Batman, expand on it, learn to type a little better ( i know i'm not the best either). Movies don't have to make sense to be good, yeah it helps, but its not a must have factor. Movies need to hold interest and have a good story and add whatever elements it needs to be good and entertain. And this movie was not that realistic which made it fun and true to Batman. It wasn't so abstract as to having a whatever attitude, so I can see how you find it to be more realistic when compared to the other Batman movies made. And almost everyone on this page has successfully pissed me with their statements, but i'm sure i've pissed people off with my statements as well. This is what makes the world go round!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 3, 2005 06:04 PM

i didn't even get that how did we piss you off? and how did you pis us off? wtf?

Posted by: TonEy at July 4, 2005 01:07 PM

what the fuck does "wtf" mean? Your so friken stupid!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 4, 2005 02:08 PM

almost all of you guys are saying that robin would take away the darkness from the bat man movie but i think that you couldn't be more wrong. his parents get killed so that makes him wanna have revenge just like batman. batman could take him in and when he becomes robin he could have a dark suit like batman. he doesn't need the red and green. this is a real movie, like there is no way that robin is gonna go around in red and green, hes gonna be like batman, very quiet and fast. all that sneaky stuff lol. joker is the best person to b in the second if u ask me, he is batmans greatest foe and he doesn't have to die. he can just get locked up at the end and come back a couple movies later ya know. (o and wtf means what the fu*k)

Posted by: Deryck at July 4, 2005 04:19 PM

I would deffinitely like to see Robin in a Batman sequel,probably the third movie, because despite everything that has been told here, I think it can be a great character if its done well in movies. Since I respect so much Mr.Nolan's work, I have no doubt he could do it in an impressive way. Let's not make statements so quickly.

Posted by: sergio espinosa at July 5, 2005 01:09 PM

I over heard somewhere If i could remember where i would have slapped them .....oh wait i do know it was from much music
they heard that Justin Timberlake would play two face......

If that happens we all have to boycott hollywood and turn to bollywood ...even though i wont understand what is going on
(thank you sub titles)

With much hope for them not to bring in the joker or two face !!!
Lets see more outta the blue like Raj and scarecrow
I want something i dont excpect that would be sweet !!!

Posted by: theone at July 6, 2005 12:46 AM

I over heard somewhere If i could remember where i would have slapped them .....oh wait i do know it was from much music
they heard that Justin Timberlake would play two face......

If that happens we all have to boycott hollywood and turn to bollywood ...even though i wont understand what is going on
(thank you sub titles)
Oh yeah and robin can go to hell too
unless they change him completely like that one dud was saying make him evil street kid under batman not a big brother thing either and not a troubled teen
a Evil bad guy that batman has to kill YESS

With much hope for them not to bring in the joker or two face !!!
Lets see more outta the blue like Raj and scarecrow
I want something i dont excpect that would be sweet !!!

Posted by: theone at July 6, 2005 12:47 AM

all this talk about who you would like to see in a sequal. How about who you don't want to see. I say whatever they do PLEASE PLEASE don't pick Jim Carrey for anything.

I also think that insted of putting the joker in the next movie maybe they can do some other villan but kinda hint around to the joker in the movie here and there. have him in the back ground you know?

I dind't really care for the new catwoman movie but I think it would have been cool to have seen like in the background have the batmobile passing on the highway or the bridge or something. they could do something like that here. kinda like hinting to other charactors but not really including them on the story line that way you could anticipate more from them later.

And about the robin thing I agree Robin sucks they need to leave him out. But if they had to put him in the movie maybe he could start out with Bruce as a mentor or something maybe Bruce could open some type of martial arts class as an alliby for getting all beat up or something and secretly looking for someone with potential as a future partner. kinda like he got trained in this movie. Maybe if Robin came in that way it might be more realistic. Also dont bring him in as a kid or a teen I mean come on what resposible adult would put a child in harms way like that. maybe teach him for a few years and when he comes of age bring him into the fold. but keep it all dark like this one was or maybe even more so. I know batman don't kill people but hey what is wrong with hurting them real bad LOL

I dont know? what you guys think about this? I think it could work.

Posted by: maddtears at July 9, 2005 11:07 PM

No Robin, no Batgirl, no catwoman. These images are tainted on the big screen.

Now here are my thoughts on a new "young" 2005 version of the Joker;

Ashton Kutcher
Seann William Scott
Chris Rock
Jack Black
Steve Buschemi
Ben Stiller

I like the idea of having a young Joker like Batman. This is a whole new franchise, so they should follow this youthful theme.

Posted by: SpidE at July 12, 2005 03:45 PM

The perfect Harley Quinn would be- Brittany Murphy. She has that dingbat attitude, but she also gives that impression that she's more aware of what's going on than you think and that she is psycho enough to pull the trigger.
Angelina Jolie would be a good Catwoman... She has been a blonde, she has done the Tomb Raider movies so we know she can perform the gymnastic moves that are signature to Selina Kyle, and she has that no bullish, come-as-I-please attitude, and she pulls off that I-don't need-you-but-I-want-you attitude. Plus she has the starpower to draw in more audiences.
Two-Face- Colin Farrell. Harvey Dent was one of the most eligible bachelors next to Bruce Wayne. You would have to go with someone handsome and debonair, but yet conceivable enough to go insane because of his deformity and schizophrenia. Colin could pull that off.

Posted by: DarkRaven at July 15, 2005 04:06 AM

Brittany Murphy as Harley? You have to be kidding me. You must be 14 and having wet dreams every night. Harley should be played by Parker Posey. Brittany Murphy. What's wrong with you people.

Posted by: losernurse at July 20, 2005 02:21 AM

And SpidE... please tell me you are kidding about Chris Rock as the Joker. Haven't we done enough damage to stories by casting characters of a completely different ethnicity? What's next? Mel Gibson as Malcom X in X2: Black Men United? What about Samuel L. Jackson as Robert E. Lee in Glory 2: The Ignorant Southern Slave Owner's Boogaloo? You people are seriously messed in the heads.

Posted by: losernurse at July 20, 2005 02:33 AM

For the next installment of this Batman Series I believe that the Joker should and will appear in it. I would Prefer him to be played by Crispin Glover, who was the father of Marty McFly in the Back to The Future Trilogy. And as in "Batman Begins" I think there should not be a clear cut villian so i suggest that in addition to the Joker being a villian they should add in a side villain that was present in the comic series. I think The Joker should be caught and put to trial three quarters of the way in the movie and the new D.A. Harvey Dent perscutes him and the Joker gets acid and puts it on Harvey Dent making him now Two Face who begins to wreak havoc upon Gotham city In the Third Installment. Two Face should be accompanied by the Riddler in the third movie. It was a good thought for the movie "Batman Forever" to use the Two Face/Riddler combo, however was poorly used to its potential. The Riddler should be played but Rutger Hauer who played Earle in Batman Begins. Two Face should go after Batman becuse he thinks that its his fault he has been scarred and the Riddler should go after Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox because they put him out of a job.

I think that Robin if he should appear at all during this series depending on how long it lasts ( Which i hope is longer than shorter) would not be for few years because dick grayson is on a few years to batgirl's senior and batgirl appearedin Batman Begins in a high chair at the now Lt. Gordon's residence.

and as a side note Lt. Gordon will sometime near the end of the second Installment will become Commissioner Gordon

Posted by: ph at July 20, 2005 05:46 PM

Hi Guys!

The next batman movie will feature the joker as the next villain! The card in the end of batman begins indicates strongly, that the next villain is the joker! Chris nolan would not make this kind of ending scene, if the joker was not to be introduced in the next film!! It is batman begins u know? These movies should start up the story about the first years as bruce as batman! And The Joker is one of the first villains to cross the path of batman!

Who should play joker? I would say Crispin Glover or Willem Dafoe!!

About Robin; He should not be introduced in the new movies until after Chris nolan has made the two others!

Posted by: Batmads at July 27, 2005 03:42 PM

I would love to see Ra's Al Ghul's daughter make an appearance, maybe in the third or fourth (since they seem to be planned out that far). I loved the fact that they included Ra's in Begins, because most casual Batman fans have never heard of him, yet he is one of Batman's best nemises(es?). The inclusion of Talia, and that whole storyline would be really cool.

Of course, Catwoman, Joker, and Two-Face are a must. Great villains. Also (provided he isn't done with an excess of cheese) would be Mr. Freeze. A villain easy to sympathise with.

Posted by: Jordana at August 1, 2005 11:25 PM

I totally agree with you, and we may even see Ra's return in the second or third films since we never really witnessed his death. He uses the blue flower for immortality and therefore never dies. Batman has to kill him with his bare hands and witness the blood gush out of Ghul's body. The Joker and Two-Face would keep these movies on the correct and amazing dark path. Catwoman would give conflict to the love part of the movies. And we still have to see the Scarecrow's comeback!

Mr. Freeze would have to be in the very last Batman film, since his intelligence is greater than Batman's, and his technology is far more advanced. The only other extremely intelligent villian is the Joker. I always pictured Christopher Lloyd playing Mr. Freeze one day, it would be great seeing him playing a dark and sinister role for once.

And as for who should play the Joker is anybodys guess right now, any actor who has ever played an evil villianous role has my vote. The only thing extra they would need is a good sinister laugh and smooth moves when walking and dancing. They need to be able to pull of being an evil asshole with a sick mind is waht it boils down to.

I am really rooting for these Batman and Spider-Man films, they are the 2 best comic books ever made and have the best stories and illustrations to boot. And their movie adaptations are extraordinary and just pure genius, a comic book lovers dream come true.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 12:20 AM

first of all.. i dont know why everyone is so against bringing robin back.. he became part of the movies after "Batman & Robin" . They are friends, there's no way to just keep him out.. i'll admit that batgirl is a little bit too much, because it is then 3 people that batman must worry about. Robin, Batgirl, & Himself. But him and robin are a team. If they were together in the comic books, why change it.. it worked then didn't it? I just think that having robin as his side kick makes him stronger, and it someone that he taught to be like him..why take him out?.. honestly

Posted by: cass at August 2, 2005 01:38 AM

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!!!! The very first comic book vision by Bob Kane was the tales of the Caped Crusader. This gave us the 1960's televion show Batman. And a young director named Tim Burton grew up around the televsion more than most did, and when he rose to fame as a good director he made his version of Batman, and gave of 2 great movies. So we got the Caped Crusader with Tim Burton's unique style.

Then a great writer named Frank Miller came into the picture and made a darker more modern version of Batman we came to know as the Dark Knight. And during this time, a great cartoon was created off of Tim Buron's movies and gave us kids great entertainment all throught he 90's with it.

But a gay director lurked in the dark, who is a talentless hack named Joel Shitmaker. Now Joel Shitmaker tried to copy Tim Burton's style but added his own gay style to the mix along with bad story telling skills, and we got Batman Forever! It was okay, but only good if you have homosexual tastes, or if your just artsy. I'm not being an ass here, it's the truth, because Joel is a homosexual, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Then during the late 90's the Batman cartoon was redone with new adventures making a new series with the same artists and voice actors. And then Batman and Robin came out and pissed off a lot of fans, well, EVERY FAN! Now a great director named Chris Nolan has looked at everything doen wrong with Batman and mixed all past elements together but mostly stuck to Frank Miller's Dark Knight.

This gave us the great Batman Begins movie, and many great sequels will follow. We also have a new Batman cartoon and generation of fans. What i'm getting at with this long post is that Robin was good in the tales of the Caped Crusader, it doesn't fit with the Dark Knight. Robin would be hard to fit in around all the possible villians. In this dark take of a Batman movie it could work, but why risk it? Robin being tortured by the Joker and such, playboy Bruce Wayne taking care of a kid? This would just make a mess.

And to people with good inner instincts know why Robin would not be good in these movies and don't have to read a long ass post like this. And Cass, you are comparing the Caped Crusader movies with this new franchise about the Dark Knight. They are not connected, they are seperate. And it doesn't matter if it worked in the Comic Book, characters don't have to deal with screen time in the comic book like they do in a movie. And that is where things get messy and piss of hardcore fans and movie goers alike.

And sidekicks do not make a character or in this case "hero" stronger. They make them more compassionate, and that is not the direction this franchise is going in. And Batman and Robin are not friends until they meet, and if they don't meet, no Robin. And everyone except you appears to be cool with that.

The only thing fans like about Robin is his rebellion against Batman that ends with a brutal fight, and Robin going to a new city under the new name Nightwing. After or during this franchise, I think it would be wise for film makers to make a spin-off speerate from the series titles Robin Begins. And the fianl title in that being Nightwing or something.

Are we clear about all of this now? I can only hope so..........

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 04:05 AM

please please please DON'T add some comedian as the role for the joker, anyway. Pick a new face. Those comedians always think they're doing stand up or something and ruin the film... See: Bad Company, Chris Rock totally ruined the film when he was trying to be a comedian.

Posted by: Spindoctor at August 9, 2005 07:24 AM

Spindoctor is right, NO COMEDIANS!!!!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 9, 2005 07:37 AM

this is how i would like for the next two sequels for begins..
glover plays jack napier who is this theatrical psychopath homicide and has an obsession somehow with a joker card..
somewhere during the movie we know that he will transform into the joker and it will suit him alot as he is a psychopath..
in the end batman will not kill him but capture him..harvey dent whom could be played by collin farrell is the person responsible for joker's sentence in arkham. then in arkham he would meet a woman who is affectionate falls for joker and thus becomes harley quin(thought i'm not sure who would be perfect for the role) and helps joker escape from arkham in the second sequel..
this is where joker will revenge on harvey and turning him into two-face...in the third begins movie we will have 2 villains..harvey wants revenge on batman as he thinks batman is the man responsible that turned him into a monster..
joker creates havoc and angers batman to the point he is on the verge of killing joker..we could see a very dark batman and the relationship with joker would be the ultimate boiling point of hate..as harvey should be the next hot bachelor other den bruce thus making them the best of friends and have bruce losing a friend who is turned into a monster and is hunting down the batman..it does not necessarily mean that joker would die in the end though...

Posted by: Pyro at August 25, 2005 05:48 AM

i totally agree that would would make a totally kick ass movie of how joker and harley are born into crime and two-face is a monster of distruction bent on hunting down BATMAN and trying to kill him. two faces obsession brings him to the point of teaming up with the joker to bring bats out of his cave sort of to speak and both villians wreck havoc on gotham city. you should send that to chris nolan that would make a terrific batman film for the up comming century of batman movies.we do however need the sickest and craziest joker we can found out there to play joker but it needs to be funny scary and most of all DARK. chris nolan is a terrific actor i saw batman begins 5 times and everytime i saw it i got better and better because i saw something i missed before so if chris is the genius that we all hope that he is than he should deffinitly make a great batman film with joker harley and two-face as far as robin fuck him he sucks he will screw up the film and make it to family oriented not something i wanna see if its scary and frightning more and more people will see it batman is a creature of justice bent on getting rid of the crime in gotham but at the same time he needs those sick criminals or else he would be out of a job and force to work full time at wayne tower also hes not that right in his own mind because he cant forget his parents death ive dealt with death myself its an unpleasent thing you turn into something so dark that not even sunlight can make you happy so to wrap this up batman kicks ass we need new batfilms with newer scarier villians and no for the love of all that is dark and justice like NO FREAKIN ROBIN thank you and if anyone interested in readin this wants to talk to me my aim screen name is lazyslob2003 and we can have an actual discussion bout this pros and cons

Posted by: peter at September 1, 2005 09:21 AM

i totally agree abt keeping out robin..we need a darker film and robin is better not being in it..we need to see the anger that drives batman on and the darkness from within the dark knight..robin makes the caped crusader looks weak..

Posted by: Pyro at September 2, 2005 05:14 AM

As much as I would love to watch more of Nolan's Batman I keep thinking maybe they shouldn't. I can not find the words to describe how much I liked the movie and can't wait for it on dvd but I just wonder if they do more will they be as good. For one thing it wouldn't be Batman Begins anymore. It would be Batman Still Going? No. I don't think Nolan will screw it up but who know what would happen. Another Joker would be held up against Nicholson, two face would give horrible flashbacks of Tommy Lee Jones. Ahhh..sorry bad memory. Side note, I hate Schumacher for what he did. HATE. If they do a sequel I like the idea of using aside from Joker since they already alluded to him they should use lesser known villians. In the mainstream people didn't know of Scarecrow and Ras and they worked well, they were fresh and new and that is what they should continue. But as much as it pains me to say and I would most likely regret it later I just thank that they should say we made a great movie and lets leave it alone. Sorry I know it isn't what you want to hear, I just think it might be for the best.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 2, 2005 03:34 PM

i respect alot from what you say. but isn't that what all of us batman fans fear? begins set a new standard and nolan will have to go into overtime to do better than begins. i think many of us know he is up to the job and there is a lot for the sequel to live up to. you have a good point on the lesser known villains. maybe they should bring in the clayface or the phantasm as both have yet to be included in any of the movies. however like you say as being fresh. this is a new batman. its in a modern era and i'm sure the joker which will appear in the sequel would be fresh and something which we have yet to witness. it should be darker then nicholson's joker and maybe better?

Posted by: Pyro at September 3, 2005 11:50 PM

Pyro we can only hope i guess.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 4, 2005 04:51 PM

ok here is the real deal. i loved this movie and i loved the tone. however, These movies should tell the BATMAN story. and at some point, Robin, is part of this story. He has to appear before the end of the saga. maybe eventually get the whole "nightwing" thing going. lets face it, when done dark its is great, but this is a movie based on a comic book. so costumes can be tacky and still not steal the show. but the other chris o donnel outfits were just plain aweful. but im kinda all about these comic stories ramaining true to the origins. tell the story the way kane would have wanted.

as for villains, we dont really need to see the joker as "joker" let batman chase jack napier a couple times. let him evolve into the joker. as for penguin, hopefully we wont have to see that again. riddler needs to be done darker too. jim carrey was funny and the riddler should be slightly funny, but evil is always the way to go with a bad guy.

god i wish this could be a tv series as apposed to a movie lol. wouldnt it be great to see batman weekly again, only this time done right. hey i like birds of prey. why couldnt they do that with a big name like batman??

Posted by: jack cochran at September 5, 2005 07:42 PM

i agree that nightwing would bring a darker side to the story..but how would bruce find dick and train him would take away how batman fights crime from the dark and his brooding creature of the night image. and they have to find a suitable storyline plus the villains would not be showcased as much as they have to focus on robin too..btw how do you make a robin dark? his outfit are too colourful too mani and doesn strike with the darkness of the dark knight

Posted by: Pyro at September 7, 2005 02:07 AM

How bout Bruce train D. Grayson as robin. Then when he officially become a sidekick, he take on the name of nightwing

Posted by: Don S at September 26, 2005 02:16 PM

They should have 2 villians in the next batman. Along with the Joker, they should have the The Mad Hatter [Name: Jervis Tetch ].

So you are probably wondering who is this Mad Hatter. Well i have given a little description about him below.

The Mad Hatter
Name: Jervis Tetch
AKA: The Mad Hatter

A technical and electronic genius, Jervis Tetch experimented with animals using mind controlling microchips stored within hats to stimulate brain waves. A love for the Mad Hatter character in Alice in Wonderland mixed with an infatuation for his secretary Alice caused Jervis to become an odd and bitter man. Donning the guise of The Mad Hatter, he tried to win Alice's affection by attempting to make her believe he is suave and debonair. Unfortunately she spurned his affections. Her rejection enraged Tetch, so he used his mind controlling microchip's to force Alice to do his bidding. After being captured by Batman, Tetch blamed him for ruining his chance of having Alice and swore revenge against the Dark Knight.

This information was referenced from the following website:

Posted by: Silver Slick at September 28, 2005 07:25 PM

I have read everyone's comments and ideas of who the next villians should be in the upcoming batman sequels. All of my life I have loved batman and studied its characters carefully. There is no doubt that the villians of Gotham City are the best group of psycho's around to this day! Anyway, there are so many villians to choose from. I would love to see crispin glover as the joker. He has the perfect traits of an evil and crazy villian. It would also be interesting to see a very dark Riddler character. Jim carrey really fucked up when he tried to play him. But if they made him good, it would make the movie a lot more interesting. I also like the idea of the scarecrow coming back in to the picture later on...

Posted by: BatmanFan at September 28, 2005 09:26 PM

Robin is apart of the Batman legend, and can't be completely forgotten (any true Batman fan would know that) but they need to make two more Batman films before bring in Robin, a young robin, with a redesigned darker costume. I wasn't a huge Robin fan, but after reading dark victory, I realize he must be added in sooner or later...deal with it.

Posted by: mainstream at October 19, 2005 10:36 AM

wow, crispin glover as joker, you should be a damn casting agent; and I think the little boy who shows up twice in BEGINS is getting set up as Robin.

Posted by: jrb at October 20, 2005 10:27 AM

Ok people...I hear your plight...robin is a assclown i don't want him in this series we have seen what it does (and by what it does i mean it sets up a franchise to make every wrong decision it has ever made i.e. refrencing ice, cold, chilling and other such frosty adjectives ever 5 seconds by the governator...Uma Thurman doing a bad Mae West impersonation...having Batgirl as Alfred's niece..wtf...A batman that smiles like a pig eating shit...and dumbing down bane just for the sake of adding another character!)Bottom line robin has to stay away from Batman. As far as villians what was that one guy complaining about that they already did joker and that noone will top Jack...this is a new franchise bub...Batman begins...we are forgetting about the past...Jack was good...but when push comes to shove he was too likable...the true clown prince of crime is a vial freak of nature..truth is i like Hamil for this roll ..he is already established as the voice from the cartoon which was insane, and he looks like a freak now in his later years..i really don't have a second choice...all i really wanna see is the joker from the comics...the nut that killed jason todd and put batgirl in a f'ing wheel chair...the real joker....as far as other villians i'd love clayface but he needs to be done right i dont wanna see some crap that looks like thing did in f4 (yuck) but pairing him with joker would be beyond stupid that doesnt mix...joker will stay on his own and maybe cross paths with scarecrow...as far as who id pair clayface with..perhaps croc, manbat..the real oddities of the batman world thats the only way it will work..pair monsters with monsters add a brain and you are bound to get a campy kinda odd couple thing going on.....i think the breakdown will be from joker to twoface in all honesty (no justin for the love of God) they gotta get 2face right this time..i like tommy lee jones but come on he made a guy with 2 faces whiny and one dimensional...you need a dark two face no leopard print..a guy with the voice like in the cartoon...he was badass. This Batman film undid alot of pain and brought my idol back to life..This is the new lead film in the comic franchis in my opinion...without singer i feel xmen is doomed and with singer i feel superman is just done before it starts...look at that suit...shiver....spiderman is down the tubes too in my opinion...esp since the last movie feel flat in my eyes in terms of it's payoff and now that it looks like they are pairing sandman with venom(who is prob the 70's ass topher grace)..idk im gonna scream. bottom line guys we need batman and we sure as hell need the right choices to be made for this series.

Posted by: Darkest knight at October 24, 2005 01:10 AM

The Joker must be next

The movie must stay grounded and dark

Robin is gay. Very very gay.

and Bane deserves a formal apology from the cinema(he is no freeking sidekick by any means)

Note: the actors palying the villains need to tone it down a bit. This was well done in Batman Begins. The villains in the other movies were way over the top.The actors all tried to emulate Nicholson's performance and failed horribly. Many of Batman's vilains are insane but they are not all Jokers.

Loved Batman Begins!!! Looking forward to real Batman movies

Posted by: Ralp San Roman at October 24, 2005 06:42 AM

Oh yes,

In so far as vilain combos go, there should be a diverse relationship. The joker is next thus the other chosen vilain should be much more serious. This way the actors will not try to top each other and the characters will compliment each other's personalities.

When the Riddler and 2 Face teamed up in the crapy films of the past, there were two clowns. This is very dull. It is dull in the way the actors portrayed the characters. The combo was fine but 2 Face is not silly. This being said, 2 Face would be a wise choice to team with the Joker. But he must be GRIM.

Posted by: Ralp San Roman at October 24, 2005 07:13 AM

I think in batman 6 david boreanaz should play as the joker or two face if not then jim carry as the joker and david boreanaz as two face.

Posted by: eddie at October 24, 2005 12:34 PM

yes i agree, David Boreanaz is the perfect match for the joker after his performance as Angelus in Angel season 4.

Posted by: Bruce at October 24, 2005 12:50 PM

Well, I was thinking that black mask has a pretty cool identity and would go along well with the darkness and creapiness of the first. I also belive that because the joker has been a long time villian in the comics, that maybe in the next movie the joker shouldn't be captured, make him more elusive. This way he could carry on. I understand that black mask did infact kill robin but in no way shape or form do I think that robin should be reintroduced.


Posted by: Scott at October 29, 2005 04:05 PM

DO NOT I REPET DO NOT BRING IN ROBIN. Batman can handle himself his a Bad Ass and Robin would just bee holding him down. For villians Scarcrow should definitely come back. But the way I see it when he comes back he would be the main villian and have some kind of sinister plan to take over Gothem. But they need to change hes look make him more scary and have a better mask. In fact since Rachel stund his face have it were he never takes his mask off. And since were bringing the Joker back I think Willem Dafoe would make the perfect Joker almost better then Jack Nickelson. I mean come on look how sadistic and crazy he was as Green Goblin. And his laugh is perfect. For other villians I would like to see Clayface, and Killer Croc. They should also redo The Riddler, Two-Face, And Mr. Freeze. A few people said Crispin Glover would make a good Joker but I think he would make a good Riddler.

Posted by: Zach at October 31, 2005 10:49 AM

in the begins sequel, i'd like to see a corporate war between waynetech and roman siones company. i can't think of the corporations name. this would set up black mask, who if done right can be a very relistic character. batman would begin working with the new da, harvey dent. one plot thread would be carmine falcones trial and tracking down his drug shipments. they could track them to being brought cross country with the circus. The trick here would be to play up Bruce Wayne distancing himself from Racheal Dawes and alfred's concerns that Bruce is distancing himself other people. becoming a miserable loner devoid of human contact. that way while investigaing the drug running, when he sees 12 year old dick grayson hunched over the bodies of his dead parents and intercut them with shots of bruce over his parents from the first film, we get the sense that they are kindered spirits. No Robin yet, no two face yet. but bruce has taken in dick grayson as a logical conclussion with the intensions of keeping this innocent boy from becoming the monster he feels he is. Play up wanting to change this boys life and give him the chance that bruce didn't have because he felt he had no to grieve with

Posted by: matt at November 11, 2005 11:42 AM

here's a thought on a red robbin costume for the tird or fourth movie. dick begins sprying his body armor red and bruce points out that it will just make him a target. grayson responds that while batman plays on bad peoples fears someone has to play on the innocent peoples hope. Play up in part 2 and 3 that Dick grayson thinks bruce is to cinical and that most people aren't evil or have alterior motives. with a wink and a nod alfread would keep eggin Dick on because he thinks it's healthy for bruce to be shown this other point of view even though it aggrivates the hell out of him. The trick to making robin work is to spend time on the character and his relationship with bruce and alfred. Bruce thinks he a poor little orphan who, without an intervention, will be swallowed by his greif and rage. Alfred loves having the boy around because he reminds of Bruce when he was innocent and thinks it's healthy for Bruce and a chance at the childhood he had stolen from him. Remember in Begins, Alfred would faithfully serve Bruce and help him, but was very concerned for his mental health. This relationship with dick grayson seems very natural and logical to me, so I red suited robin living in the mansion would not only work, but make sense

Posted by: matt at November 11, 2005 12:15 PM


No Robin. Totally agree. If he's mentioned offscreen and never seen. fine. If they call him Nightwing, good. If it's Jason Todd and he gets offed by a guy dressed as a clown, super duper. On second thougght, hell with Robin.

Villians: Joker. The #1 problem here with Joker is whoever plays the character wil sadly be compared to Nicolson. I don't think they'll hand it over to Christian Slater, and Norm McDonald isn't in the running. But whoever is cast, I hope that they give the actor a alias (like Pacino in 'Dick Tracy [1990]) or go uncredited (like Gene Hackman in 'The Firm'). Keep the mystique of the Joker! I'm serious as shit!


I don't want to see Joker in the next film. I would like to see a 'new' Penguin played by Paul Giamatti but only in a perect world. I would also like to see characters who haven't been done yet. In short, I want to see DEADSHOT.

Posted by: darren seeley at November 11, 2005 11:18 PM

Yes, The Penguin! I'd love to see a more real Penguin in the sequel. It would be cool seeing him lifting up an umbrella and opening up fire! I wanna see Scarecrow open up some kick ass martial arts moves on Batman, can you picture if his arms and legs were on fire while he is fighting? Sweet!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at November 12, 2005 05:38 PM