May 17, 2005

The Legend of Zorro Trailer

Say all you want about Antonio Banderas, I really enjoyed The Mask of Zorro. I thought it was a fun adventure flick with just enough comedy to keep it light and moving at a very paletable pace. Of coarse it doesn't hurt that Catherine Zeta-Jones and Anthony Hopkins were in it either.

So now comes along The Legend of Zorro. I have my reservations about this one... I'm not quite sure where they can go with this... and without Hopkins really driving the story along I'm not quite sure how well Banderas and Zeta-Jones can carry this really character driven stroy. Still, after seeing the trailer I have hope. Although I'm not thrilled that it looks like Zorro's wife becomes his new adventure partner. That's dumb.

So go on over and watch the trailer and then come back to tell us what you think. You can see the trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at May 17, 2005 06:22 AM


I really liked the first one. I would like to see this one.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at May 17, 2005 11:02 PM

John, I totally agree with you. When Mask of Zoro came out, my movie dork friends and I laughed about the possible casting conversations the producers must have had. I mean Antonio Banderas was born to be Zoro. After he became an actor any one who saw him would think to themselves "If I ever remake Zoro; I totally have to get Antonio Banderas"!

Posted by: Brad at May 18, 2005 08:53 AM

I really love the first one. I hope this one is EVEN BETTER. I sure would like to Sir Anthony Hopkins though... :)

Posted by: Gen.i.u.s. at July 2, 2005 01:24 AM