May 31, 2005

Transformers signs Michael Bay

MichaelBay.jpgThe choice between Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich seems to be over with news from Cinescape through Comic Book Movie that he has signed up for the Directors role.

Producer Don Murphy has announced on his message board that, "Michael Bay is signed at this point for the film - BUT- he has to finish The Island and it’s not finished yet - before he can focus on TF...We were hoping to have a script last week but we don’t. But we will soon. Voice actors and Arcee and other things will be addressed at the right time. Welcome to the hell that is Producing - things move VERY slowly in my world. And yes, it is frustrating to me."

I know there was quite a bit of discussion about which one was the best choice for the role, do you think it's the best choice? Interestingly there's no script yet either, does that mean Bay will have a chance to shape it?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 31, 2005 05:18 AM


Must resist temptation to make joke about Transformers being less than meets the eye...

Posted by: James Russell at May 31, 2005 09:02 AM

IGN has a piece up saying Bay is not a fan of the Transformers and that he has always wanted to make a big family movie, so we can all stop looking forward to a good remake now.

Posted by: Bombadil at June 1, 2005 11:24 AM

I still think Spielberg should do this picture......he could make it fun and entertaining but not MTV.....ya know? Hell.....give it to Lucas but dont let him write the script or the lines. Bay is still a better choice than ID4 guy.....I still laugh when I see that friggin cow flyin around the screen in twister!

Posted by: jason at June 1, 2005 08:59 PM

OH...MY...GOD. The apocalypse is here. George Clooney as Optimus Prime? The hell? There is only ONE man on this planet who can play the role: Peter Cullen, the man who actually DID give Prime his voice in the cartoons. And Michael Bay? Has he even made a good movie? The Rock, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor? Slit my wrists now so I don't have to suffer anymore.

Posted by: Trans Fan Forever at June 24, 2005 12:43 PM

Oh my God, my Jaw is dropped reading all this hatred! Man it's not like transformers was ever a "deep" story that requires some indy treatment on the big screen. I LOVED the transformers as a kid, but face it, they were cars that turned into ROBOTS and blew crap up! For the movie I want them to look and sound great and for the weapons to come to life. Michael Bay rocks for this. His patchwork scene pacing is like a roller coaster thrillride and perfectly fits this genre. And yes, Armageddon is one of my 3 favorite movies (non-spielberg, that's not fair). I like a good pretentious drama now and again myself, but really you guys are quite narrow in your likes and dislikes, and there is nothing to ruin here storywise. Remember when a new marketing gimmick was unleashed, like the Dinobots for example.. the first episode they came in the last minute and were impervious to everything. Decepticons answered later with constructicons and same deal... but each episode after their debut they all fell like everyone else. It's all mass marketing and gimmick, don't idealize it in retrospect more than it was. It's like trying to find the meaning of life in the A-team. Sit back and enjoy a great action flick from Bay and munch some popcorn for 2 hours... quit moaning!

Posted by: CleverCynic at July 15, 2005 05:34 AM