May 27, 2005

War of the Worlds Trailer

WOTW.jpgThere's another trailer online for War of the Worlds and this one is being billed as the trailer, so the rest were just teasers!

There's a bit more action in here, with more background and a few more glimpses at the alien ships. I'd agree though, this is the trailer, and it does make you feel anxious and on edge. Very well edited. Anticipation is high for this, have a look at the trailer, and then come back and give us your opinion, what you're thinking about the movie and if you're looking forward to it or not.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 27, 2005 03:13 AM

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I unfortunately do not have broadband(no sympathy required i annoyed the supplier and they cut me off, a story for another day), so i can't view the "actual" trailer, but i have seen some of the teasers and am hoping this film is what they suggest.

quadruple thumbs up in anticipation.

Posted by: Pablo at May 27, 2005 03:57 AM

This is the 3rd movie I wanted to see this year. First one being Sith, then "Batman Begins" and the new Cruise-Spielberg collaboration.


Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 06:03 AM

I'm looking forward to Pendragon Pictures version more.
It's set in the same period as the novel.

Posted by: darkbhudda at May 29, 2005 03:15 AM

A good trailer to be sure, but I still feel like it's another over-blown aliens take over the world movie. I wish it wasn't titled War of The Worlds *sigh* I can't get passed that this is a remake of one of my favorite childhood sci-fi movies. Spielberg is one of my favorite movie makers, so I will probably go see it ...but my anticipation isn't very high.

I do have to comment on one thing regarding the trailer. It's implied at the end of the trailer that Fanning's character might get kidnapped by the aliens! Hahahahahaha...can the girl make a movie without being kidnapped?? (I know she has, but look at her movie credits)

Posted by: Meli at May 29, 2005 02:28 PM