June 18, 2005

24 movie?

So the big premise of 24 over anything else is that it's in real time. That's the sellable hook of the whole premise, that's how it works, that's why we have an hour an episode, and we hang on every moment. As it gets to the end not only are you wondering how Bauer is going to get out of the current situation he's in but also how in the hour or so left of the episodes. You see you know how long he has left, you know how long each of them has, and that heightens the tension and suspense. So what if you were to take that hook away from the series, wouldn't it be like many of the others out there?

Looks like that's what they have set for the movie version, although nothing is written yet they've acknowledged the problems they're going to have putting a full movie in real time (see Nick of Time for how you can do it guys). From Coming Soon:

Canadian director/producer Jon Cassar said, "The last I heard, the first hour will not be in real-time, but then something big will happen and real time will kick in. It still has to be worked out -- it's at a stage where they need to write it."...

...He says the script will likely depend on what's happening on the series prior to the movie coming out.

Okay so it'll change to real-time after the first hour...how long is this movie going to be? Nick of Time was cool, I always remember an elevator ride of a few floors and you were stuck in the lift for every single floor while they passed by. Personally I'd like to see it all done real time. We all know the characters by now, and as I read somewhere (apologies for not remembering and crediting) if they followed on from a cliffhanger at the end of a series then all the exposition and backfill would be in place.

What do you think? Possibilities? Have you got a better way to do it?

Posted by at June 18, 2005 05:08 PM


If you took away that hook from the series, I think it would work great. In my opinion, 24 has a great cast and premise, aside from the real time-aspect. The hook is what drags it down, since they are too tied to it.

I also think real time works better on the big screen, so I'd look forward to a movie based on 24. Much more than a new season of the series.

Gotta say, though, the possible new setup for the movie sounds kinda nifty too.

Posted by: Fredrik Adolvsson at June 18, 2005 07:06 PM

totally agree - a non real-time movie would be a great idea since we all know the characters by now. of course don't drag it out over a few months, but a few hours would be cool. and this also goes for the series -- take it out of CTU. please.

Posted by: sam at June 18, 2005 08:36 PM

With the format being discussed I think it would be wise to have an opening act of 30 minutes non real time with some big catastrophy, then do the final 2 hours in real time. Kind of a mini version of the show, but with a bigger production and more money.

The tv show usually begins in January around the Super Bowl so a release date in December (definitely away from the summer blockbusters) would work best. I would pump out the movie with a wild ending that leads into the next season.

IMO this is one of the best shows on tv and I'm curious if they can pull this off.

Posted by: Prophecy at June 20, 2005 01:52 PM

the big problem is making something that all fans of 24 (that are actually caught up to the current episodes) AND non-fans that just want to see a movie, will pay for.

Posted by: hot dog at June 23, 2005 10:20 PM

A bit late in commenting I know... But the web is here for all time..

I would love to see a movie, set outside of CTU perhaps Jack on a personal mission somewhere, perhaps to rescue a ravished and scantily clad Kim Bauer..

Seriously though, this would be good see in Elisha in next to no clothes again...

But really seriously, the movie couldn't assume prior knowledge and would have to stand up on it's own, but some fan oriented moments and references would be cool..

What will they call it - 2 ?

Posted by: tim at October 12, 2005 07:36 AM