June 09, 2005

Batman Begins Reviews

Oh it's so close! The Chris Nolan version of Batman (Batman Begins) is almost here! As such, the early reviews are leaking in. Many of them look great... and some of them look not so great. More of them lean towards the positive side. Here's a little example of what is being said out there:

"In a year when the franchise watchword is ‘dark’, this delivers the full noir with a side order of dementia."

"This is the best Batman movie ever by far."
-- Richard Roeper, EBERT & ROEPER

"In Memento, Nolan and his editor, Dody Dorn, created a new syntax for movies. It’s depressing to see Nolan now relying on the same fakery as everyone else."
-- David Denby, NEW YORKER

"the film is so brilliantly realized on virtually every level that it’s hard to imagine any Bat-fan being remotely disappointed."
-- Stefan Halley, HERO REALM

Some of the bigger critics are split on Batman Begins... but overall the majority of reviews are indeed positive. The clock is ticking! You can check out more Batman Begins reviews here.

Posted by John Campea at June 9, 2005 02:47 AM


Batman Begins was a bad ass movie. But the end made no damn sense, why in the hell would you introduce the joker when he doesnt show up in batman with Michael Keaton untill the middle of the movie. if they would have just ended the movie when Alfred mentioned the south quarter that would have been a good end, but NOOOOOOOOO.

Posted by: Ryan at June 17, 2005 12:29 AM

Hey Ryan.

The reason they did that is because THIS Batman movie has NOTHING to do with the other Batman movies. This Batman movie pretends like the other ones don't exist at all. This is a good move because it frees Nolan to explore Batman without limits or boundries created by the other, inferior, Batman movies.


Posted by: John Campea at June 17, 2005 12:35 AM

Having been a Batman fan for over 45 years, I can say that this is first time they captured the true Batman myth. They finally did it right. Those other movies were a total joke. Bale was a perfect Bruce as was his Batman voice and look. The acting and casting was excellent and the screen play was well written.

I hate to be picky, but there were a couple of things that bothered me about the director. For one thing, the fight scenes were filmed in close up with camera work that maid it difficult to watch. The camera shook, and did not allow for the action to be viewed. The director can take a lesson from the Japanese on filming fight scenes

A couple of other items just fell short in the details. For instance, Bruce's parents death. This is the defining moment in the Batman mythos and it was weakened by the direction. Every Batman fan knows that Joe Chill tore the pearls from his mothers neck which was the motivation of his Father to fight and get shot. He set up the pearls by showing them to Bruce before the night out, but failed to follow through by showing the pearls bouncing and mixed with blood on the sidewalk.

Other missed details are: Piano notes to open the Bat Cave?? No; it was the Grandfather clock set to the time of his parents death. An Opera??? No; it was Mark of Zorro a movie
the night of the shooting. Alfred should be bald with a mustache, though they finally got Gordon's look right.

Other problems I had was the lack of back story on the supporting cast. We learn nothing about Ras Al Gaul, or what motives the Scarecrow (who was way too good looking by the way) or why Gordon is helping him (See Frank Miller's Year One were Batman saves his kid).

Other than these little things that only fans like me would know, to quote The Comic Book Guy; " This was the BEST BATMAN MOVIE EVER"

Lets hope they don't blow it in future franchises. And get the details right. THANK YOU

Posted by: Elliott Kayne at June 17, 2005 11:04 PM

Ok this movie was great,i have to admit it... but how could they waste a foe like scarecrow like this.. i've read many batman comics and watched many cartoons(i do not say im a fan who knows too much), and scarecrow is at least as mean and insane as riddler, two face and much better than mr.freeze or poison ivy..but in batman begins, even katie holmes kicks his ass easily..
the first and the 2nd movie were not great because of special effects, they were great because of the villains and the incredible performance of the actors who gave them life..
and how can people like the gotham in this movie after seeing the creepy and equally marvellous gotham that tim burton has created??
i liked the movie a lot but somehow without tim burtons gotham and with so little motives and parts for villains,it seems incomplete..

Posted by: MasKed_Menace at June 18, 2005 05:24 PM

the dude who played the scarecrow was awesome wasn't he.....he was a perfect fit for that role???

what do u guys think?

Posted by: joshua at June 22, 2005 10:25 PM

Cillian Murphy was a stunning choice for Dr. Crane / Scarecrow. Evidently he was auditioned for the role of Batman, and though he did not get that part, they wanted him for Crane. Damn good casting choice!

To the one who said that Crane was too easily defeated... well, Scarecrow's 'powers' have never really been physical finesse. He deals with illusion and terror, not actual brute strength. I think this really set up the fall of the character, into full on malevolent madness, rather than the somewhat twisted manipulator he was previously.

I'm really happy this movie was as good as it was. It's about damn time some revived the series in a serious, darker tone, rather than those ridiculous monstrosities that were spawning.

Posted by: daemonwolf at June 24, 2005 02:48 AM

it was a good movie, kinda gay that it is in a new series from the others tho, i thort it was crap how it kept changing villians constantly thru-out the film, scarcrow should have stayed the main villian rather than the league of shadows guy,
the parents death scene should have been better, with the roses falling and the pearls in the blood,

also bruces girlfriend, shouldnt ov found out he was batman, the only 1 that should no is alfred.

it is better having a key bad guy (like joker) killing bruces parents as it generates more hatred to wards them, from us and batman

great film tho good techniques i hope they never bring robin or any1 like that into this new series

Posted by: dean at June 25, 2005 08:18 AM

This film was excellent and has set the bar for a new and fresh look at Batman so can't wait for the sequel. Thank god they have decided to break away from the already existing franchise. Chris Nolan did such a great job directing this film I hope he decides to do the next. I do have to agree with Elliott however about the fight scenes in this film; except for the fight scence at Ra's Al Gul's place they are difficult to watch. One thing that Warner Bros needs to keep in mind however is that if they are committed to producing another Batman saga they need to stay committed to the actors already shown in this film. I don't know about the rest of you guys but one thing that really ticked me off about the previous Batman films is that the actors constantly changed, and that if they are going to introduce love interests for Bruce Wayne/ Batman they need to be women of stronger character. What I loved best about this film in regard to that category is that Chris Nolan didn't focus on this aspect of Bruce's / Batman's life too much I mean in the end we all want to see Batman kick butt am I right? Absolutely loved this film can't wait for it to come out on dvd so I can enjoy it time and time again. Well done to the cast and crew of Batman Begins.

Posted by: barchick at June 25, 2005 09:30 AM

Kevin Hogan loves the Batman. He is mysterious, bitter, violent and raw. his lack of super powers brings forth the necesity of being one sick mo fo. This new Batman, which i was worried about, only because of the recent trend, (which has shamed the character) IS BRILLIANT. Finally straying away from the crazy desire to have huge stars playing both the hero and the villains i.e Arnold, Uma, Tommy Lee, George Clooney??? Christian Bale was perfect! I've been a fan since seeing American Psycho and also Equilibrium. Christopher Nolan brought forth a Batman persona that was truly missing throughout the entire previous Batman series. THE REAL BATMAN. A darker more frightening batman who in fact thrives on spilling fear over his enemies. Batmans biggest tool in fighting crime is fear, and making his enemies fear him. Nolan did this to perfection. Michael Caine aka the perfect Alfred was brilliant and funny, as he should be. Lucious Fox... hahaha how could it not be Morgan Freeman???? Finally, introducing the Joker in the same scene as the introduction of the bat signal, with a close up of a playing card being turn to reveal a Joker... did everyone NOT get chills???? I sure did, I wish they made all the movies already just so i can sit and watch them one after another. There are talks of Thomas Hayden Church playing thge next villain, possibly the Sandman in the next Spidey... if so and it goes over well for him, I suggest he plays the Joker in the next Batman. just a thought. I hope he can get that spine splitting laugh down tho. cheers to Nolan and Bale for delivering a side of Batman thats been missing from the Big screen.

Posted by: HoganKnowsBest at August 10, 2005 12:46 PM