May 09, 2005

X-Men 3 casts Gambit?

JonathanRhys-Meyers.jpgWell not just yet, but the word from Comic Book Movie is that they are looking at possibles right now and interviewing. I have to say that the picture does lend a lot to the likeness of Gambit.

There's talk that Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (TV's Elvis) is being cast as Gambit in the upcoming X-Men 3.

It's reported that X3 director Matthew Vaughn has been interviewing actors for the role of the Cajun mutant with a penchant for gambling and womanizing.

The article from AICN in the previous post about the Watchmen talks a little about the studios suggesting alternate casting choices to the team behind another Superhero movie because the Internet folks would slate them. Now I'm all for us making a positive impact, but that's just it, a positive impact, not just slamming someone because they're not exactly the part and we can't understand that the magic of cinema can make them look better.

So let's see if we can judge Rhys-Meyers on his past acting credentials and suitability, rather than if he was born in an X-Men suit and handling exploding cards. Now who's seen him onscreen?

Posted by at May 9, 2005 02:49 PM


I've seen him in Vanity Fair, Bend it Like Beckham and Titus. I think he's a talented guy and easy on the eyes ;).

Do I think he could play Gambit? I'm mixed. While he definitely has on screen charm he's rail thin. I know movie costuming could help this and he could also bulk up. He'd have to.

So I say toss him in the pile of possible actors to play Gambit!

Posted by: Meli at May 9, 2005 04:26 PM

Meli, why am I not surprised to see you posting here first? :-) Where's my email girl?

I am still rooting for Vincent Cassel to play Gambit, would definitely fit him like a glove.

Posted by: Simone at May 9, 2005 04:33 PM

Simone - you're email is coming! I hosted a raging party this weekend, so my brain is slowly returning to normal function. I'll send you a link to the pictures so you can see what nuts we are.

On the movie subject - I'd be happy with Vincent Cassel as Gambit.

Heck, I just want a good actor and not some untalented generic Hollywood pretty boy to be cast.

Posted by: Meli at May 9, 2005 06:45 PM

I've seen him in this Elvis movie CBS has put on this week. He's really not bad, and surprisingly a near look-alike (although, that might not say much considering the millions of "sightings" in the US on a yearly basis). I do think he could take on a mutant role -- heck, I'd love to do a mutant role (in addition to being a Vulcan on Star Trek, a female Wookie in the Star Wars soon-to-be TV show, and a dead body on CSI).

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 9, 2005 07:28 PM

Cassel for Gambit!

3 votes for Cassel!

Posted by: ranemaka13 at May 9, 2005 08:20 PM

I saw him in "Gormenghast" (the BBC tv series based on Mervyn Peake's horror/fantasy novel); he played the main lead. He was excellent as the sexy/manipulative villain, in other words, he's a good actor who can portray oodles of "darkness." I'm hopeful that the rumours are true, that he will play Gambit.

Posted by: Rem at May 9, 2005 11:15 PM

i've seen him in a few films nd possibly tv shows, but bend it like beckhm is the only one i can actully remember off the top of my hat, and i hven't got a bd thing to say about him. not much god either now hough. he's more thn cappable, but i like the sound of vincent cassel being gambit a whole lot more :)

actually i can't see jonthon pulling the accent off, does that mean they could be removing the cajun angle from gambit? perish the thought!

Posted by: psych at May 10, 2005 03:50 AM

I've only ever seen him in supporting roles, but he was good in them (Titus, Bend It Like Beckham, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead).

Oh, and he also plays Schmendrick the Magician in the upcoming live-action remake of The Last Unicorn...that's just solid.

Posted by: Capi at May 10, 2005 02:16 PM

Just saw the "Elvis" telefilm this weekend...he will be astounding as "Gambit" and if he isn' is only "Gambit" y'know - easy now.

Posted by: ken at May 10, 2005 07:48 PM

He was also in The Governess...I saw that, Bend it Like Beckham, Titus, and Vanity Fair and thought he was pretty good in them. I think he'd play well opposite Anna Paquin if they're going to bring the Gambit & Rogue coupling into the plot.

Posted by: Janelle at May 19, 2005 11:54 AM

Wait a minute...I'm new but can I weigh-in here? Cassel is fine: charming, handsome. I think he's a little to young and a bit quirky though. And considering that Remy is by far one of the hottest in the mutant world (he'd really only have to call me "chere" once). So with all that allow me to throw into the mix Monseigneur Olivier Martinez. Huh? Very easy on the eyes and the ears ladies and gents. Although sometimes he does seem a little pink. Some time in training camp could fix that.

Posted by: Nykel at May 24, 2005 07:26 AM

Vincent is so wrong for gambit gambit is a sexy man he is likke a young brad pitt i think the guy who played evils in the movie is a way better choice remember gambit is american a little of a redneck not some wine drinking chesse eatinig french guy

Posted by: liz at May 28, 2005 04:25 AM

what about the guy who played the green ranger in "the power rangers"
Jason David Frank cast/jason.html

i mean the guy already has some training which would allow for better stunts. but i think he could lose a tiny bit of weight(in the face). to fit what gambit looks like.

Posted by: cainrok at June 6, 2005 10:42 PM

None of you have seen Velvet Goldmine? He's the lead and he does an AMAZING job. I believe he is a supurb actor, but I'm not sure if's a great choice for Gambit. If you want to see him act, rent the movie. It's also just a great movie.

Vincent Cassel?! What are you smoking?

Posted by: Jimmy Brazelton at June 21, 2005 04:46 PM

i think Rhys-Meyers is a horrible Gambit. Yeah he is a pretty boy but he doesnt not have the "bossness" that the original Gambit has.... I think Channing Tatum would be WAY better!

Posted by: xyda at June 22, 2005 07:50 PM

Umm, who thought that Rhys-Meyers was a possibility? I don't think he's cute...not "Gambit cute" if you know what I mean. Whoever takes the role will need to fit into the Cajun's shoes for me to even go see the movie. If they're gonna just throw someone in the part then I won't be able to sit through the whole movie...Anyways, I did watch Rhys-Meyers in "Elvis" and he didn't do half bad at the part, but that wasn't anything like what he'd have to do as Gambit. I'd say ax him and keep looking...I've personally seen several others that I believe would be better candidates so the right one's out there...they just need take a little time to please the Gambit fans out there. a Gambit...Tatum is cute but not a Gambit really. Too much of a pretty boy for my taste. I know I'm picky.^^' Personally, I like Norman Reedus for some reason...I don't exactly know why but I liked how he's acted in all his movies and he just has that look to him. I never even thought about him playing the part until I read some comments on possible "Gambits" a few months ago and I'm more interested in him playing the part than someone that's "green" with pretty face or someone who just doesn't fit at all.
Reedus links:

Posted by: Bebé at June 26, 2005 06:57 PM

Thank god, a pro-Gambit site! Some of the xmen fan sites are so anti- they dont want him in Xmen three! I suspect there is a bit of male/female divide going on here. A lot of female xmen fans adore Gambit! I dont care who plays him provided the actor is stunningly good looking, has Gambit's louche charisma and dangerous edge. One site said they wouldnt have Gambit as a main role because he is too similiar to Cyclops and Wolverine!!! Wierd logic there!

Posted by: snowangel at July 24, 2005 07:11 PM


Posted by: the one who knows at August 29, 2005 12:31 AM

Johnathan Rhys Meyers is a good looking guy with a very little resemblence to the Cajun Mutant Gambit. But remember that this is the movie, you won't find anyone that looks exactly like gambit or acts exactly like Gambit...he'd be the luckiest guy on the face of the earth. He'd be doing just about every girl on the planet. He's a really good actor, and could be made to resemble him a little more, but I say yes to MEYERS!!

Posted by: Abel at September 3, 2005 02:29 AM

I think scott speedman.

Posted by: Hector at September 3, 2005 03:36 AM

I guess he will not be able to play Gambit. Gambit needs a guy who looks like a thief, you know. Gambit needs real good eyes, and an evil and seduce sight.
This guys won't do it. I guess the best one to play him is Orlando Bloom or Stephen Dorff.

Posted by: Nhe at September 4, 2005 04:55 PM

I had always pictured Gambit being played by Harry Connick Jr. Maybe its just easy because he's from New Orleans. I always thought he had the perfect persona for Gambit but alas I guess he might be a bit old now. Shame though I can still picture him as Gambit.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 4, 2005 05:09 PM

It would be cool if they could pull a Cajun unknown into the role, preferably one who can be athletic and stealthy. There is no one who can pull it off, preconceived notions aside. Too bad there's no way to make Brendan Fraser younger...

Posted by: Alanna at September 12, 2005 10:10 PM

I would rather see him for the role of BOND!!!!!

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is James BOND. he is british, young and sexy, cutting edge, interesting, hot and on fire. WHo else but JRM who played ELvis like nobody could. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is the guy!!!!!!!!!!HOw can we get the producers to see it ha

Posted by: Liberty Peterman at September 17, 2005 10:05 PM

I don't know, something about Meyers bugs me, I get the feeling from seeing him in other films that he will ruin an exsisting franchise like x-men or Bond. Something just not right about the guy.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 18, 2005 02:31 PM

i dont care who is better to play as gambit, just put gambit in x3 that it............................i wanna watch gambit in x3 goddammit

Posted by: ajim at October 9, 2005 02:43 PM

Brad Pitt, he's a good actor he can pull off the accent. And Gambit is a smooth character. They Don't get no smoother than Brad Pitt!

Need to beef him up a little bit though.

Posted by: Deon at October 14, 2005 05:04 PM

Van Damme would be the best gambit, he has the accent, the look, and he would be cheap.

Posted by: chris at November 13, 2005 06:12 PM