May 12, 2005

Wallace & Gromit poster

CurseoftheWereRabbit.jpgThere's never enough hours in the day, and when you have about thirty stories to get on the site and an hour in the morning to read them all and write them up, you have to be choosy and leave the rest till later. So, the first one I stumped for is the poster for the upcoming Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, that triumph of British animation and comedy.

Coming Soon carry the poster, and it looks a beauty. Just seeing these characters again makes me smile and anticipate a great and imaginative adventure. Check out the full size beauty.

These two characters are just perfect, Wallace's idiotic look like he's just about to do something really stupid with those claws, and Gromit's thought filled stare - he definitely knows too much for a dog. See, I'm already in there. This movie will be rocking, and what way to better reward that hard animation work than by going to see it!

Posted by at May 12, 2005 02:56 AM


I love Wallace and Gromit! Friends in Wales introduced me to these characters 6 years ago now and I loved them instantly, I will surely watch this one! :-)

I cant stop grinning and thank you Richard!

Posted by: Simone at May 12, 2005 04:24 AM