May 12, 2005

Unleshed Reviews

Unleashed is a film i've been curious to see for a year now. I can't remember seeing such an interesting combination for a cast before. Jet Li with Morgan Freeman?

So the early reviews are now in, and to my surprise they don't look too bad. Not great... but not too bad. Here's what the critics are saying:

"Auds craving for a mix of full-bore, Droog-style ultraviolence and shameless sentimentality made palatable by name thesps will find what they want in Jet Li showcase [Unleashed]."
-- Lisa Nesselson, VARIETY

"Jet Li lets fly with his fists and feet of fury. Which is all to the good. It's the sentimental story that screenwriter Luc Besson sandwiches in between fights that induces a gag reflex."
-- Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE

"The most interesting English-language film [Li] has made yet -- an action picture with the emotional simplicity of a bedtime story, painted in the grimy colors of the London underworld."

Yeah I'll be seeing this one on opening weekend... if for no other reason than to see the first HUGE action sequence that's right at the beginning of the film that was released on the net a few weeks ago. Yummy! You can read more early reviews for Unleashed over here.

Posted by John Campea at May 12, 2005 06:55 AM


This film's insane. Those damn Frenchies. It looks a bit like London and sounds like it a lot, but Morgan Freeman says it's Glasgow... only, no Scottish accents.

One of many, many strange things about it. It's incredibly sentimental and cheesy but somehow has a touching charm - maybe because it's countered with a lot of intense violence.

Who knows? It's nuts... but I loved it.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at May 12, 2005 07:46 AM

Where can I see this action sequence you are talking about?

Posted by: Pudie at May 12, 2005 09:43 AM

The full clip isn't online anymore (that I can see) but a segment of that clip is can bne found here... except it's just the last 30 seconds of it without the major part of the ass kicking goodness.;=trailer&id;=1808608888

Posted by: John Campea at May 12, 2005 09:53 AM

I've always been an over the top extreme martial arts fan, so I'd probably enjoy this.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 12, 2005 10:09 AM

Only a clip? Damn.

Ill check torrents :)

Posted by: Pudie at May 12, 2005 11:37 AM