May 01, 2005

X-Men Angel found?

angel.jpgSadly I'm not sure of the Angel character so I can't tell if this is a good choice or not, but thinking of how the character looks and being an huge fan of the TV series Alias, the story from Comic Book Movie suggests a good casting choice.

They have the actor David Sanders, who played Sark in Alias, down as having auditioned for the part, and awaiting a sit down with Matthew Vaughn:

He is currently working on an independent film called "Eli", and let slip that he tested for the role a few days back.

I'm currently working as a production assistant on a small film, ELI, starring David Anders, known to Alias fans as the enigmatic Mr. Julian Sark. Between takes, a crew member mentioned the name Matthew Vaughn, the director of Layer Cake and the upcoming X-Men 3. Anders looked over and said, "Yeah, I just auditioned for Angel a few days ago, totally nailed it." He followed this saying he's going to be meeting with Matthew Vaughn about the role soon, and that things look highly promising.

Warning: Can I warn British Alias fans to be careful not to visit that post if they want to keep with the currently aired series on Channel 5? I've just seen a huge spoiler on that page and it totally hacked me off. So be warned.

Do the fans of X-Men and those who know this character think this is a good choice?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 1, 2005 12:36 PM


im not a huge fan of alias, so i dont know Sanders range. but the Angel character is a good choice for the next movie. in the cartoon tv series, Angel comes into the story via the greatest villan of all time and obviously my fav, Apocolypse. now if getting Apocolypse into an X Men movie means that we have to endure a subplot focused on Angel, so be it.
im still waiting for Cable, Gambit and Morph to get a part in the story, but with the immesne number of characters already, i can see the trouble the writers would have trying to squeze all these subplots into a 2 to 3 hour movie.

Posted by: Rich at May 2, 2005 12:10 AM

I don't like or watch Alias, so I don't know who this actor is, but I like Angel being in X-Men 3. One he is an original X-Man & two, after seeing Constantine, they can probably make his wings look really impressive.

Posted by: Rawhead at May 2, 2005 12:51 PM

I would like there to be a difference in the reference of Angel and Archangel. it has been MANY years but if memory serves me right Angel started out as something different or normal then became changed and dark (servant to apocalypse). but originally was not a "bad" guy. however, over the series, and different x-men evolutions over the years has wavered the lines.

I'm very excited to see this character in the flesh so to speak

Posted by: noprotein at May 2, 2005 12:58 PM

I am a huge Alias fan, so I am aware of David Anders' potential. His character as Julian Sark is quite similar to that of Angel. Its uncanny.
If this rumour is true, be pleased. They made a good choice.
You'll be impressed - trust me. If you have a moment, look him up. Its worth your while.
Hope that helps.

Posted by: Liv at May 10, 2005 03:23 AM