May 12, 2005

X-Men 3 - James Marsden for free

It's surprising to me that at this late stage there are still major casting choices to be ironed out, and as always you need to take what actors say about their casting and alleged casting with a pinch of salt, it may be part of the negotiations to them. However, this comment can't really be misconstrued. From Comic Book Movie, the actor James Marsden who plays Cyclops in the X-Men series was asked if he'll be in X-Men 3:

It’s very complicated. I want nothing more than to be a part of X-Men 3, especially since they’re probably going into the Dark Phoenix saga, which would include my character a lot, but the schedule might conflict. I hope it all works out. I told them I’d do it for free.

He's not cast yet? If he isn't cast then there's a serious dark cloud over that Dark Pheonix storyline. Surely a lot of the angst there is about Cyclops seeing her again and her attitude back to them? How would that work without Cyclops?

Posted by at May 12, 2005 03:14 AM


Cyclops has been under utilized in the 2 X-men films and what a big shame that is. It is so different from the comic bookss where you looked up to him as the leader of the X-Men, and this news even makes me more upset that they are prolly not considering bringing the Dark Phoenix storyline in X3 and that Marsden has not been even cast!? WTH is that all about?

Do it for free? You have got to be kidding me! After all the anticipated high box-office receipts this film will generate? BEAM THEM ALL UP SCOTTIE!

Posted by: Simone at May 12, 2005 04:29 AM

I've not read the comics, so this might be a ludicrous suggestion, but could they not just do it with Wolverine instead, given his affection for Jean Gray? Or does he have another part to play in the DP saga that would make that unworkable, even in Hollywood? :)

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at May 12, 2005 04:41 AM

Hi there Tom, you're obviously a Wolverine fan, but Logan's shining moments is not really with Jean Grey, but with ladylove Mariko in Japan and his encounter with all them samurais. If they do a Wolverine spin-off they should really consider using that material.

What I am trying to make of this news is that, if they are expanding the franchise by introducing more characters like the possible inclusion now of Gambit, Angel and Beast, putting Dark Phoenix in X3 will be too much for the plot and might not get the attention to detail it deserves, they can work that new angle out in the 4th X Men by introducing the Dark Phoenix saga.

Posted by: Simone at May 12, 2005 06:44 AM

Hmmmm... this isn't a good sign. Are things still in such a mess on this project (since Singers departure) that they don't even have one of their primaries signed up yet?

Posted by: John Campea at May 12, 2005 08:57 AM

Oooh...there's more to come. You think it's getting bad now...

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 12, 2005 01:46 PM