May 26, 2005

The Ring 3

Remakes and sequels in one! Not content with remaking a foreign movie and then sequelisationing (?!) the remake, it looks like they are set to sequelise the sequelisation of the remake!! You got to love Hollywood.

IGN Film Force have a snippet or two from the production guys behind some huge earners of late, including The Ring.

We asked the two about potential upcoming sequels to two of their recent hits, Ring 2 and Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. "We had a year of sequels," MacDonald laughed. "Ring 3, we're talking about. We actually had kind of a cool approach to it. That's kind of in the beginning stages. Lemony Snicket's is still something Paramount is interested in pursuing and we're going to be talking with them more."

The clever bunch at IGN then pressed on to the subject of casting the Ring...there's a joke or two in there...

So does that mean Ring 3 could feature an entirely new cast? "Not necessarily, but it's by it's very nature a small, intimate movie."

So not much information really, but there is definite progress towards a third movie. I haven't seen the second yet, and being a huge fan of foreign film and in particular Japanese and Spanish horror, I'm still not sure I will watch it. So I doubt I'll be going anywhere near a third.

What about you? Are you a fan of the remake and its sequel and are keen for a third? Or are you a Japanese horror fan and think it's a complete travesty?

Posted by at May 26, 2005 08:31 AM


Some of the Japanese horror films I've seen, weren't really scary, more creepy than anything. I own both The Ring & Ringu and I enjoyed Ringu better. I thought the idea of a person's face freezing up when they were killed was more disturbing than the Hollywood face decay.

Audition is a favorite of mine. A movie that starts so calm & romantic & ends... well, if you saw it you know what I'm talking about. The Hollywood remake of Dark Water may be better than the original. When I saw the original at the Philly Film Fest, a few years ago, the audience laughed at the so-called shocking scene.

I can go either way with the remakes, besides that's the only way some people will see these movies. Some people won't give foreign films a chance, especially if the movie is in subtitles.

Posted by: Eric in Philly at May 26, 2005 12:49 PM

I'm not really a fan of horror films but I am a huge fan of foreign cinema, I've seen a few Japanese horror films simply because they're so talked about (Audition included) and I don't really have a problem with remakes, unless they're offensively bad and tarnish the name of the original, otherwise my view generally is that it may lead some people who whould otherwise not be interested in foreign cinema to seek out the originals.

Posted by: Dom Dunc at May 26, 2005 07:10 PM

Could this simply be a remake of the Japanese "Ring 0: Birthday"? I wouldn't mind them doing that so much as making an entirely new hollywood-created sequel.

Posted by: klokwerk at May 27, 2005 09:05 PM

Audition and Dark Water are great, The Eye is superb as well, although a bit of a weak ending.

I think it's fair to say that they failed with their own direction so remaking another of the sequels might work, but the confusion and weak story in Ring0 will probably relate just as badly. I didn't rate the sequels that well in comparison to the original.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 28, 2005 04:28 AM

I like The Ring and The Ring 2 I hope there is The Ring 3

Posted by: Kayla Conner at June 3, 2005 03:51 PM

I hope there is The Ring 3 and if there is I hope Daveigh Chase is in it

Posted by: Kayla Conner at June 3, 2005 03:53 PM

Ok I don't really care for the idea of making another ring. I think they might just ruin it. I loved the first 2 and i don't how they could make a 3rd one. I mean she covered up the well at the very end. And that was samara's only way out. So like how is she going to do it again. I'll probably go see the 3rd ring if they do make one. But if they don't have Naomii watts in it. I don't know another actress who could play the part like she did. But i really hope they don't make another one.

Posted by: Ana at June 7, 2005 03:56 PM

I like the ring 1 and 2.I am actually looking forward to a third one.But what makes me think is how is that possible if Rachel covered up the well and Samara can't get out.So if they do make a third one it will be interesting to see how they manage to make it look like the first two.If they do I hope Davigh Chase and Naomi Watts still have the role of Samara and Rachel.They are to good to let go of.

Posted by: Jackeline at June 12, 2005 08:38 PM

I'm really looked forward to The Ring 3 ... i also like the idea about it being based on the japanese horror The Ring 0 : Birthday. It'll be great if they actually followed the japanese prequel.

Posted by: Rock-N-Rio at August 3, 2005 08:59 AM

I enjoyed both installments of the ring. I have yet to see the japanese version but believe it will be just as good. The japanese movies are much more creepy then the US versions but the Ring and the Ring 2 both left impressions on me. I cant wait for a third installment if there is one.

Posted by: Noelle at August 12, 2005 07:59 PM

hey this is anthony and the ring and the ring 2 were alsome and i HOPE there is a ring 3

Posted by: anthony at September 3, 2005 10:50 PM

There is a bug going around that if there is a Ring 3, the cast will be different. PLEASE, I beg you, DO NOT CHANGE THE CAST! It won't be the same and it will be really bad.

Posted by: Astrid at September 8, 2005 03:59 PM

I love the ring and the ring2!! its absoulty the BEST phsylogical/horror movie EVER i cant wait for a Ring 3. personially i think they should do it 3-d? the it could be called Thering 3-d please have the same cast make it as good as the other rings!!!

Posted by: kacie at September 15, 2005 10:29 AM

The Ring and The Ring 2 were awsome thrillers, and I can't wait for a thrid movie. I own The Ring 2 unrated varsion and it was awsome. I also like the mini movie Rings. These movie are awsome phycological/horror thrillers and a third installment would be the best. But it won't be good without the returning cast.

Posted by: Matt at September 17, 2005 04:53 PM

I really hope they do make a "ring 3" cuz when you think about it, they really didnt get rid of samara. they just sealed the well. but she is still there. so what would happen if the well were too opened again?

Posted by: Keegan at September 25, 2005 06:52 PM

I think there will be another sequel to the ring 2 because of one reason, or maybe a couple. One is that they leave to much information out in the open, i just finished watching the ring 2 for the third time(no pun intended) and when the mother goes to the crazy house to find samara's mother they spoke of others who had came there with the same problem? if there where others wouldnt she had found a mother or did everyone close the well at the end and it some how got re-opened???????????, or what happend to her father the spoke of him only at the place where samara was born but the mother stated that there was no father, but the school teacher stated that all of them say that??????????????, and at the end it looks like the tv is turned back on in the reflection of the window, and you hear the noise to, and the street light goes off.if you rememebr when the mother went to the old house and into the basement all the lights were going off, they put this there for a reason, just in case if the sequel does realluy good that they can make another one.

Posted by: akeem scott at September 29, 2005 04:24 PM


Posted by: kenny garcia at October 3, 2005 10:25 PM

I just wanted to vent. I loved the Ring. The ring 2, was very, very poor.
Why did they think this would fly?

Posted by: lobo [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 15, 2005 03:30 AM

only the great films continue with or without popular demand or great box office sales. both films were great stories and a prequel is a necessity to bring to light the whole history behind the dark curse samara is somehow tied too. once again, the ring is worthy of joining the movie collection of any great movie fan.

Posted by: 43$ at October 15, 2005 04:14 AM

only the great films continue with or without popular demand or great box office sales. both films were great stories and a prequel is a necessity to bring to light the whole history behind the dark curse samara is somehow tied too. once again, the ring is worthy of joining the movie collection of any great movie fan. that being said, i will be waiting for the story joining final conclusion of it all

Posted by: 43$ at October 15, 2005 04:21 AM

I liked The Ring for sure, The Ring 2 was alright but the first was much better. I highly doubt Naomi Watts will be in the third one. As they said the budget will be very small, like the first, so she may not come back. The small budget is great in my opinion, in the Ring 2 they overused special effects (ex:the deer scene) and it just seemed so...fake. The first was all about NOT using special effects and in the end that made it a scarier movie.

As for how they could make a third with the sequals questionable ending. I think the crescent moon represented the well being open, in the ending the wells only open a tiny bit (just enough for Samara to fit through) and the moon just always seems to me that I'm looking at the well from a birds eye vuew. Anyway, its a crescent moon at the end and I'm sure you all noticed a ring flash real quick before the credits. Basically the whole premise for the movie (at least the American version) is that you cant win, just like Aiden (sp?) said "It will never stop". Samara's a ghost, she can do whatever she wants, you cant beat her, and even if Watts and her son saw the last of her the cycle will just start over with somone else.

Posted by: Charles at October 17, 2005 05:02 PM

I saw the ring one and two it was the best movie ever. please come out with a ring three and keep the same cast members in there. Oh yea if it's posible keep coming out with many other parts down the line and keep the same cast members in it. I think that will be cool.

Posted by: salina at October 21, 2005 09:57 PM

You can always take away 1 cast member at a time, like the halloween movies did. In H4 and 5 Laurie was gone but Loomis was still there. Then Jamie becomes a major character. As long as you dont replace the entire cast like they did in Ressurection the movies will survive many sequels.
I think if they can keep the cast together for a 3rd it would be great and then the 4th one could be a prequel and you dont need the same cast for a prequel.

Posted by: Ross at October 29, 2005 06:53 PM