May 09, 2005

Watchmen update

Watchmen2.jpgThere's not been much heard of this for sometime, and all the fans of The Watchmen are probably sitting there worrying that the shake up at Paramount is set to destroy the movie's chances. Well, still no word either way I'm afraid.

According to Ain't it cool news through Comic Book Movie:

"WATCHMEN is not, despite all the death knells that have been sounded in the press and online, dead. They're in a difficult position right now with [director Paul] Greengrass, because when he signed on, the film was described to him as a greenlight, a go picture. Now, because of circumstance, he finds himself in the position of having to pitch the studio the movie all over again."

Now I'm quite new to this and I know AICN is a huge site with a huge following, but personally I find it hard reading the posts there, not just for the look and feel but also the writing style. However, this article is written perfectly and carries a weight of emotion. It also shows quite clearly that the team who are trying to make this movie really care about it, and that the studios listen to what the fans say on the Internet, so how about we tell them that we really want to see it made this time, and we'll back it with our bucks? I certainly will.

Posted by at May 9, 2005 02:27 PM


"Now I'm quite new to this and I know AICN is a huge site with a huge following, but personally I find it hard reading the posts there, not just for the look and feel but also the writing style."

Oy Rich, they've actually upgraded their site and changed the lay-out, but I agree, their posts are so hard to follow particularly the replies, they should take the cue from us here eh? *winks* Its good news if this project is still pushing through.

Posted by: Simone at May 9, 2005 04:22 PM

I just keep tabs on AICN for news titbits and have a bit of fun in the talkback section, other than that I dont really wish to know about what Mr knowles ate on the way to the movie etc etc and I agree, his "stream of conciousness" style grates. I just skim to the last paragraph. Did you like it yes or no already, mr knowles??

Anyway regarding Watchman, man my dream would be for HBO to pick this up and make a nice spanking big budget 12 episode series. The piece deserves it. I don't really see how it can be a 2/3hour feature really, dispite Mr Greengrass's obvious talents.

Alan Moore in my opinon is one of the greatest writers alive today and it's irritating that some people not familiar with his work, might stumble across masterpieces, such as The League of Extraordinary Gentelemen or From Hell, and just pass them by because the movie was crap.

Btw if anyone reading this is not familiar with Mr Moores work, then I strongly recommend picking up one of the above or, of course, Watchman, V for Vendetta. You won't regret it.

Posted by: Gus at May 10, 2005 06:01 AM