May 31, 2005

Vampire Domestication presentation

wattsvamprismpresentation.jpgI'd had this link saved from Boing Boing for some time as the main picture and blurb had me quite interested.

This is a reproduction of a very funny slide/talk by biologist/SF author Peter Watts (actually delivered at a Toronto SF convention this spring) with audio track and PowerPoint type slides. It brilliantly satirizes talks at Big Pharma conferences as it describes (from a Big Pharma standpoint) the evolutionary explanation for the existence of vampire, and the argument for genetic tweaking to create more vampires, backed up with real biology. Runs approximately 30 mins. Take special note of the various "company" slogans in the bottom corners of the slides.

So when there was a quiet news day this morning and I couldn't really be bothered writing anything having woken up with a stinking migraine, so I decided to watch this short. Great idea with a migraine! Anyway, it turns out to be very cleverly written, with some small moments of sharp wit, the tagline on the slide shown says "Exceptional profits. Acceptable side effects". However, it does play over thirty minutes and requires a flash plugin.

Have a look at it here and see what you think, it does actually sound like it would make an interesting tie in to a complete story.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 31, 2005 03:11 AM
