May 18, 2005

X-Men Beast is Kelsey Grammer

KelseyGrammer.jpgWow! How cool is this casting choice, and quite frankly I totally agree. It seems like it's out of nowhere, but once you start thinking about it (and not the obvious Frasier references) Kelsey Grammer is perfect for the role of Beast in X-Men 3.

Comic Book Movie has the news from Variety:

While Grammer might seem a surprise to play a 355-pound blue-colored brute, producer Avi Arad said, "Kelsey was born to play the role," explaining that Beast is the most intelligent of the mutants, a pacifist Ph.D. and genetic researcher named Hank McCoy.

"This is a big role in the new movie, and when we met with him, you can see that Kelsey has that you'd-better-have-a-dictionary-handy intelligence," said Arad

What do you think? Do you agree? Some of the choices so far have seemed a little off, but is this finally a good move? Think of his poise, his facial looks and the voice.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 18, 2005 07:26 AM


Beast is definitely in then eh?

Hmmmm...I am not so sure about the casting of Kelsey Grammer though. Maybe I am wrong, although I cant think of anybody else really. Let me come back to this once I have thought it through. *winks*

Any news on "Fantastic Four"? I havent really heard anything about it recently?

Posted by: Simone at May 18, 2005 08:06 AM

I think he's perfect for the role.

>Think of his poise, his facial looks and the voice.

For these exact reasons.

Posted by: Spid at May 18, 2005 08:26 AM

Wow!!!! I did NOT see this one coming! I think this is a BRILLIANT move. Kellsey is a damn fine actor and his general demeanor makes him almost perfect for this role.

Posted by: John Campea at May 18, 2005 08:52 AM

big fan of the beast... but kelsey??? i'll give him a chance. i'm sure he'll look great under all the make-up and fur for close-ups. i just hope (i assume he will be digital for action sequences), he doesn't do his own stunts. i just don't think of him as a physical actor.

Posted by: Movie Props at May 18, 2005 09:30 AM

Wow.. this is a really neat choice. The voice alone will make it a great idea. Next to the voice used in the Animated Series, this is the closest I can think fo someone that really would sound perfect for the role. This is great.

I am still thinking about the Gambit choice, but so far there have been some great decisions made. Well except for the director that is.. haha..


Posted by: Ryan at May 18, 2005 10:10 AM

I can see Kelsey Grammer playing the scientific egghead aspect of Beast. Its the physical aspect I'm worry about. Beast is suppose to be a bulky guy.

Posted by: Al Young at May 18, 2005 04:40 PM

This is crap.

Posted by: Alfredo at May 18, 2005 09:39 PM

he lookes prity good to play as the beast i think theres a resemblance in both of them but i cant judge until i see him in action

Posted by: Teddy at May 21, 2005 12:55 AM

i think that Kelsey Grammer is a wrong choice for beast he is just wrong.He has no muscalur build.FIND SOMEONE ELSE!!!You should really have gambit and apocalypse and angel says my brother.

Posted by: Samantha at June 26, 2005 06:30 PM