May 21, 2005

Topher Grace in Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 has landed a new cast member in Topher Grace. The "The 70's Show" star is apparently going to play a second (still to be announced) bad guy (Thomas Haden Church is already lined up to play Sandman). My reactions to this news is mixed.

Topher Grace is easily the best pure actor out of the That 70's Show gang. Getting good talent in your film is never a bad thing. However, the part about this news that disturbs me has nothing to do with Grace himself. It's the fact that they're going to have 2 villains. Bad move. Don't they remember what the 2 villain formula did to the Batman franchise?

Having just 1 key villain in each of the first 2 Spider-Man films gave enough screen time to develop Peter Parker's story and the story of the villain. Adding another key character that must be introduced and developed mean screen time will have to be taken away from the other principals... and that's not a good thing.

So I don't know... this could work... and I'm glad it's Topher Grace... but I personally think they ought to just stick with 1 villain.

Posted by John Campea at May 21, 2005 02:56 AM


There is a definite downside to having more than one villain in these superhero movies. But in the hands of capable and good directors (joel shumaker isn't), it could work well. I think Batman Begins might give us a good indication of how well having 2 villains could develop the story further. If the story makes it valid then it works, and I think Sam Raimi knows what he's doing.

Posted by: Tan Hoang at May 21, 2005 03:09 AM

I'm not particularly knowledgeable about Spider-man, but I've read elsewhere that this could be just the beginning of the Venom storyline, which will be explored more in Spider-man 4. So there would still be a focus on one main villain in this movie, with the seeds planted for the main villain in the next movie.But I agree: one villain is normally best.

Posted by: JohnW at May 21, 2005 08:13 AM

yeah 2 villans isent that bad of a deal here i mean thomas haden church still hasent been conformed as the sandman yet and yeah the batman series turned out pretty bad when they went 2 villans (like every single movie) its not gonna hurt if they do it once i mean look it worked out with the xmen movies i think but its just my own oppinion but if i had to say grace looks like he could play a cletus cassady but thats out of the ? with no eddie brock unless thats who church is playing and he could also make a i think chamelion and he kinda looks like an opposite of toby

Posted by: venommm at May 21, 2005 10:49 AM

Having 2 villans so bad? well image this:

(taken from my spidey 3 fan script)

*on top of statue of liberty*
Venom: Spider man I have you now.
*Venom throws knoked out peter off statue*
*camera goes to gg2 standing beside Venom*
*pics of pete flash through head*
gg2: Nooo Peter!
*gg2 flies down and resuces pete*

Well having 2 could suck or kick ass.Depends...

Posted by: Larry at May 21, 2005 11:39 AM

Maybe I'm the only one who noticed things like this, but does anybody find it odd that we now have Thomas Hayden CHURCH and Topher GRACE as villians?

Grace and Church

Just a strange coicidence, or is there a deeper meaning? Stay tuned....

Posted by: It's Seitz at May 21, 2005 12:45 PM

I almost saw this coming. Whenever I see Grace I think of Maguire. They are like twins if you give them the same haircut.

My thought is that with his size and Maguire like looks he will end up doing the Venom thing, while Sandman will just go around beating Parker up.

My thought. Two villians is a refreshing move. Just think about having to try to take one on and being completly surprised by the second one. I think the storyline will show Parker trying to stretch himself to his full limits as he develops more and more into the hero everyone wants him to be. The last movie showed him stressed trying to balance life and one real villian (among many lesser evils, like pickpockets and stuff). Now he has to try to balance life and 2 villians, which will probably add an even more dramatic effect because he will probably feel that he can never be safe.

This adds that whole someone could be around any corner bit.

I think it's a good move. No one should knock them for trying to advance the storyline. I mean seriously. Do you expect there to always only be one villian that Spider Man is fighting?

In my opinion they spent the first two movies showing him trying to develop into what he is to become. The way Smallville shows Superman developing. Now it's time to test him in the third movie.

Posted by: Al at May 21, 2005 07:48 PM

and do u honestly think grace is goin to play eddie brock??? i mean i totally agree with you that it would be a good idea to have two villians u cant expect him 2 fight 1 all the time but topher grace is def. not an eddie brock wayyyy wayyyyy to small if they made him eddie it would be the most riduclous thing ive ever seen unless he bulks up like woah in a short amount of time

Posted by: venommm at May 21, 2005 08:11 PM

Topher Grace is a great guy, I hope the story turns out good though.


Posted by: OwlBoy at May 21, 2005 08:59 PM

Topher Grace looks like he could play Mysterio or Electro. Or be hired by Harry Osbourne to use his fathers Green Goblin suit and take out Spider-Man. He could be the Sandman. Church could be Venom for all we know. Grace might not be a super villian, he may just be Peter Parkers rival. Who knows, this 3rd movie is driving me insane with the possiblities. There are so many things right now that sound good, and so many things that suck.

Posted by: madfan12 at May 21, 2005 11:44 PM

They aren't exactly accurate in the story in terms of size, so Topher could play pretty much any character within a reasonable size difference.

I mean look at it this way. Tobey is two inches shorter than Spiderman is supposed to be and like 15 or so pounds lighter, while Jake Gyllenhaal weighs quite a bit more and has about 4 inches on Tobey. Why is that relevant, well Jake was going to play Spiderman when they thought Tobey was faking back problems prior to the shooting of the second movie.

Topher could play Venom. He may be about 4 inches short and quite a bit lighter, but they could beef him up quick and use careful camera angles to make up the difference in height. I would mind if venom looked 30 pounds lighter than he should.

Posted by: Al at May 22, 2005 07:59 AM

yes but i think toby looks more like a peter parker(spiderman) then topher does eddie brock (venom) i would say he looks like an electro or chamelion

Posted by: venommm at May 22, 2005 10:07 AM

I wonder if it will be 3 villains then because didn't what-his-face find the Green Goblin suit in SM2?

I was under the.... understanding.. that the Green Goblin would return in the form of his son this time around.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 23, 2005 12:31 PM

Topher Grace in the new Spiderman movie...hmm...interesting. I can't wait till they finally release the storyline.

Posted by: Meli at May 23, 2005 01:19 PM

Oh my goodness, people!

I can't believe the comments I'm reading here!

On the one hand, Thomas Haden Church, who fits the profile of Eddie Brock almost perfectly - Blonde Hair, blue eyes - is being doubted as the potential person to play the role of Eddie Brock / Venom.

Yet, now with an obvious person in Grace who looks almost exactly like the Sandman character - Brown hair, brown eyes, and a heck of a lot SMALLER than Church - you're saying that *HE* may be the person to play eddie brock?

Has everyone gone insane on this board?! LOL

Please, take a look at the clues here:

*IF* Sandman is one of the villains, he sure as heck ain't going to be Church. THC is Venom, hands down. He's big, he has the profile, and is working out at the gym to get bulked up.

Again, please don't have in your mind the idiotic renderings of Eddie Brock in the NEWER 2000 / Spectacular Spiderman series where he's this gigantic huge, balding ghotied oafer who doesn't seem very smart and actually has a dialogue with Spiderman, while spiderman plays around with his little webbing likes its a toy.

I HATE the *New* spiderman drawings and stories. They are so simplistic and the dialogue just doesn't leave room for the imagination, something that the eariler comics did so well.

I'm talking about the McFarlane drawn stories, where Venom / Brock was a normal human being, and then BULKED UP to the point where he could bench press enormous amounts of weights and use the black costume to terrorize Spiderman. (Also, please note, McFarlane NEVER drew a tongue on venom .. I hate that tongue.. it's idiotic .. Larson was the first one to mess him up with that tongue)

Now if you look at Grace CLEARLY he has one of two profiles:




don't believe me, go look it up ..

Ok, I'm done ranting, but please people .. use your brains! lol!

Posted by: SpideyFan at May 23, 2005 07:33 PM

yeah right venoms tounge is threatening it puts the fear in spidys eye

Posted by: venommm at May 23, 2005 09:17 PM

I can't believe some people think having 2 villains is what made the last 2 Batman movies so bad. It was the writing and directing that screwed those movies. Batman Returns had 2 villains and it didn't suck.

Posted by: Eddie at May 25, 2005 01:55 AM

I think he could be a cool Shocker. I don't know why, I just think so. But like Eddie said above, 2 villains doesn't screw up a movie, it's the poor writing and directing. Joe Smaucher didn't have the writing/directing power to develop his 4 villains into realistic characters (especially Two Face, one of the most ragic Batman characters). Just my opinion.

Posted by: Giganlover217 at May 25, 2005 03:21 PM

what if he plays alyster smythe like say they go back to explosion in ocks room and maybe alysters father was in there and gets killed and alyster thinks its spidy or ock who kills his father but finds out ock is dead so he teams up with osborn for the money to create the spider slayers just so harry dosent have to suit up just yet in this movie but can still get his revenge then church would still be in the mix to play the sandman or venom i think it could work out pretty good

Posted by: venommm at May 25, 2005 09:25 PM

Like somebody already said, Topher Grace looks like Tobey. They do look like twins, if that was the case Grace could be possibly be playing Ben Reilly. (Never thought of that *did cha*?) It would be awesome, but the Reilly plot is not this close, if there is going to be anything like Spiderman 4,5 or 6. I think we will be seeing 2 Spidermans jumping around. ;)

Posted by: Spider-fan 101 at May 31, 2005 07:11 PM

i think if they are going to have two villians they might as well make it Venom and Carnage. Church fits the role of eddie brock quite well. But topher is a perfect match for Carnage. Small, scrawny and he has a sense of humour. Dye his hair orange and you have Cassidy. It was said that this part is a massive change for Topher whos used to playing the nice guy. In this movie it is the exact opposite. Carnage is a serial killer without remorse. So if it is two villians its not that bad because those two villians go hand in hand.

Posted by: Lukey K at June 22, 2005 01:11 AM

Topher Grace is sooo going to be Mysterio, if you watch That 70's Show, his character is montonic and nerdy. That is Quentin Beck(Mysterio) right there, he is perfect for the role. And I can definitly see Thomas Hayden as Eddie Brock/Venom. Carnage is cool and everything, one of my favorite characters in the series. But it would take beyond a 6th movie to tell the story of Venom and then have Carnage spawn from him. Nicholas Cage would make a great Carnage. Ever see his bad guy role in the movie Face/Off. Perfect. And I think Cage is getting into the comic book genre becuase he's in talks of playing Iron Man. Now if they do have Sandman and do have Venom in the 3rd installment, then i don't know.

Thomas Hayden Church- Eddie Brock

Topher Grace- Quetin Beck/Mysterio

Dylan Baker- Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard

Tobey Macguire- Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Kirsten Dunst- Mary Jane Parker

James Franco- Harry Osbourne

Rosemary Harris- Aunt May

Bill Nunn- Joseph (Robbie) Robertson

J.K. Simmons - J. Jonah Jameson

Ted Raimi - Ted Hoffman

Elizabeth Banks - Betty Brant

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 09:17 AM

Sorry for being a "blog hog" but the two villians in one movie wrecking the film theory, which we all have seen with Batman Forever and Batman and Robin, happened because the villians paired up which would never happen. Mr.Freeze and Poison Ivy? Thats total bullshit!!
Now, Sam Raimi stays true to the comic book only making the proper alterations to make a great story. He has so far taken the best of the Spider-Man we know and love and has condensed it into the best possible format. He will not team up The Lizard and Mysterio. Hobgoblin and Venom will not team up either. Because we all know if they do, the movie series will go down the tubes and be picked up a decade or less later in a darker more entertaining format. Just like with what we have seen with Batman.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 09:10 PM

I heard a long time ago that Nicholas Cage was signed on to do Ghost Rider. I'm pretty sure I heard that from a valid source, too. But maybe not.

Posted by: reese at August 2, 2005 03:45 AM

Yes he will be in Ghost Rider playing the lead role as Johnny Blaze! The poor character who for purposes of love, gets involved with the supernatural and encounters a demon. And the demon gets upset with Blaze and sets his body a blaze, he he. Zarathos flaming powers and soul is put into Blaze's body, and at night and from over rush of adreniline, the crazy cycling stunt man becomes THE GHOST RIDER! And rides that kick ass Hell Cycle.

Sorry about that, i'm really excited about Ghost Rider. BUT I'M EVEN MORE EXCITED ABOUT SPIDER-MAN 3!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 04:14 AM

topher grace cant play carnage because he dyed his hair blonde for the movie and cletus has orange hair. i think he could definatley play mysterio or electro. im sure spiderman 3 will be good no matter what!

Posted by: chance at August 15, 2005 02:45 PM

I think Topher Grace should be the Scorpion. He's one of the best Spider Man villains around and is also very underused. He needs a reward for being classic despite misuse, and I think he should be in Spider-Man 3. He could help Harry the Hobgoblin get Spider-Man. They could also team up with Sandman. Or Sandman and Scorpion could try to kill Spidey, and when they fail, Harry becomes the Hobgoblin for Spider-Man 4 and after him Venom appears in Spider-Man 5 and so on. We need better treatment for Scorpion, and I think Topher Grace is a perfect actor to play him.

Posted by: Alex Klarfeld at August 26, 2005 02:43 PM

Topher Grace would NOT make a good Scorpion, Grace is a good actor, but could not play the Scorpion. ANd Villains teaming up is a horrible idea and would destroy the franchise as we've seen with the old Batman films. Thomas Haden would make a good Scorpion, but I don't think thats would happen but it is a cool possiblity.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 26, 2005 02:56 PM

Okay, maybe they can't team up, and maybe Topher can't play Scorpion, but you still gotta admit Scorpion is cool and if the right opening can be made is worthy for some sort of Spider-Man movie. I mean, what if, Lizarfreak, he were to be the single villain in Spider-Man 6? You know, played by some big, strong, and agile actor? How would that work out?

Posted by: Alex Klarfeld at August 26, 2005 03:05 PM

that would be perfect!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 26, 2005 05:21 PM

Thank you, lizardfreak! Let's be sure to send our feelings of that to whatever director we have for Spider-Man 6(I say this because I heard we will have a different director than Sam Raimi after he does Spider-Man 3 in 2007) Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed that Scorpion is put in Spider-Man 6, especially since he's my # 6 favorite Spider-Man villain of all time! It would be good for you and all other Scorpion lovers too!

Posted by: Alex Klarfeld at August 26, 2005 05:47 PM

Hopefully Sam Raimi will stay on for all the films, that would be a dream come true. And if not, hopefully i'll get to direct the 6th film and make sure nobody f@#ks it up!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 27, 2005 06:24 PM

the thing abut your comment at the top of the page is that you're companring the batman movies which in the end, SUCKED. Batman is gauthic and they tried to make it into a comedy, BAD idea. Batman returns was called one of the best ones of the 4 and it had catwoman and the penguin which were incredible. If they have 2 villains, it will really show us what spiderman can do. I for one am very pleased and excited to see what they come up with.

Posted by: Jonathan at September 3, 2005 01:26 PM

My views have changed:

Topher Grace: Electro, Grace could play the role perfectly

Thomas Haden Church: Eddie Brock, Shocker, Scorpion, Chameleon, the thing with Church is that he seems to have the ability to fit the roles of many villians; I still think he will be Eddie Brock but right now im not so sure.

We know the Lizard will be in the 3rd movie for sure. And Harry becoming GG2 or someone else taking control in which they become the Hobgoblin; the cool thing is that both can happen!

Lizard, Eddie Brock, Electo, Black Cat, Aunt Mays death, will definetly end the trilogy well, lets hope that the next trilogy will be good too. Raimi wants to beat up Spider-Man and PEter Parker even more! And that would definetly do it. Mysterio would still be cool to see.......

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 7, 2005 07:34 PM

Oh C`mon People!
Im pretty sure that Grace isn`t playing Venom, even tough Hes being seen working out. Like, think about it. Macguire does that too when he was prepearing (or whatever the word is) himself for the role of Spidey. And Grace is playing a role of villain, Im pretty sure He needs to work out for that too! I think its nearly impossible to make Grace look like a "Big Bully". I think He will be playing the Carnage. Now, I know what youre thinking: "He cant play it, He has chanced the color of His hair to blond!" Oh c`mon! In the comics, every MALE, in the Osbourne-family, has a red/brown, (Im not American so i dont know the word), lets just say, an "line" head. But in the movies, its Brown, normal hair. The costume of Green Goblin, in the comics, is made of, well, not medal, thats for sure! But in the movies, its made of medal. So, it is very much possible, that Grace will be playing Carnage.
I dont have a clue, of who Thomas Haden Church would be playing in the movie, But i have my bet on either Venom, or Sandman. Now, if He would be playing Venom, my theory of Carnage and Grace, might fit perfectly in the movie. But isnt He kinda (or whatever the word is blablabla...) old for it? But i guess He could play the role anyway, Macguire is 30 years old, but He plays Peter who is supposed to be about 20, 19. But, back to the villains, sort of. If there would be a Symbiote in the movie, there would also have to be the black, symbiotespidey. And that would eat time of the villains (expecting them to be the two Symbiotes), which, suprice, suprice, SUCKS. But, there might be an answer for this. If the Symbiote just has a tiny taste of spidey, just for a few seconds, and then guickly has to go to Brocks body, that would save the movie, and the villains. Now, I dont have any kind of theory about the Sandman, and, if He would be the villain of the movie, once again, my theory of the symbiotes, would collapse, because, if the other villain would be a Symbiote, (has to be Venom/Church), then what, He would team up with Sandman!!?? NO, FREACKING, WAY!!! Like, Venom is so on solo. He wouldt team up with anyone, if the writer of the movie would be faithful for the comics.

So, my idea of the villains
1. Venom=Thomas Haden Church
2. Carnage=Topher Grace
3. James Franco a.k.a Harry Osbourne= HobGoblin in the end of the movie, doesnt fight spidey in this one.

PS. I have NO clue why they dragged Curt Connors for this one. He has to have a bigger role in this movie.

Posted by: mada at September 12, 2005 10:47 AM

They would do good to introduce Eddie but if they introduce Venom and Carnage as seems to be the concensous here, it will destroy the franchise. It is too early to introduce either one and then kill them off to make room for the next villians. Venom, in my opinion and I am sure most of you follow, is the best Spidey villian there is. His story is awesome and could be very well developed and adapted for the big screen...that being said, having him in just one movie will destroy the Spiderman franchise. I think the movie series will end with Venom and Carnage, which would be a good way to go in my opinion. The Lizard should be in this one and just work on developing the Goblins character a little more...make him a little darker.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 12, 2005 01:57 PM

i just saw a picture of Thomas Haden Church for the first time and i'm absolutely convinced he'll play Eddie Brock, he's perfect for the role.

Topher Grace is a tricky one though...

Posted by: spartan at September 17, 2005 06:36 PM

I have been thinking, and Im not so sure about the villains anymore. Sure, those gyus would be perfect(!) for those roles, but, then again, yeah, they would be too much for one movie, unless they would make it 3h 30min long, (no way!). I have been gouing this trough in my mind for many, many times, and I came to the idea that Grace could be playing Electro, because (:)) he dyed His hair to blonde, and if I remember right, didnt Dillon have His hair in the comics yellow? And what about Church. I think I read from somewhere that Marco Flint (a.k.a. Sandman) is the cousand of Norman Osbourne, and doesnt Church and Dafoe look a little bit like the same? I think they do.
I`ve also been thinking, why they dragged Connors in this one so early? Possibly a big role in this one? Villain maby, or born of the villain in the end? Strange guestions, and WE NEED MORE ANSWERS!!!

Posted by: mada at September 26, 2005 07:18 AM

Any of you bastards got a match?

Posted by: Lizardfreak12 at September 26, 2005 03:36 PM